25 Minutes Not for rounds of:
20 Second Paralette Support (perform on the low ring to spice it up)
15 V-Ups
10 Single Leg Squats to a Box, each leg
5 Paralette Shoot Throughs
25 Minutes Not for rounds of:
20 Second Ring Support
10 V-Ups
10 Pistols
5 Hang Pull Through to Skin-the-Cat
- Happy Birthday’s to Coach Melo, Lisa F (LF DOOM), Christanna S, AND Dr. Mike!
- Have you been following DO’s new blog Inside The Affiliate? You can also follow it on Facebook, Twitter, and by signing up for a newsletter on the website. The one and only Matt K will be running the FB and Twitter.
Bridging Gowanus
“Next week, we are kicking off Bridging Gowanus, an inclusive community-driven planning process to develop a long-term vision for a safe, vibrant, and sustainable Gowanus.
The first in a series of community planning meetings is Monday, December 9, 2013 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at PS 372, 512 Carroll Street in Brooklyn.
Bridging Gowanus is an effort to bring together a wide range of community members to identify broadly-shared goals, discuss different viewpoints, and build consensus around a neighborhood framework for the infrastructure and land use regulations needed in the Gowanus Canal area. I hope you will participate and invite your neighbors. Learn more here.
How we structure our thoughts while training a movement can greatly effect our actual success with it. Tomorrow we’ll talk about some tips to help get you thinking more productively while you train. Today, we want to hear about what you’re already doing.
What are the kinds of things that run through your mind before and immediately following a techincal lift like the snatch?
SkullTrek A rowing powered bicycle
Progress… Twice As Hard For Half As Much Cathletics
Morning. It's been a bit since I tackled an O-lift, but generally, I'd say that my best performances were when I had just about nothing in my head before the lift. As in zero. For me, the less, the better.
Immediately following, it my brain feels like this:
happy birthday everyone!
Happy birthdays!!!!
I love this picture!
What goes through my head- I do usually try to think of all of the cues I have ever been given but that gets overwhelming so…um… half the time it's just 'you can do this, you can do this, you can do this' and the other half it's 'oh shit!' Then, once in a while, everything goes kind of blank and the magic happens. Needless to say, I will be interested to read the tips tomorrow!
Happy Birthdays to all the birthdays! And also, y'all should follow Inside the Affiliate on Twitter. We've also re-awaked the SBK Twitter account, which is @CFSBK. Follow us and get your social media on! Woooooo the future!
Fun 6am class with D.O and Lady Fox. I like the vibe in the gym during NFT/NFR WODs.
Skin the cat was easier than I thought it would be. Especially since the rings and I are not exactly on speaking terms.
First two rounds of strict pistols were pretty smooth but I had to move to a low box because my left leg wasn't keeping up with my right.
QOD: During technical Oly lifts I try to remind myself to stay tight and brace everything on my approach to the bar. Once I commit to the pull I allow my brain to shut down and rely on muscle memory to get me through it. Brain turns back on as I begin to stand it up.
Happy birthday y'all!
Love the serious-face Tacos.
Immediately before an O-lift I am thinking one of the following three things: "Get UNDER it!" "Don't move your feet!" "Pull the bar in close!"
Usually I succeed at whatever it was I was thinking about, and fail at the other two. 😛
Fun 7 AM class. I was thisclose to just going back to bed this morning, but I'm glad I dragged my butt in. DO forced me to leave my comfort zone on the rings and it was a good thing.
Frankly, I think way too much runs through my mind when I approach the bar for a snatch: Set back, get tight, balance weight over feet, loose arms, be patient, hit jumping position, then get aggresive. Problem is, I always forget something critical. Have to keep practicing to build muscle memory so that I don't have to go through such a long checklist everytime. I miss lifts because I think too much, don't trust myself and am not nearly aggressive enough. Trying to experiment with visualization.
Clearly something that I will resolve to work on in 2014. Would like to hit a 135lb snatch in the next 12 months (there, its on the record now!)
Post lift, just try to post mortem the result . . . and think about how friggin fun that lift is!
Happy Birthday, Everyone!
Damn, the Fighting Tacos look good! We certainly should win the "best team picture" award!
All is well out in NJ. As I'm looking for a new CF place down here, I've been running in the morning. Not quite the same as hanging with the 6am crew! But I discovered pull-up bars on the beach the other morning, so I did some jumping pull-up work there. Miss you all!
oh F YEAH. Best sports-team picture ever.
Make up post from yesterday, also a bit of a confessional.
