Fitness:Low Bar Back Squat 3×5
Continue your linear progression by adding 5lbs to your previous exposure weight
Performance: High Bar Pause Squat 85%x2x8
Rest about a minute, no more than 2 minutes between sets. Use 2 spotters if you’re not 100% confident you’ll be able to stand back up.
Post loads to comments
BSQ e6/6 compare to 3.25.13
15 Minutes Not For Rounds of:
20 Pistols or Lunges, alternating legs (10ea)
15 Hollow Rocks
3 “Nose and Toes” handstand holds (5-10 seconds at top)
Graphic Design for Food?
Paleo foods chef Jesa H is in the market for upgrading her business and looking for someone in NYC or Brooklyn area that is savvy with website, social media and graphic design that might be up for a trade for her services. She is interested in bartering paleo food delivered to your door step for these services. To get in touch with her, please contact goodiegoodssnacks(AT)
Claim Your Clothes!
Our L&F bin has runneth over. Please check out the following pictures of abandoned clothes, these clothes, this stuff, glove and hats, speciality shoes and of course… waterbottles. Please claim these asap. We’ll be donating them on Friday of next week.
Read: CrossFit Offers and Exercise In Corporate Teamwork Too NYT
and/or Watch: CrossFit At Work CrossFit
What are some ways your office/work could incentivise effective wellness programs? Post proposals to comments. Include how you think it would help and what the main obstacle in implentation would be.
The Child, The Tablet and The Developing Mind NYT
Rory McKernan Goes Head-to-Head with Adrian Bozman on 13.4 CrossFit Games