(E1/4) Find a heavy triple with perfect form*
*Technical breakdown will be considered a missed lift.
Post loads to comments.
Compare to 9.20.10 and 9.6.10
3 Rounds for time of:
7 Pull-ups
14 Box Jumps
21 Sit-ups
Post time to comments.
And We're Off!
Today begins our first Strength Cycle of 2011!
Remember our three main movements will be:
Pull Variant-Deadlift (Monday)
Squat Variant-Overhead Squat (Wednesday/Saturday)
Upper Body Variant-Bench Press (Thursday)
See you in the gym!
PDF of Tim Ferriss' Slow-Carb Cookbook (Tons of paleo/or easy make paleo recipes) RobbWolf.com
A Healthy Body and Mind in 2011: A Plan of Attack MarksDailyApple.com
Just a couple of things…-The links on the blog the past couple of days have been great. They’ve really helped to get motivated and excited about setting goals and going paleo. I printed several of the recipes from today’s link and plan to try one of the pork loin recipes later in the week. Hopefully, it will be tasty enough and I’ll bring it to the potluck next week.-I’ve really enjoyed reading everyone’s goals. They’ve all seemed to be much more focused and specific, and not overloaded. Looking forward to see everyone achieve them in 2011.-Shane, just read your goals from your 12/31 post. Love the specificity and quarterly breakdown. That Costa Rica trip sounds awesome. Uh, do we need to look into a group discount??? ;)-Update on the Games: http://games.crossfit.com/blog/2011/01/update-2011-games,983/I’m very confused as to how the affiliate teams will be decided…
Updates on the plans for sectionals and regionals, plus new masters age categories, for the 2011 Crossfit Games:
“For those of you eager for information about the 2011 CrossFit Games season, here’s what we have for you.
For Individual Competitors, the Open Sectionals will begin in early March and go through mid April. Each week, there will be an event to complete. You’ll be able to perform it anywhere. Each performance needs to be validated, either through a video submission or by a registered CrossFit affiliate. All the details are coming, but no matter what the official rules will be, the key is fitness. The athletes who do more work in less time week after week will qualify for Regionals. Regionals will occur late May through late June. The CrossFit Games will be in late July.
Teams will compete at Regionals, but they will need to qualify through the Opens as individuals. This qualification process is similar in concept to the 07 and 08 Affiliate Cup competitions. Everyone on the team competes in the Open Sectionals and the teams with the top performers will qualify for Regionals. No limit on the number of athletes from any team that can compete in Opens. Like last year, teams qualify, so the rosters can change at each level of competition. Again, full details are coming, but the key will be bringing the fittest athletes possible.
Masters are going to have four age divisions (45-50, 50-55, 55-60, 60+) and will compete in the Opens.”
oops, sorry jess. jinx.
Goals for 2011.
Two main themes. Better recovery and no new injuries.
For recovery I am trying to get black out blinds (almost ready to purchase, but the website bonked on me on Saturday, will try again tonight).
Attempting to implement no computer time in the hour or so before bed and generally trying to make down time important when deciding what to do every day.
Concrete goals for the paleo challenge are at least 7 hours of sleep every night and at least one day a week waking without an alarm.
I am also trying to kick the coffee habit. So if I kick any puppies today that is the source. (I am allowing myself one cup a day, but not first thing in the morning on the Weekend).
Also for the duration of the paleo challenge I am going to attempt to get to the active recovery class weekly.
In addition I am eating a grain and dairy free paleo diet for these two months (allowing butter and ghee).
Although only 3 days in, i’ve really enjoyed:
1. Cooking more of my own meals.Deep cleaning my entire kitchen on the first was a really nice kickstart to the new year. Afterwards I went to Fairway and stocked up on lots of organic goodies and when I got home i created a robb wolf style “Paleo Matrix” with the foods I bought. I listed the Proteins, Carbs and fats that I had and every time I eat I just pick one from each category and make them together. There is definitely a low carb, high fat bias to most my meals which is making me feel really full all the time.
