Getting Dark Out Earlier…
Photo by Bekka P
- There is no comp class or active recovery today.
Fight Gone Bad Update
Congratulations Team CFSBK on raising over $15K as of last night! Below are our top fund raisers from both the individual and team divisions. (as of 12:00pm Tuesday 10/1)
Top 10 Individuals
1.Matt Chmielecki $1,545
2. Erik Berndt $750
3. Asta Fivgas $725
4. Peter Mattis $600
5. Lindsay Silva $580
6. lauren borducci $540
7. Robyn O’Brien $520
8. Ian Pumo $500
9. Pierre Davidoff $500
10. Whitney Bernstein $490
Top 10 Teams
1. Who Pood-ed? $2,135
2. Twerking Sensations $1,750
3. Saved By The Balls $1,367
4. Dante DeBlasio’s Hairstylists $1,305
5. 99 Problems but this WOD ain’t… $1,285
6. The Metconquerors $1,225
7. Sweat-Stained Is the New Black $725
8. Fresh to Death $620
9. Snatch, Clean and Twerk $575
10. Free Range Meatheads $535
To see the full rankings, click here.
Prize Sponsors Wanted!
We’ve already got some great prizes lined up for the event but are looking for more! If you’ve got a service or product to donate we’d love to put it in the mix and shout you or your business out for it. No prize is too small, please email David (at) to get more information. The categories reciving prizes are:
Top 3 Team Fund raisers
Top 3 Individual Fundraisers
Top 3 Female Rx’d Points Scored
Top 3 Male Rx’d Points Scored
Have you found success with individual fundraising in the past? What do you recommend?
Tried tomorrow's WOD at Rx weight, scaled volume on second movement. 8:38, and I think I chose well. I wasn't sure I wanted to Rx the weight but it went fine.
It's an old favorite, friends. You've been warned.
6am with DO and McDowell
Tomorrow's wod: 6:53
Excited to do this for the first time. I'm looking forward to improving this number soon.
6am with D.O. and McDowell. Tomorrow WOD Rx: 5:04. A solid 54 seconds slower than my PR. I've been hitting strength PRs recently, but have been stagnate or backsliding on metcons. Maybe time to switch up my focus for a while.
sound like fran?
We've got another slot open for Fight Gone Bad. If you're interested please email me at David(AT) and I'll get you on the team. First come first serve!
Giant 6am class w/ DO and McDowell the Handsome Janitor. A delight to work with Yoshi Stone on tomorrow's WOD. Decided after 2nd round to scale volume on the 2nd movement; Rx'd weight; 6:55. Need to work on speed on the 2nd movement. Something else to spend extra time on in the gym. When I get in, which is about 3x/month these days, it seems.
Noon class today with Jeremy and McDowell.
Did yesterday's WOD- scaled lots-T2B to double sit-ups, and HSPU's to piked. I did, however, use the 53lb/24kg kettlebell so YAY!!! Got through the round of 15 plus 8 push-ups.
I must rememeber to find time to practice knees-elbows/ toes-to-bar.
Trying to come up with a plan of attack for tomorrow….
So the last time I did tomorrow's WOD, I scaled both movements, it took me more than 12 minutes, and I cried. No, really, I cried. One of the most frustrating moments of my CFSBK career. Today, I rxed both movements, scaled the volume on one of them, and finished in 9:43 – without shedding a tear! Not exactly a blazing fast time, but progress. One of the things I love about CFSBK is the constant improvement that one experiences. Even after 3+ years, I'm still mastering new movements and moving closer and closer to rxing workouts. I mean, I'm still slow as shit, but hey. I'm into it.
Also QOD- I have never raised funds for anything in my life!!
So, I was thinking…. if everybody in CFSBK who is not taking part in FGB, would like to follow this link,, and donate to my team, the Creepy Hollow Rockers, then that would be a great start 🙂 Worth a shot, right?
Beast of the East is a few days away. Before the cruise I was feeling really great, hitting some Snatch PRs, metcon was feeling as good as it ever is (which is not that good, but not awful) and overall I was feeling great.
