Annie and Lindsey, Rep for Rep
Happy Birthday Jenna J. and Janelle B.! Happy Belated B-day Dan E.
This Saturday morning starting at 9:30, farmer Andy Symanowicz from Sol Flower Farm will be in the house at CFSBK. Stop by to ask questions or sign up for the 2013 vegetable CSA, which begins delivery in June. If you miss him Saturday, he will also be at Union Pool the following day, Sunday March 24, starting at 3 pm.
Questions? Email Michele at mignyc (at) gmail dot com.
Coming up…CF Open WOD 13.3!
12 minute AMRAP of:
150 Wall balls
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups
While Open Workout 13.3 is a repeat of 12.4, there is one major difference: the special tiebreak.
Just like 13.1, athletes with the same number of reps will enter a special tiebreak to determine rank. When the athlete is through with each set of one movement, the judge must mark the elapsed time.
For example, when an athlete has completed the 150 wall balls, time should be marked. When the athlete has completed 90 double-unders, time should be marked. And when and if an athlete completes the 30 muscle-ups, time should be marked.
This is very important for athletes, judges and Affiliate Managers to take note.
Read more about the workout description, video submission standards, and movement standards on the Open Workouts page.
Today’s links provide advice for how best to prepare for and tackle 13.3. What’s your strategy going into this WOD? If you did it last year, is there anything you’d change in your approach and/or tips for first timers?
CF Open 13.3 Prep, Tips, Strategy, and Survival Tips, Deja Vu MobilityWod
13.3 Strategy & Tips The Outlaw Way