WOD 10.26.09
Max Rounds in 12 Minutes of
5 Deadlifts at 1.5xBW
10 Pull-Ups
post time to comments.
Compare to 5.06.09
Accessory Work
Foam Roll and Hip Openers
Pat Sherwood
12 Unusual Swimming Pools Toxel
On the Water Front: The Gowanus Canal NY Times
Push Press
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Accessory Work
WU: Overhead review and movement prep
PWOD: 21-15-9 reps for time of:
Box Jumps
Classes are at 9am and 10am today.
The following people have signed up or expressed interest in the Winter Challenge at CrossFit Hoboken. If you'd like to join the team please register as soon as possible since space is limited.
Team South Brooklyn
Chris F
Sarah H
Paul S
Scott L
Tamson W
Jessica F
Sameer P
Whether you're competing for rank or simply looking for a novel experience, local competitions like these are a great opportunity to train in a new
environment and really push your comfort zones both physically and
psychologically. Good luck, Team SBK!
Mid Hang Clean
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Accessory Work
WU: Clean Technique Work
PWOD: Tabata Row
CrossFit Hoboken is hosting the CrossFit Winter Challenge this December. Who is interested in representing team South Booklyn?
Scheduling Updates
Weekend classes will remain at 9 and 10am until November 1st. Due to a show downstairs, we can't make noise (Jumping rope, bailing, etc) after 11.
There are no classes on the weekend of November 7th for King Con.
Starting on the November 14th, weekend classes will go back to 10, 11 and 12pm
While the new space is still on schedule build out-wise, it's unknown how long the inspections and Certification of Occupancy will take to process by the buildings department. In order to ensure we have a home throughout the end of the year, we've booked times at the lyceum through December 31st. Stay tuned for updates.
Check out the Events Calendar for a full schedule through the end of the year.
Rest Day
Sun Rays and Stroke Ratings
What was your Physical Education Curriculum like growing up?
Gym Teacher Secretly Hates Nerds The Onion
Fifth Period Gym Class Under Investigation to Hustle The Onion
WOD 10.22.09
Max Unbroken Double Unders
Athletes will have a 12 minute window to go for a max set of Doubles. There is no limit on number of attempts, rest as needed.
Post top 3 sets to comments.
Accessory Work
5-15 Push-Ups
10 OHS, 45lbs
The Business of CrossFit CF Journal
Five rounds for time of:
40 pound Dumbbells split clean, 15 reps
21 Pull-ups
Army Master Corporal Erin Doyle, 32, was killed in a firefight August
11th, 2008 in the Panjwaii District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. He
is survived by his wife Nicole and his daughter Zarine.
Post time and weight to comments.
Compare to 5.25.09
Accessory Work
Post WOD Foam Roll
Dumbbell Split Lifts CrossFit
Dumbbell Split Clean (WMV) CrossFit
Phys Ed: Is Barefoot Running Better for You? NY Times
Rest Day
The Foxes spend some quality time together
What is your favorite Museum?
Baby denied health care fore being 'too fat' kpho
The Courage to Be Strong CrossFit Watertown
Back Squat
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compare to 7.1.09
Accessory Work
Hip Extensions 3×8-12
Depth Lunges 3x5e
Dave M works a back lever Post Workout
Happy Birthday displaced SBK'er, Cheyne P!
Congratulations to Mike V for getting his CF Level 1
CrossFit Women
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Compare to 9.3.09
Accessory Work
PWOD: A. Max Muscle Ups, B. Muscle Up Practice, C. Ring Dip, Pull-Up Strength Work
WU: 3 Rounds NFT
20 Pulls on the Erg
15 Partner Medball Tosses
10 Scap Flys on the Wall
Sameer and Vadim of CFLIC work an L-Sit
Today's Classes are at 9am and 10am and are both All Level.
Because I feel like we didn't get enough out of this the first time around and we just had two of our athletes participate in competitions…
Do you have a background in competitive athletics?
What are the mental and physical benefits of competition?
Do you consider our daily WOD classes competition?
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