For time:
Row 1000m
50 Thrusters, 45lbs
30 Pull-Ups
Have you done "Jackie" several times and are pleased with your time? Consider scaling up by increasing the thruster weight to 65lbs and substituting 10 Muscle-Ups for the pull-ups.
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 12.27.09
Ben G attempts 225 at our last CrossFit Total
Happy Belated birthday, Dan H!
The movements for this cycle are as follows:
Squat variant: Overhead squat, 8 exposures, Saturdays and Wednesdays
Pull: Deadlift, 4 exposures, Mondays
Upper body Exercise: Dips, 4 Exposures, Thursdays
Expect some variety in programming beyond a straight linear progression on the Overhead Squat. Deadlifts are all from dead starts, rounded back deadlifts are missed lifts. Dips will be on the bar.
Overhead squatting Safely CrossFit
Deadlift Introduction CrossFit
Exploring Ring dips CrossFit