Fitness: Hip Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
Work on a tight start and end positions, fast barbell and controlled OHS
Performance: Hang Power Snatch + Hang Snatch
Focus on an explosive extension on the power snatch, then coupling that same extension with an aggressive pull under for the second movement.
We recommend doing these MWODs before class. ESPECIALLY if you’re not an overhead squat ninja.
Fitness: 3×5 across
Leave room to go up over the next 6 weeks
Performance: 5/3/1 “5 week“
65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+
Add 5 lbs to your Training Max from last cycle.
Post loads to comments.
Christine Gets Her Deadlift On!
- Happy Birthdays to: Stella Z, BAZ, Kevin R and Mike B
- Recently Coach Nick’s college rowing coach, Harry Parker passed away. Check out this video to see the man that helped make Nick and many others Olympic level athletes.
Spartan Race Raffle Extension
You may have noticed that we’ve got a raffle going on at the Front Desk. Any CFSBKer can enter for free to win a comped admission to any Reebok Spartan Race in the continental United States. That includes the one several CFSBKers have signed up for on 5/31/14.
Take a red ticket and print your name and email address on it. The winner will be chosen this Friday, June 28th and announced on the blog Saturday. Thanks to Coach Melo for setting this up!
Train Like A Champion: Technique, Habits and Positivity Cathletics