With a continuously running clock, perform one pull-up the first
minute, two the second, three the third and so on until you are unable
to complete the prescribed number of repetitions.
Athletes without strict pull-ups will perform a 5×5 with assisted strict pull-ups or ring rows
Post rounds completed to comments.
Accessory Work
Tabata Double Unders
12 minutes of Jump Rope Practice
Due to events upstairs and downstairs in the Lyceum, there are NO EVENING CLASSES this week. We will have additional morning classes to try and make up for folks who can make it in before work. If you're on a 4 week contract and you can't make the AM classes, please email me and I'll suspend your account for the week we're not meeting at night.
Monday 6am, 7am
Tuesday 6am, 7am
Wednesday 6am, 7am
Thursday 6am, 7am
Friday OFF
Saturday 10, 11, 12
Sunday 10, 11, 12