(E2/4) L1 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
Post loads to comments.
compare to 4.5.10
Tabata Mash-Up
Alternate between air squats and double-unders for a total of 8 rounds.
Can you stay at or above 20 reps for every work interval?
Post total reps per movement to comments.
Robb Wolf, Nicki Violetti and the seminar attendees
Welcome to our new batch of April Foundations students today!
Check out this PDF with a write-up on the Brooklyn Triathlete Club's involvement with CrossFit SBK
Calling all parents! Be sure to let your friends with kids know about our upcoming South Brooklyn Kids program! We'll be running two versions, one for teens and one for kids. Registration is open and classes start on the 17th. Thanks!
A Journey into a Black Hole
big 7am class today (and by big, there were 5 of us)
wu:run around block3x 15 ring rows, 30 sit upsrun around the block
made up OHS from saturday5x3
(33×5,53×5)63, 73, 78(x2), 78, 88
the first 78 i lost my balance on the 2nd rep and couldn’t recover. 88 felt pretty solid – its definitely more about balance and core strength that i need to work on
tabata mash upsquats: 18, 16, 15, 16 (55)dus: 25, 19, 22, 21 (87)total: 142
wu:run around block3x 15 ring rows, 30 sit upsrun around the block
Deadliftw/up (65×3, 75×3, 85×3, 95×1)Work: 105x4x3 and 95x2x3These are still tough for me. My right knee/leg tends to want to turn in after a few reps, so I dropped down to 95# to try and correct it.
TabataSquats: 15 14 14 14 (57)DUs: 4 6 8 4 (22)Total: 79
Steph, I think you actually had 65 on your squats!
Thanks to The Management for making such a fun and informative weekend possible! I can’t speak for Sunday, but Saturday was great. Brian, aka NYWineGuy, rocks!
ah snip – you are right, thanks!
squats: 65dus: 87total: 152
and i was using a calculator! i blame it being monday morning
lovely class this noon with coach fox. glad to have coach d.o. working out with us.
WUrun around the block. subbed row.3rnds30 sit ups15 ring rowsrun around the block. subbed row.
DLgood lifting with scott today.(135×5, 225×5, 275×4, 315×3)335x3x5all reg grip.
Acc Wktabata! i love tabata!Sq – 20, 20, 19, 18…dang!Du – 28, 20, 24, 24next time 20’s!
after did 50du’s. equal pr.
and congrats to wifee/liese for getting 5 consecutive du’s. pretty frikkin good for second time doing them!!!
“Can you stay at or above 20 reps for every work interval?”
Thursday 10pm Court Street.
Any takers?
Not entirely related to CrossFit, but as many of you know, Gabe and I are moving on Monday (1 week from today). We’re getting some people together for drinks on Saturday afternoon/evening (4:30ish) at People’s Republic of Brooklyn. Here’s a link to the Evite for those of you not facebook friends with either one of us, and we hope some of you can make it out.
Good day coach Chris!
Started with block run30 sit ups x315 ring rows x 3lifted with Sam great jobMax 105lbs x3x5
Tabatasq total 58dus total only 17@ my better half I only did 5 dus with singles inbetween oops still find them hardthen ran the block again
LBBS: 185X3X5BP: 160X3X5DL:315X3X3
Poor form on deadlifts. I was too stubborn to lower the weights. Got caught up in the moment. Will be smarter next time.
Acc Wod: Forgot exact numbers. Dus were off today. Legs were very sore from all the recent squats I’ve done.
Thanks to David for the DL help.
Great job Laurel on the acc wod.
Squats/DUs68/15… squatted out.
also note christine g in the btc flyer!
Deadlifts at noon. Hammie still wonky from last week’s snafu with handstands, so scaled back the weight.WU: run round the block; 3x 30 situps, 15 ring rows. Getting more and more parallel with these, fun.
Lifting: (95×5, 135×3) 185×5…oops! 185×4, 205×1. Forgot to take Katie’s plates off on that last set. Hamstring felt OK, though. Great lifting w/ Katie and having her back.
DU/squat mashup was fun to chase David. I beat him on squats on the last round. But got about 1/3 as many DUs so I don’t think it counts.
Deadlift: (95×5, 145×3,160×2) 180×3, 180×4, 180×2, 175×3,175×3. Lots of re-grouping/waiting for the “deadlift blackouts” to leave between reps on the last two sets.
Tabata squats/DU mashup: 65/56.
Took the 12pm classleft all my numbers at the gymworked up to 310×3
Today was a back off day — needed to chill a bit.
Did the squat/du accessory work:96/122
squats: 25, 24, 23, 24doubles: 40, 37, 25, 20
unbroken du’s on rounds 1 and 2, got tangled in the rope on the next two rounds. Slowly turning the turbo back on.
Pulled some deadlifts @295x5x2 for the hell of it.Did some light OHS.
Good times!
Sq/DU Tabata(I think)sq 21-20-20-20du 32-31-21-22
I think David got 3 on each Tabata round
Deadlifts: (75×3,105×3,165×3)
195x3x4, 195×2 – had a lot of trouble. First set I didn’t use switch grip, and it felt heavy. 2nd set I felt my back loosing extension in the last rep and got nervous. 3rd/4th sets the first two went up well and then I got nervous for the 3rd and they were ugly. Not sure why. Fifth set just couldn’t even start the third pull. Katie and Shane said it was all mental. drat.
Tabata mash-up: something like
sq: 19,18,17,16 – 70du: 33,32, 24,22 – 111
Need to get faster squats!
Great to see Caitlin, Stephanie and Mindy at class tonight!
Deadlift: 135×5, 175×3, 225×3, 250x3x5Definitely felt heavy and the 3rd rep of a couple stes werent as good as I liked. Didnt have the magic coaching of Paulie today.
Tabata mashup16,17,15,16-squats9,11, 7,8 -dus
(I think)Surprisingly my doubles were still there and was able to string some together. Blue rope–I love you! Now I just need to tighten up.
Ran around the block barefoot–twice!
Warmup:-Run around block–barefoot-3 rounds of: 15 ring rows/30 situps-run around block–barefoot
Deadlifts: (also barefoot)(95×5, 135×3, 165×3, 185×2)work: 195x3x5
I was able to do all sets with a regular grip which I was excited about. Weird but 195 felt lighter than the 185 I did last week.
Tabata Mashup: (not barefoot)Squats: 18, 16, 14, 15 = 61DU’s: 26, 23, 22, 26 = 97-squats were suprisingly hard after the first round.-i also need to find a new favorite jump rope…damn you laurel;) I keep getting stuck on the one I’m using now (red handle). Not sure if it’s completely mental because I miss my green rope or if it’s a different length.
275 X 3295 X 3 X 4
205x3x5. I wasn’t feeling strong, so that was 20 pounds lighter than exposure 1 — yet it’s now Wednesday and my hamstrings are still sore. Need to foam roll.
Acc WOD: 63 squats, 95 DUs.
Biked straight over to bikram yoga afterwards. It was a very fit evening.
Week two of FoundationsMy time was 9:44Feeling good!