Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t worry! We are open and running on a somewhat modified schedule (see below). In today’s CrossFit group classes, you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming, which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post.
A big ole group of CFSBKers got their Turkey Day fitness on at yesterday’s 10am class
Today’s Schedule
We’re running on a modified schedule today. Here’s what you can expect:
9am Short Circuit
10am CrossFit
11am CrossFit
12pm Crossfit
9am – 1pm Open Gym-only Membership
6pm to 8pm Open Gym
Cancelled: Diapers & Dumbbells, Fit 55+, Starting Strength, Next Level Weightlifting Club
See Sabrina Perform Tonight!
note from Sabrina S.: “As some folks know, I have done a few gigs as a jazz singer but rarely have a chance to with my other professional obligations. However, I do have one coming up and I’d love to see you there!”
Sabrina Silver Trio at The Cupping Room
Cupping Room Cafe, 359 W. Broadway
Friday, November 23rd, 8-11pm
No cover, No minimum
The Untold History of Workout Supplements BarBend
The Patents Behind Pumpkin Pie Smithsonian
Ring Supports
30 Seconds x 5-8 Sets
Rest as needed between sets but no more than 2 minutes. Focus on a perfect position (shoulders away from ears, elbows locked out, hollow body) atop the rings. Scale time as needed. You can also scale to a more stable set up using a band held across the rings or the Matador.
Post work to comments.
AMRAP 18 Minutes:
9 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65
12 Front Squats 95/65
15 Burpees
The Sumo Deadlift High Pulls should be a little heavier than your Fight Gone Bad weight, maybe unbroken throughout. The Front Squats come off the floor, NOT via a weird Clean after the 9th Sumo Deadlift High Pull, and should be completed unbroken as well.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
TONIGHT: The 5th CFSBK Art Show
CFSBK’s 5th Art Show is tonight from 7-10PM. Free entry and alcohol (and La Croix!). Bring your friends!
The show will feature live tattooing by Brooklyn artist Jim Gentry (go HERE to get on the standby list).
There will be several live performances throughout the night, including music from CFSBKers Emily Asher and Paul Bennett, and a dance/spoken word performance by Sacred Circle Theatre Company featuring CFSBK member Anise.
Come check out the art of these talented artists from CFSBK and beyond:
Katie Harper
David Osorio
Sonya Cheuse
Katherine Akiko Day
Nick Piltoff
Brett Ferguson
Jonathan Arias
Rainer Magik
Simon Ressner
Michael Gigl
Paul Hernandez
Henry Poyder
Paola Luisi
Carla Stickler
We could still use some volunteers to help set up and break down. Contact Coach Brett at Brett [at] if you’d like to help make the magic happen.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
My 3 Biggest Mistakes in Weightlifting Catalyst Athletics
Looking Up in the Deadlift Starting Strength