Box Squats are a great opportunity to work on your organization at the bottom of your your squat. Work up to a heavy double today and make sure your alignment is perfect on every rep.
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“Flight Simulator”
Reps For Time of Unbroken double unders
There is a 15 minute Cap on this. How far can you get?
Coach Arturo Ruiz
As many of you afternooners know, we’ve been working with Arturo Ruiz for the last few months helping develop him as our newest and shiniest CFSBK Coach! Arturo caught our eye last February when he joined us because of his experience in the field, dedication to good movement and the fact that he was an all around nice guy. We kept waiting for him to prove our intuitions wrong but luckly for us he never did. We’re happy to officially welcome Coach Arturo onto the CFSBK staff. Expect to see more of him in a group class near you in 2013!
Arturo‘s fitness background stems from the competitive and recreational aspects of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). Strength and Conditioning has always sparked his interest and once he was introduced to CrossFit, he quickly realized that he had found his new passion.
Arturo has been training a wide variety of people for the past 5 years now. He holds a CrossFit Level 1, CrossFit Powerlifting, CrossFit Movement and Mobility, NASM CPT and NASM CES certifications. He has also attended the California Strength Olympic Lifting seminar. He prides himself on continuing education and changing peoples lives through fitness.
CFSBK Book Club Meeting This Sunday
The Book Club will be meeting this Sunday at 5pm at Pacific Standard to discuss the final book of 2012, “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”. If you’ve read the book come on down for a pint and conversation. We’ve posted the discussion questions on the event page.
CFSBK Movie Club Meeting This Saturday
The CFSBK Movie Club will be seeing the 3:10 PM showing of “Hitchcock” at the Cobble Hill Cinemas this Saturday. CHC also happens to be in the vicinity of any number of bars for folks who want to stick around for a post-movie hangout and discussion afterwards. We’ve chosen an earlier than usual time since many will also be heading to Home Brew to The Rescue Afterwards.
Mike’s Blogs
CFSBKer Michael S has two cool sites we want you to check out.
Mike on Mics: Michael Schechter and Mike Vardy talk technology and time management, parenting and productivity and all things in between during this podcast, all while sipping on their drink of choice for each episode.
A Better Mess: A Better Mess serves as a journal or record of one ADHD-addled mess (that’s me!) to find the best way to do the best possible work. It’s a combination of the things I’ve tried, the things I enjoy, the things I want to accomplish, the things I use to accomplish them, the things that have worked for me, the things that haven’t and the myriad of ways I fall short. It also has some totally random stuff that seems to come out of nowhere, but like I said, I have ADHD… shiny objects and squirrels come with the package.
Do you have any cool websites/projects you run? email them to David(AT) so we can post them on the blog. We’re always looking to highlight members of our eclectic and interesting community.
The eyes have it: The iris pictured in remarkable detail by incredible close-up shots Mail Online
The Gyuto monks – Tibetan tantric choir