Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week.
Performance: Work up to a Heavy Single (80-90% of 1RM), then Max Reps at 57.5% of 1RM (capped at 20)
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Partner WOD
5 Rounds Each of:
20/15 Calorie Row
15 Burpees to a plate
Aim for 80-90% effort on each round and consistent times for each.
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Sit-ups, jumping rope, and squats. Fitness cascade!
News and Notes
- Have you heard about the New York Cares Coat Drive? CFSBK is collecting new and gently used winter coats to help keep those in need warm during the winter season. Coats (and only coats!) will be collected at the front desk from 12/6 – 12/21.
- We are also collected canned foods as part of City Harvest’s Canned Food Drive. The most needed foods are canned fruit, canned vegetables, canned proteins (like fish and chicken), and peanut butter (plastic jars).
- Have you checked out all the new Lost and Found items yet? Head over here to check out the latest collection. Pick up your stuff by 12/18 or we’re giving it away.
Olympic Weightlifting for Masters: Training at 30, 40, 50 & Beyond Matt Foreman
In CrossFit or Olympic Lifting, Lauren Fisher is a Powerful Presence ESPN
On Self-Respect Joan Didion
Misnomers VSauce