2. Three things that have helped me on the recovery front.a. Download F.Lux for your computer. It makes staring at the screen much less intense on your eyes. At first it looks like your screen is really orange but once you get used to it you find the blue light of a normal screen seems offensively brightb. I started a no computer after 7pm policy M-F. I spend too much time browsing/working late at night when I should be getting ready for bed. Today is day one, so we’ll see how that goes. If you do stay on the computer late at night, I recommend F.Lux (again)c. My room has no windows and no digital lights. When I close my door you can’t see your hand 6″ away from your face. Its been like that for the past 4+ years. Anyone who’s slept in my room has commented on how deep of sleep they got and how easy it was to sleep in. I recommend those blackout blinds, malcolm
Good group at the 7AM this morning.
For the deadlift I did 175-185-195. I’m pretty sure this is the heaviest DL I’ve done. Looking forward to working on it the next few weeks.
6:03 for the WOD with 20″ box. My kip still needs work but it is definitely better than a month ago.
I’m in for the paleo challenge as well (my plan of action, pics and $ are all in).
A shorter version of my goals:Add a visible amount of lean mass. I don’t have a specific weight goal but I just want to be able to notice a body comp. difference at the end.
Exercise: 5x/week, with 3x crossfit group classes and some easy running or bodyweight work at home.Diet: get up to 90% paleo, allowing some dark chocolate and occasional cheese. No more than 2 drinks / week (red wine/norcals).Rest: Get in bed before 11 on days I’m coming to the 7AM class.
Overall Goal: Reduce body fat, be injury and pain free, and see what life without booze is like. My ‘before’ photos horrified me, especially compared to my pre-2010 challenge photos!
Nutrition:First 30 days: Zero Booze, no grains, no legumes, and as low-carb as possibleSecond 30 days: moderate booze (wine only)Also would like to really tighten up my portion size, I think the amount I eat really needs to be adjusted for my aging metabolismNo dairy except for heavy creme in my coffee.
Exercise:Crossfit 3x a week, mobility/”Deb”-ercises daily! Especially psoas stretch/working on the imbalances that keep setting me up for injury at Crossfit.
Rest/Recovery:Fish oil daily, Daily mobility as part of recovery/counteracting 8+hours at a desk. Rest should be 7+ hours a night.
3 days of paleo and I hit PRs in everything todaySquat295x5x3Press162.5x5x3I really had to get out of my meathead zone and go for the one and a quarters.Pullups4,4,4I forgot underwear this weekend and borrowed from a friend for NYE and he had pretty big quads, and I ripped them just putting on pants over them. I sort of liked it.
Fun noon class–great energy. Fun to be deadlifting again after 4 months.
(95×5, 135×3, 165×2, 185×2, 205×1)215×3, 225×3, 230×3. Hard but doable. Thanks Fox for great coaching/cueing. I feel like I could hit a new PR this cycle (just jinxed myself completely, I know.)
5:18 on the pullup/etc. triplet. I liked this.
OK, so my goals. Have kind of been avoiding them. Like Jess I get too distracted thinking 12 months out. But right now I feel like I just need to focus on some behavior goals rather than performance ones–that muscle-up is out there waiting for me in 2011 somewhere, and maybe also that freestanding handstand, but I just need to get. my. ass. in. the. gym for a while.
So, paleo-challenge-timed goals:
-Lose some midsection fat. I once had visible abs and a semblance of a waist.-Be able to default to proper posture, instead of standing up with my glutes and hamstrings.-Get myself into a gym/capoeira routine THAT WORKS, that allows for/includes regular mobility & skill work, and that has me working out at least 4x/week total.
ah insomnia, how you love me…. FAIL on one of my paleo goals which was to get ample sleep every. single. night. i purposely went to bed at 10pm last night with plans to get up at 6 and make it to 7am class. well, the good news was that i made it to class. the bad news is that i was up at 4am and couldn’t get back to bed. i am happy that i made the effort to ensure 8 hours of sleep, even if it didn’t quite happen.
my 3rd rep @ 200 prob wasn’t the prettiest, but i was just happy to be lifting that much weight again! i haven’t lifted over 200 in a loooong time, so i was really happy with this. i’m looking forward to future DL exposures to hopefully get some of that strength back.
wod: 4:47, RXedall pull ups were unbroken, box jumps were somewhat slow, couldn’t seem to cycle. overall liked this little guy a lot. (yes, it’s a “he”)
@jess – i am just as confused about the affiliate cup stuff. i think it’s just a matter of time before enough people ask “wha???” and they post some updates.
