Perform one Clean and Jerk every minute on the minute for 15 minutes. On minutes 6 and 11 increase the weight 5-10 lbs if all previous attempts were successful.
Post loads to comments.
compare to 7.26.10
Assistance Work
Broad Jump: 5 attempts
3 Rounds NFT:
10 Dumbbell Sotts Presses, each arm
10 Hip Extensions, hold each extension for a 2 count
Coach Shane hits the top of his 2nd Pull
Congratulations to Jenn M on her 2:01:12 Half Marathon time this weekend!
Happy Birthday, Regan JF!
Upcoming Foundations:
August Evening Cycle
Dates: 8/16-9/8
Times: Mondays and Wednesdays from 8pm-9:15pm
Register Here!
Today is the start of a new week! List one thing you'd like to accomplish by next Monday.