Fitness: Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat
Work up to a medium-heavy load on the complex.
Performance: Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat
Work up to a heavy load on the complex.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds For Time:
20 Wall Balls
20 Burpees
For Time:
50 Wall Balls
10 Muscle-Ups
40 Wall Balls
8 Muscle-Ups
30 Wall Balls
6 Muscle-Ups
20 Wall Balls
4 Muscle-Ups
10 Wall Balls
2 Muscle-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Thanks to Russell M., our jump ropes and bands stay organized!
Come Get Supple, and Remember That Coach Noah’s Kipping Pull-Up Workshop Is Today!
- Active Recovery is on at 11am with Coach Fox.
- If you signed up for Coach Noah’s Kipping Pull-Up Workshop, you’re meeting in the annex today from 3-4pm.
Sign Up Today For the Next Five-Week Cycle of CrossFit Preschool and CrossFit Kids
ICYMI, now the CrossFit South Brooklyn programs you love are BIG FUN for all ages!
CrossFit Preschool (3 – 5 years old):
Run! Jump! Skip! Roll! Through playful games and fun activities, children learn to move safely and gain basic coordination and body awareness. Together we explore tumbling and movement using fun, kid-friendly scenarios and games. Your preschooler will flex their mini-muscles as they build their confidence and develop their fine and gross motor skills.
CrossFit Kids (6 – 8 years old):
Building on the skills they developed in CrossFit Preschool, our Kids classes are designed to build strength, further develop coordination, and encourage a lifelong love of fitness. Age-appropriate programming includes calisthenics, basic tumbling, running, climbing, throwing, and other modalities to stimulate bone density and vestibular system development while improving fine and gross motor skills, coordination, and flexibility. On top of physical development, social and cognitive growth is encouraged through teamwork, problem solving, and building the confidence that helps them make healthy choices.
Program Mission
CrossFit Preschool and CrossFit Kids emphasizes good movement through games and activities. Most importantly, we’re all about having FUN! Developing a positive association between fitness, physical activity, and the joy of movement is the primary goal of our program. Think of it like the gym class you wish you had growing up!
Our next five-week session will run from Wednesday 5/27 – Sunday 6/29.
CrossFit Preschool:
Wednesdays @ 3:30p – 4:30p (5/27 – 6/24)
Fridays @ 10:00a – 11:00a (5/29 – 6/26)
Sundays @ 10:00a – 11:00a (5/31 – 6/28)
CrossFit Kids:
Mondays @ 4:30p – 5:30p (6/1 – 6/29)
Wednesdays @ 4:30p – 5:30p (5/27 – 6/24)
Pricing, Per Five-Week Session
1x/week – $150
2x/week – $250
1x/week – $127.50
2x/week – $212.50
20% discount for older sibling
“My son recently started CrossFit Kids and loves it. He’s played sports and gotten a lot from his experiences, but on the way home from CrossFit the other day he was so pumped and proud of himself. He felt strong and powerful, and he couldn’t stop talking about what he did. I’m so excited that he has the opportunity to get stronger mentally and physically at CF kids.”
–Adele M.
“My kids loved CrossFit Kids yesterday! I got an earful when I got home from all three at once trying to explain what they did. Then I had to feel their muscles. David and Janelle wore them out pretty well because at around 7pm they asked if it was okay to skip bath and book and go right to sleep.”
–Matt C.
Want More Information?
Questions? Email Janelle [at]
100 Years of Aging: Beauty
Fun 9am with the Coaches Fox.
Snatch complex up to 115. I haven't really snatched in 6-9 months because I hurt my shoulder, but today there was only a slight ache during warmups! Immediately after snatching I was feeling bummed about how awkward it felt but then I remembered how long it's been, so I'm pretty happy with 115 after all. It's going to be a lot of work to add weight…
Heavily scaled the fitness WOD today: 15 reps per round, 16# wb at 10' target, and stepped in & out the burpees in rounds 2+. Still pretty hard, did each set of 15 unbroken but I finished thinking I should have done something a little differently — maybe should have done 6 rounds for a total of 90 reps, or done more "jumping" burpees.