Day 3 paleo challenge and i’m home sick – what?
I thought I had the flu – woke up with fever/chills, a little congested, throat didn’t feel so great. So to pre-empt any type of full blown illness I stayed home. My fever broke 3-4 hours later and i’m feeling pretty good.
Then I had a realization… this is my body’s reaction to detoxing. I ate horribly over the holiday (make that the entire month of december). So badly that I remember Dan commenting, “Asta, are you okay? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you ingest this much gluten before… ever…”. The same thing happened last year for the paleo challenge (fever/chills/mood swings/the skin on the tips of my fingers began peeling like crazy — uhhh still unsure about that one).
Is anyone else experiencing any type of detox reactions?
I just have a massive lack of coffee headache. My diet hasn’t changed enough to make any factor other than dropping coffee likely.
Hopefully better soon.
i think i know how this works.
suppose we have a team of 5 people. all five people have to do the weekly individual qualifier wods
then at the end they look at how our 5 people did compared to how the other teams did on the individuals and pick from that.
there would have to be some sort of scoring scheme to aggregate people’s performance.
Did “Fran” for the first time today at Crossfit 847 in Evanston. 85 lbs for the thrusters. Time: 9:45. I spent the ten minutes after I finished deciding whether or not to throw up (opted not to). Also decided this morning to throw my hat in to the Paleo challenge.Goal: Less visible fat (manboobs, beergut, love handles) and lose some pounds (I’m in the 50th percentile for height and the 75 for weight. Not good.)Nutrition: No wheat, beans, legumes. 4-6 drinks a week (a big cut for me, and the hardest part).Exercise: Crossfit 4-5 times a week. Walk my stupid little dog for at least half an hour every morning before breakfast.Rest/recover: 7 hours of sleep a night. Fish oil, vitamins, etc.
Jess, glad you are digging the links. We’ll be posting at least 1 plaeo-centric link a day for the duration of the challenge. A lot of them will come from Robb or Mark or things on their site so they might be necessarily new material for the paleo die-hards but they should provide information and motivational support for folks.
I’ve been very happy at the number of people who have signed up and put together really solid action plans. It’s going to be a great two months!
DL(3): (135×5, 185×5, 225×3, 255×1)275×3 — not so great rep three275x3 — better but no perfect rep 3275×3 — walked away after rep 2 for a couple secs, came back and hit the last one fineI really should have looked up my numbers better before coming in tonight. Apparently 270 was my old 3RM PR. Oops. Would have opened lower if I’d remembered that.
WOD–3 rds: 7 pull-ups + 14 20″ jumps + 21 sit-ups = 7:45. pull-ups just weren’t there today but I didn’t want to bail mid-WOD so I switched to counting attempts. Got 4 legit each round. Oh well. That’s on the to do list.
DeadliftsWU: (115×5, 165×3, 195×3, 205×1)Work: 205×3, 215×2+F, 210×2+F
Very frustrating. F on set 2 was losing my form, F on set 3 was having lost my confidence. DL is one of the hardest lifts for me and I have never gone through a full cycle of them. I know I can move that much weight no problem, it’s just the form. January goal: 10 minutes/day working hamstring flexibility (PNF) and lower back strength (Supermans). This is the first training advice David ever gave me and I have not been at all good about it.
WOD: 4:16 Rx’d. This is my kind of WOD and I finished with some in the tank. First time I have really felt comfortable keeping a rhythm of kipping pull-ups (all unbroken) in a WOD!
My last 1RM Deadlift was at 150, and I made that my first work set tonight. Nice working with Sarah, and as always good notes from Fox and David.
WU: 75×5, 95×3, 115×3, 130x1Work: 150×3, 155×3 (PR), 165×3 (PR)
I think I could have gone heavier, but was still babying my stupid cut finger. I used a switch grip the whole time to accomodate my giant taped up middle finger and realized that I really like the regular grip much more. But that may just be a grass is greener kind of thing.