Started a new job 4 months ago, and while i'ts going well, it's putting the rest of my life on hold which sucks, and I haven't done a very good job of making fitness a priority. After 13 hour days in an office it's been really hard to do anything but crash on my couch. So yesterday I came back to CFSBK with the intent on not falling into a slump like I have the last two months or so. It was great and I had so much fun, and I am kicking myself for not regularly keeping up with my routine the last couple of months. That being said… make up post from yesterday…
Turkish Get Ups
1RM @ #35 or #40 –> ?? I actually don't remember if that's correct. I remember it being really heavy.
Fat Bar Deadlift
155, failed at 175
maxed at #215
holla @ Kate Reece who I haven't seen in forever, had fun in class with you!
Extremely excellent 6am class with lady fox and DO. First day in the gym in 3 weeks. I *loved* today. It was super hard in a brand new way. Got through just over 3 rounds of the work, including 2 rounds of skin-the-cat and one of paralette shoot-throughs, 2 rounds of ring supports and one of paralette supports, and 3 rounds of one-legged squats to a box, first 16" and then 12". Great to have DO helping me through the first round of skin-the-cats, pushing me past my usual place. Good stuff.
Turns out you can work your abs without situps!
QOD: I try to think of a single thing. These days it's "WAIT", meaning don't pull too early. I still do it, though.
I would just like to say that last night when I came in to get my meat share, I saw the following happening:
Bethany doing pregnant sled push like a beast
MeLo weighting her sled with Laura Mc
Almost enough to make me start coming to class at night. Almost. 🙂
David to me as he corrected my poor posture: "Just like that. Rest of your life." A jewel amid generally excellent guidance from all the coaches. I'm a total noob with all this ring stuff. Love it.
So, I get home last night and my daughters are watching this repeatedly and it's now stuck in my head. Then I begin to wonder… Is this what Jeremy hears when he's taking his naps?
6am with David and Jess. Fun day at the gym. Only the second time I've done skin the cat's and they felt more comfortable than the last time. Really noticed the ab effort required. Not enough mobility for pistols, so did one-leg squats to a 16" box. Still tough. My hip flexors are weak.
QOD: Before the lift I think of one cue to focus on (keep the weight tight to the body, get down!, etc). When I grab the bar I try to image the bar traveling straight upwards as I throw it towards the ceiling. Afterwards I evaluate what went well and what went poorly (bar got away from the body, jump-shrugged too early, didn't get down, etc).
@Stella the evening classes have all the fun.
QOD: Right before an O-lift, I think, "drop, drop, get under it, drop, commit, drop, do it, get low, drop." But once the weight starts going up, as soon as I start the first pull all those thoughts are instantly replaced with, "Oh god this is way too heavy what am I doing" and I chicken out. If only the brain came with an on and off button. Or maybe a dimmer switch.
Big birthday ups all around. And Melo, what the ef is going on with your hair in that shot, glamour girl? (you all look awesome, btw).
QOD: Right before I snatch, I think "it's you against me, Mr. PVC pipe." Right after, it's "damn, foiled again!"
*shakes fist in the general direction of somewhere. walks away, head down.*
Ommgggg, my moment of fame has finally arrived! Jokes aside, that's probably the best photo I can say I've been part of. I will hold it–and not our entirely defeated season–close to my heart.
Makeup from last night: TGUs at 30#–I think I was being too chatty with Ms. Shaye to focus as much as these needed. (Hangs head in shame, but not regret.) Fat Bar Deadlift, 175, failed at 205#. I could have gotten something between those #s, but we were short on time. I actually have never RMed… anything? So I want to play with that more. Sled time at 215#, so brutal, but the best kind of brutal, obvs.
Working from home and went to the noon class again. Lots of pre-class knee/leg mashing, which helped a lot. Charlie, talk to the Foxes about your knee; they both gave me helpful pointers about rolling with the whiffle-ish ball around the knee, and then lateral mashing everywhere around the IT band (hope I got that right). All of the fitness moves today were hard for me, but it was a fun class with Jess, as always. "Special" cash-out of helping unload lots of pretty, shiny new equipment and getting stressed about it being disorganized.
QOD: "Ugghh, stop thinking! Fox said to do these lifts with your heart, not your head!"
Been out in LI doing a rotation at LIJ. thought Id weigh in on the QOD
I think it is def important to have a couple (2 at most, not too many!!) of cues in your head before you initiate the pull. I think depending on where your weaknesses are, this will vary. For me, I like to think of a very tight back before the pull. And then I focus on thinking about keeping my weight back and on my heels throughout the pull. Also, if you have problems getting under the bar, or if it is a heavy weight you are a bit scared of, COMMMIT before you even walk up to the bar to get set that you will in no circumstances bail on this weight, that no matter what you are going to drop. That has helped me in the past.
