Fight Gone Bad 2012 Portraits: Part 2
The Pork-chop Express
Emily Ashton, Christian Reiss, Kristin Hoesl, Dan Evans, Kevin McDonald
No Nuge is Good News
Kim Ruhl, Frances Liu, Marcos Martinez, Joy Mele, Luca Loguercio
Dos MeLos
Matt Jasinski (Super Sub!), Melissa Lloyd, Noah Abbott, Melissa Loranger, Brett Vrotsos
4 Too Many
Christian Fox, Kristin Valente, Sara widman, Christine Naclerio, Chris Artis
Team Redundancy Team
Isaac Green, Kelly Sosa, Chaneve Jeanniton, Mackenzie Condon, Michael Ravitch
Hell’s Kettlebells
Albert Hogan, Yoshi Stone, Ellie Myers, Katie Mohrhauser, PR
The Domin8ors
Scott Lundhagen, Kate Denny, Deb Parsons, Jake zuckerman, Justin Steinhouse
Don’t Blow your WOD
Charmel Rogers, Jesusa Spencer-Plant, Jennifer Stopka, Keith Walter, Shaye Lefkowitz
Coming To The Party? What to Bring??
We’ve had a bunch of folks ask us if they should bring anything to the party.. the answer is YES! CFSBK will be collecting clothing and canned foods that will be donated to folks in need. I’ve talked to Alex at the Brooklyn Community Foundation about helping organize and distribute the materials afterwards. Our goal is to have everyone bring at least one item to donate!
News and Notes
CFSBK would like to say farewell and good luck to Gabrus who is moving to LA today!
The CFSBK 5th Year Anniversary Party is tomorrow starting at 9pm! All are welcome, even if you didn’t RSVP. Due to the massive clean up that will be required after said party- we won’t be running Group classes Sunday AM. Open gym in the evening will be on as normally scheduled.
From Sarah M:
Hey guys – for anyone interested in volunteering, Johanna and I went down to Red Hook Initiative, which is one of the place in the list posted here yesterday. They are in dire need of a lot of stuff down there – especially food, water, flashlights, and kids stuff (diapers, wipes, clothing). We went down just to drop off a car load and actually got put right to work going out to do home visits for housebound elderly and sick people to make sure they had everything they needed.
When we were leaving today, power was coming back on in some of the buildings, and the National Guard was rolling in, so hopefully things are looking up. But I’m sure they could still use help, if anyone else is home from work and stir crazy. We called the number listed and were able to get info about specifics. They also have a big list down there with a lot of different sites looking for clean up help (Red Hook Community Garden, etc).
Red Hook Initiative is seeking donations at 767 Hicks Street (at West 9th) “Please bring donations of food, flashlights, candles, water pumps, generators. Many buildings in the neighborhood will likely not have power for the next 4-5 days.” For more information call, (347) 770-1528 or email
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