WOD: 5:01, subbed Ring Rows. This was the first time in a WOD where I didn’t feel completely destroyed by box jumps. Did everything unbroken. Felt good.
Acc/goal work: 10 min jump rope practice. Kind of starting from scratch with DUs, trying to jump up straight without kicking my butt and desperately trying to keep my arms relaxed as per Fox. It might just take me both of these months to get doubles down.
It was really fun to see so many people around tonight. Let’s make it New Year’s every month!
DL Warm-Up: [75 x 5, 95 x 3, 115 x 3, 130 x 1]DL Work: 150 x 3, 155 x 3, 160 x 3(last rep of 160 was not pretty)
WOD: 7:02 RXd(!!!!)
So much fun being able to go RXd on the WOD. I hadn’t even tried a pull-up in several months, but luckily I had a few in me today.
DL work was 295X3 305X3 305X3 was really happy with this as I went low bar on the trap bar and felt pretty flexible and solid.
Wod time was 4:08
DeadliftWarm up – 135×5, 185×3, 225x2Work set – 250×3, 275×3, 280×3275 was coming up but difficult, 280 was hard but I was able to keep form which is my primary goal.
WOD – 3:34 Rx with 24” box (no abmat)I really loved doing this next to David and across from Ryan – great motivation!
Deadlift150x3, 160×3, 170×3, 180×3
WOD4:50 Rxd
Great to be back!
Still at the gym.. want to post my numbers then im OFF the computer
5pm Group ClassWarm-upKB/DROMS/Hip Capsule
Deadlifts(135×5, 185×3, 225×3, 275×1)295×3, 305×3, 315×2(F)
Nice working with Nick. Sorry for talking to you mid set thinking you were done..
PU/BJ/SU WOD Done with CTB Pull-ups3:49 or 3:42.. lets say :49 since I didn’t remember
Detox/Sugar withdrawl symptoms seem to be common among Paleo Newbies. The first 1-2 weeks can be bad then your body will begin to love you back again. What’s funny is that you’ll actually feel shitty when you reintroduce gluten/sugar/alcohol again after cleaning up your diet
Also- I was trying to catch DMak and do my best to stay ahead of Emily. Great people to WOD next to
dear asta,
1) I want to cry.
2) I want to lay down 10 Snickers bars and snort them like cocaine.
3) Fuck you, almond butter.
Ok, here are some 2011 goals:
1) sleep, rest, and more sleep. I routinely got 5-6 hours/nite over the past year, and that had me gassed in the mornings. I went on a ski trip (more on that below) and on a couple of nights got 9 – 11 hours of rack. Solid. So that is my big one; includes getting off of the computer early. Big issue. I browse a lot and work a lot.
2) Doubles. I can do a few, but I think I want to shoot for 20 by the end of the quarter. On one of the videos, 2 mins is described as the “gold standard.” I don’t know if I can do singles without a mistake for 2 min, so this is one I will keep in front of me, but baby steps .
3) the 2000. On my corp. gym, with no death metal and no form, I did a true 7:59. I know I can take that down, and so I would like to see chunks of time fall off – maybe :30 a quarter? Is that ambitious? Anyone with rowing advice – your thoughts would be great.
4) Skiing. Ok, this is the most important thing. When you practice things like deadlifts, squats, thrusters, etc., you see it on the mountain. I went nuts for six straight days in all kinds of deep UT snow. Unreal. Anyone who skis will tell you: constantly varied, high intensity, and requiring all kinds of functional mobility. Constantly reaching, lowering your level, you name it. Anybody ski on here?
5) More functional mobility. New Year’s Day, I split a bunch of wood for a buddy (a pastime I love; no, I am not some mountain man). I will figure out a way to post a pic of the pile. But man, a 12lb. maul is no pood. Just sayin’. Love that kind of WOD as much as anything.
Ok, happy new year, and yes, the links are all very good, very much appreciated.
Warm-up 95×5, 115×5, 135x5Work: 145×3, 165×3, 175x3I really struggled with form with 175 so might dial it back next week.