After the lift…well..i like to video many of my heavy lifts, so I go and watch it so as to get immediate feedback.
Happy snatching.
10am Class
4 Rounds
20 Second Tuck Hold on the rings
5 Skin the Cat (RNDs 1 and 3)
5 Shoot Throughs (I love both of these and so was greedy) (RNDs 2 and 4)
20 Subbed Lunges, knee is feeling grindy
10 Tuck V-Ups
QOD – I reinforce the one thing that I need to do most on the lift. For a long time it was "FAST UNDER!" or just "FAST!"…nowadays it's "FINISH!" or "PULL!" I used to be anxious about getting under a heavy bar, now I've overcompensated and my trouble is jumping too early and not pushing my heels into the platform.
Looking forward to running Active Recovery upstairs with lots of toys available, and not worrying about space as much, and having the AC running in the hot weather so we're not a post-WOD sweaty mess of bodies sliding across the floor and one another.
Makeup post from a few days back, been without reliable internets for a few.
Dropped in Tuesday at Crossfit Jerusalem. Pretty newish spot, sharing space with a Krav Maga school in a big sports complex in Teddy Stadium. Got there a bit early and watched two 60+ year old dudes sparring, pretty cool.
Workout was:
50 DU
DB Thrusters 17.5 kg
Ring Dips
50 DU
Finished in 8:20, fun, not too crushing workout, which was good, as I've been eating terribly this whole trip. Josh Pinson, the owner, is a very nice guy, remembered David from an event in Maryland a bunch of years back.
I try to stick to one or two cues when I lift, although sometimes a deluge of info scatters across my head right as I go.
When I'm having trouble committing, sometimes I will intentionally overcompensate to the point that I will most likely fail- drop under as fast as I can with little regard for catching the weight, or intentionally try to miss a snatch behind me. When I played little league, I was scared of the ball, so my coach had me stand on home plate and close my eyes, and then he drilled me. It really didn't hurt that bad. Sometimes I just have to remind myself thatI'm not going to die, and then it all works out.
This is where I go during my O-lifts.
Okay I really just wanted any excuse to post this.
@ Leslie. I tuned infor cats but I don't see any. what gives?
For three days, eight hours a day, people at home can watch a LIVE stream of a wacky grandma 'cat lady' in her home, rocking, knitting, and hanging out with room full of adoptable cats available for adoption.
I guess check back in at 9am tomorrow. I think it runs from 9-5pm, Wednesday-Friday.
For the record this was posted by NPR.
Happy birthday all! Also amazing pic, and Legit LOL at Laura Mc and Chris A's posts. Also Noah isn't it amazing that CF people all over the world know and love David!
Hiking Mt. Takao today for my own back-off week workout (walking like 20 miles a day with a little Olympic lifting sprinkled in for the rest of it).
QOD: like Jake and Noah, I usually choose 2 cues for 2 different parts of the lift that will help me with whatever I am most struggling with currently. For example most recently it has been "heels!" for the pull and "tight!" For the catch on snatch and clean. I find that kind of breaking it up into 2 parts like that helps my brain connect the dots a little bit better when everything goes dark and the lift actually happens.
@ Leslie. Thx for the clarification. I will check it out tomorrow.
@ Todd. Aim to please. It's like 7:30 Friday morning where you are, right? That's pretty cool.
QOD: Before an Olympic lift I visualize myself successfully completing the lift. Sometimes I visualize David completing the lift and pretend I am him. After the lift, I chastise myself for being so slow.
Post from yesterday's work-out:
– Fat bar DL – 155#
– Turkish GUs – 45#x2 Didn't think of trying a barbell but would like to next time.
– Sled – Really heavy x5 This got my heart rate way up which hasn't happened in a while.
Also, I would like a poster of the Taco picture.
And a very happy birthday to you all!
Happy Birthday to you guys!!!
That picture is awesome and the way melo's hair is magically blowing in the wind and she managed to stay focused on the camera…. priceless lol
Fun 8:30 with MeLo, and finally met the famous Ariel!
Finished 4 rounds of the "performance" workout, more or less. I did a very tentative version of skin the cat, maybe more like inverted cat wiggling around? But it was good to practice pistols, the wedges really help me since my right ankle is made of stone.
i love thursdays at 830. pckr you gotta come back next week!
i did not, however, love today's workout. but, it is what it is. i'm feeling ready for the new cycle for sure. i'm DESPERATELY ready to find out what's on the schedule.
noah i didnt know you were going to israel! enjoy!
and lastly… kate r that cracked me up, re: with your heart not your head. you romantic you.