Add 2.5-10 lbs to last week as appropriate
Post loads to comments.
(e4/5) Compare to 11.19.11
6 Rounds of:
250m Row
Work with a partner or 2 and keep the erg moving, resting at about a 2-to-1 or 3-to-1 ratio
Post times to comments.
Compare to 7.14.11
Everything in it’s Right Place
Happy Belated Birthday to Dan G!
Congratulations to Craig C. on his 125lb weighted chin-up!
Indy-Stand Storage PSA
Today’s blog photo shows how the indy stands should be stored. The largest (rogue) stand is against the corner with the other ones lined up next to it. Each base is oriented so when you look down you should see an “H” not an “I”. There should only be 2 stands on each footprint. Thanks, MGMT!
CFSBK Shopping Spree!
We’re always looking to update our equipment stock to provide the best tools to help you get stronger, faster and fitter and so we made a nice big pre-Christmas order! Here’s a list of new equipment that’s been ordered that’ll be coming to the gym over the next few weeks.
- 6 Barbells-2-45lb, 2-33lb, 2-22lb
- 6 Slamballs- 2-15lb, 2-20lb, 2-30lb
- 4 Medicine Balls-2-20lb, 2-8lb
- 4 Iron 25lb plates
- 2 Rogue R3 Racks to ultimately replace the white power cages
We’re also in the market for a safety squat bar! We hope you’re as excited as we are for the new toys!
“Out the Door” with Dan Cerillo Crossfit
Sports Psychology for CrossFit Part 1 & Part 2 Youtube
Sports Psychology for CrossFit Part 3 & Part 4 Youtube