WOD – 6:14 using the box for pull-ups
I struggle most with breakfast, it’s a bit of work to think of chicking, steak, fish, etc for breakfast and not pancakes, oatmeal, etc. I talked with David O about this and described what I’ve been having and he noted I need more protein, so 2-3 eggs for breakfast it is….Thanks, Dave! Next week I’m going to play with this and try turkey and spinach salad….
First day of strength cycle:
Squat:Warm-up: 45×5, 135×5, 155x3Work: 180x5x3
Really need to work to keep my weight back and correct my quad-dominance.
Press:Warm-up: 45×5, 65×3, 85x2Work: 95x5x3
Felt good, still need a little practice on the hip roll.
Deadlift:Warm-up: 135×5, 185×3, 245x2Work: 275×5
Worked on my setup a bit to try and not stay quite as upright as I had been, which also helped me to keep my back set. Did these all with an overhand grip.
First few days of the challenge have gone well. I’ve made just about everything I’ve eaten myself, which is always nice to do. Short ribs and brussels sprouts for lunch today!
I LOVE beef and pork for breakfast – cold sliced steak is slamming in the morning. Quality sausage, also easy and yum.
I am just a newbie at Crossfit, having cowered in strength cycle basically since Foundations.
In four or so workouts since joining general programming, I’ve gotten a pretty bad headache every time. Today I had it before the kettlebell warmup was over.
I always work out appropriately hydrated and have played with pre-WOD nutrition (none, a little, right before, a bit before, etc.) The headache comes regardless.
Any veterans experience this? It’s making me mildly miserable and a little scared.
Happy with this – first time finding a “heavy triple” deadlift.
w/u 95×5, 135x5work: 155×5, 165×3, 175×3 (last rep sucked though)
workout: don’t remember my time, but big surprise there with the box jumps, which have *clearly* benefitted from strength cycle.
So after an abortive attempt at restarting my strength work way too ambitiously, and after some calming words and corrective action from Jeremy I got my strength cycle fully mapped out for the next month and few weeks.
I’m planning on trying to progress right up til the end of February before my college roommate’s wedding in Wisconsin. I plan on going there big and bearded and funky looking.
My goal within a goal for these few months is the Grease the Groove on HSPUs, knocking out a few upon waking up, a few when I get home from work, a few when I go to the gym, etc. I would consider doing a few AT work, but I don’t know exactly where I’d do that.
I think its going to be hard for me to be gaining weight while everyone else is getting Paleo-shredded. Stick with it folks, it really will do some things to your health, mental well being, and physique that you couldn’t imagine. I’m going to have to stay mentally strong on the other end, believe it or not, eating fairly clean is easier for me than pounding milk- less guilt.
New York is a fairly goal oriented place, but I think CFSBK might be the epicenter of good, specific, realistic goals right now.
Warmup:-1 pood KB swings, leg swings, gillies, hip mobility business-bonus: droms and plank holds with the 6pm class.
Deadlifts:(95×5, 135×3, 185×2, 205×1)work: 215×3, 225×3, 235×3-good stuff. only my last rep at 235 felt a little off, but Fox assured me it was legit. I definitely started seeing stars during my last 2 sets.
WOD:4:34 regular kips and 20″ box.-really enjoyed this. Was able to do my first 7 pullups without coming off of the bar, but they weren’t necessarily linked. All BJ’s were pretty quick and so were the first round of situps.-thought about going for c2b but I can only do those in singles now and decided it would take me too long. maybe next time though!-really great to see several of our ladies doing rx’d pullups!
@asta, feel better!@Baz, you crack me up!
though the snicker bar lines does sound pretty tasty.. here are some options to help YOU stop weeping.
1 – crustless pumpkin pie. 1 can pumpkin puree (plain, unsweetened), 1 can coconut milk, 2 eggs, 1/4 tsp cloves, 1/2 tsp ginger, 1 tsp cinnamon, vanilla (if desired) and if you’re including honey – 1/4 cu honey. Mix everything up and bake in a pie dish for 15 mins at 425 deg F then another 50-60 at 350 deg F.(if you are not using honey, i recommend making it sans and then adding something sweet like… bananas or… apples…. or dark chocolate – when you eat it.