On the cruise I ate really well but perhaps had too many frozen margaritas. The training was kind of blah and not at the intensity I needed 2 weeks out from the competition. I just practiced some of the movements and weights I'll see this weekend and now I'm just plain scared.
20 Calorie Row x5 Resting as needed between intervals
OHS 95x10x2, 115x10x2, 135x5x2
95lb Power Snatch Did a couple 5 rep pressure tests figuring out what I wanted to do with my hands.
Here's to new experiences!
Yeah Wonder Twin!
I'm going to be sooooo pissed if tomorrow is Fran and I'm stuck at home with this stupid sprained ankle!!
How to fail a Clean and Jerk like a Boss!
Now this is a squat…671# ass to grass.
6:30 with Josh and McD
Tomorrow's workout rxed in 5:44. That's a 1:10 PR, psyched. Felt like death for a solid 20 minutes afterward which is a 10 minute PR (last time it took 30 minutes to not be dead).
Was nervous going in but did some focus exercises to lower my heart rate beforehand and was able to pace according to plans, both of which helped keep me from blowing up too badly.
Next stop, sub-5.
6:30 with Josh and McDowell
I did tomorrow's wod rx'ed. 7:34 In the beginning I wondered if I would be able to finish. It was a huge mental game having to drop the weight and pick it back up. The last time I did a scaled version I used 10# less and all sets were unbroken. It felt so good 30 seconds after it ended! I want a sub 5.
mile cool down
I did not see Todd's post before submitting mine. We have the same goal! I will destroy him!!!!!!
Tomorrow's wod (are we really fooling anyone on which benchmark is on deck tomorrow anymore?) with the first movement rx'd and the second scaled in 6:09. Nice run around the block afterwards. Goal is to do this completely rx'd in 2 months.
Congrats Todd and Crystal!! Seriously, Crystal, awesome. What do you eat for breakfast??? If you say donuts I'll be really mad.
Monday's (yesterday): 15s + 3hspu (kip hspu, kip t2b, 20kg) Highlights were stringing together some t2b and trying to keep up with MeLo!
Wednesday's (today): 8:07 Rx Highlights… well, I didn't feel the Fran throat burn this time. That's something.
In these pressure test type work-outs, I wish I knew how to enter the pain zone without backing off. I remember feeling this way during the Open, too. Is this something you learn or an either you got it or you don't kind of thing…?
@lauren, I too would like to learn how to keep moving even after I've entered the pain cave. I find myself just wanting to rest indefinitely. Probably just need more mental toughness? Or inborn superhuman fortitude?
Lauren and Laura Mc… the obvious answer is YOGA SUPERPOWERS! Turning your mind into an ally and developing your ability to abide in discomfort!
Ok so that was typed in jest and in all honesty what you describe is what I confront in Crossfit almost every class. So… I'm definitely no expert. But what I can say is that my ability to convince myself to keep moving and keep plugging away (in healthy, functional movement with intensity… not in actual PAIN) has increased over the past few years, bit by bit, both in yoga and in crossfit. And like Todd alluded to in his post, I often find that giving myself a word or phrase to repeat or doing a bit of focus/pep-talk in advance makes a huge difference, as will focusing on taking a few slower deep breaths during a WOD. Mind and body are connected and setting up the mental game will create some change in the physical.
What I've learned from my few short years of practice is that a big part of yoga is starting to notice how/when you want to escape when things get tough. And then doing your best to stay and breathe instead: literally joining with your experience exactly as it is, rather than fighting against or trying to evade it.
And chakras. Definitely get your chakras looked at.
Alright, enough of that!
Monday's WOD tonight:
RX'ed with 24kg, kipping HSPU, and kipping T2B
Made it thru the round of 12's plus 15 HSPU.
Looking forward to practicing my mental game during the WOD tmw!
@Whit H – Thanks. Yoga point well-taken. And I definitely want to get my chakras checked.
@Laura Mc – I do think it's a little of both — what you're made of and serious training. I guess there's a whole field around this, but as a lay-athlete, who won't be retaining a sports psychologist, it's interesting to hear everyone's techniques and perspectives.
This also brings up a benefit of participating in competitions. You tend to push harder in a competition, and the more you work at that intensity, the more you train your mind to go there. So maybe do that a lot? That sounds stressful.