2 – almond butter WITH banana or apple
3 – cinnamon apples/pears. melt butter (generous) into a pan on the stove, add slided chunks of apples and pear, sprinkle with cinnamon and cloves to taste. cook until apples become tender.
4 – paleo pancakes with berry reduction. 1 cu almond butter, 1 cu unsweetened apple sauce, 2 eggs – mix thoroughly and cook like regular pancakes (on low-med heat). for the reduction add frozen blueberries and wild berries to a saute pan and let reduce (yep, who would have thought). Top pancakes with reduction and ENJOY. You can also saute bananas with butter to top which is equally yummy.
i believe in youuuuuuu.
Deadlifts(135×5, 185x, 225×3, short warmup cycle)250×3, 255×3, 225×3 — Got the second set ok but was struggled to keep my back right on the way down and was ripping up my hands. So I dropped the weight down to try and do form work. It didn’t feel that heavy but felt hard to do correctly.
@baz, @asta — I’m totally with you. Been having headaches for the last few days since I started paleo in earnest and when Fox said that the box jumps could make it worse he wasn’t kidding. I did one set and my head was pounding so hard that I basically sat on the couch for 15 minutes trying to keep it under control before heading home and crashing out for 12 hours. Which was actually pretty nice. Going to keep trying to stay hydrated and make sure that I have enough fat.
Pre-class: Quadraped with pink theraband, clamshell x25, lax ball on traps
Deadlifts:(95×5, 115×3, 145×3)155×3, 165×3, 175×3 (pr)
WOD: 6:21 with kipping pull-ups and 20″ box. Some of my pull-ups were not quite over the bar, I confess. I went with a wider grip on the last round and it really helped, less distance to go to get over, duh.
Post class mobility: psoas stretch against rack, extension over foam roller with legs lying right
Ugh, second cold in two weeks, be glad when this paleo stuff kicks my immune system back into shape like it did last year!
PS it didn’t even occur to me that this ‘cold’ I have might be detox-y symptoms. Scary thought!
DL: 195×3, 205×2, 200×3. This was the typical frustration, reps 1&2 come up easily, rep 3 comes up my shin and then some part of my head thinks “Oh know, can’t can’t can’t. back rounding, looks terrible.AAAHHHHHH” and I drop it. Did this with the 3rd rep at 200 as well but then got mad and picked it up immediately after and got the rep. Everyone laughed at me because my back hadn’t rounded. Not sure how to conquer this – maybe wear a belt? DLs make me ravenous, as soon as I put the bar down I was starving.
Wod: Rx’d plus C2B 4:54. Happy with this. PU: 1st set unbroken, 2nd 6-1, 3rd fell apart, 2,1+fail,1,1+fail,1,1.
Goals:1. Sleep. 7 hours every night, 8 on nights when I’m not coaching.3. No injuries / getting to active recovery and doing some on my own on the weekends.2. Getting to class at least 4 days a week. The last 6 months have been terrible for this. wedding + some illness + honeymoon + more illness + holidays = Laurel is not in good shape. It is hard to get back on the wagon because I get so brutally sore, even trying to hold back a little.
@Asta… THANK YOU! Those are great ideas I never would have thought of.
DL(95×5, 125×3, 145×2)155×3, 160*x3, 155x3Due to a loading error, I was actually doing an uneven 165 (+5 lbs on one side) for the first 2 reps before realizing what was happening. Regardless, my form wasn’t good enough to justify moving up for the last set.
WODOkay, I wasn’t mentally ready once I got to the bar. I did 8:something RX’d-ish. This is what happens when you don’t do any sort of pullup practice for a month. The first round of pullups were fine. The second round was a set of 2 then I had to count a few attempts (chin just under bar) to get through. by the third round, quickly losing ground, I had a few legit pullups, a few attempts, and 2 David-assists. Thanks to all my classmates for cheering me on at the end.
I really, really wanted to do this completely RX’d…and I know I can. I just couldn’t focus or get any energy into the kip. Practice, practice, practice.
Deadlift135x5, 225×5, 275×3, 315×2, 335×1350 – 375 – 390Close to max on the 390
WODC2B/20″/Straddle4:04All unbroken if not super fast.