Yesterday's comments were pretty full of amazing. Congrats to Charlie and Kate but also this was inspiring: "…while i was doing them [at 85], I realized I could definitely struggle through 105. so once we finished, i went back and did the lunges again at 105 :-)"
Which is telling me I should go back and do a few sets of wall balls at 20#…
Extraordinary day of fitness yesterday. I ran the Brooklyn Half in the morning (my second). Don't think I'm in any danger of becoming a runner, but I enjoy taking part in things like this ever since CFSBK taught me the difference between training FOR something rather than just exercising.
In the afternoon, I went to the Chinese Olympic Weightlifting seminar from Ma Strength at Brooklyn Barbell Club (thanks Jaystar!). I learned a lot!
Yesterday, we spent 4 hours talking just about the snatch. In case you are curious, Coach Ma broke it down into five essential rules per the Chinese system of weightlifting:
1) Close (barbell in contact w/your body, i.e. "pulling up your shirt" — their style is much closer than I am used to)
2) Fast
3) Low (you must catch low — don't ride it down)
4) Timing (aka tempo or rhythm, focused on second pull to overhead, which should be incredibly fast)
5) Stable (weight right at midfoot through entire execution)
Main takeaway: I would say the thing the Ma Strength team emphasized most was the "weight on mid-foot" cue. They defined that as not right in the middle of your foot but 60% in front of your heel, essentially, right behind the ball of your foot. If you can keep your weight there very very consistently, they feel confident you can snatch well. "Good start, half done," Coach Ma said.
When drilling this, I realized I typically have my weight a little behind that precise area, so this is something for me to work on.
Things I want to work on further:
Speed — the clinic really emphasize speed & tempo. In drilling we were instructed to pull only to the mid-chest and drop super super fast. Normally, I would pull as high as possible and end up riding down somewhat into a squat. I have the mobility to get down pretty low but not as much in the way of speed so this is really something for me to think about.
Closeness — they told us keep barbell in contact pretty much from the hip to bottom of chest. This felt weird to me but perhaps I will experiment and see if it helps.
This afternoon — we'll work on the clean and jerk. My legs are sure tired but I look forward to coming back to the gym next week!
9am with the Foxes. On the snatches, I worked up to 125. These felt OK today, but I still need to work on finishing my pull and getting down under the bar quickly.
I did the fitness metcon Rx'd in 16:16. I did the first 20 wall balls unbroken, which was probably a mistake. After that, I broke them up 6-6-4-4. Wearing my lifters helped on the wall balls, but I really didn't like it on the burpees. Overall, having them on was probably a wash. I think the last time I did 100 burpees for time, I came in at about 8:40-something, so I'm pretty happy with my time on this, actually. Cash out was prying my kids off the rings and racing them home.
9am. Snatch (kilos): 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 75. Pulled way early on the rep at 75 and caught the bar high and out front. Ugly. Ankles were feeling tight today and BK noticed my heels lifting up on most reps at the bottom of the squat. Perf metcon: 21:48 (according to BK, I thought I heard Fox say 21:49). Wasn't keeping the rings tight enough on the MUs. Arms are dead now. D-e-a-d. Dead. Good workout.
9am w/ Foxes
Snatch: 40, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70(f), 70(f). The bar as plenty high enough and I was quick to get around, just soft in the catch causing me to lose the bar.
Metcon: 20.35 Perf Rx. This was a grind. Not just my arms, my whole body is dead.
10am group class:
Snatch Complex: (in kilos)
15, 25, 30, 35, 37.5, 40, 42.5, 45 (99lbs)
-liked the Snatch pull because it really made me focus on engaging my lats more. Carried this over to the hang snatch (as one should) and felt much snappier than usual.
Fitness WOD:
14:34, 14#, 9ft.
-first 2 rounds of wall ball unbroken, then last rounds in 13-7. burpees were slow but steady.
-continuing with the theme, shoulders are DEAD. like in I wish I could take them off so that I didn't have to work at all to support them. at least for like an hour, then I'll take them back.
Noon class
Snatch Complex up to 75kg for a few.
Perf WOD @ 20#10'
Hot sweaty mess of slow. Wall balls al UB until a mishap on the last round. Picked it up and tried to sprint through the final 20 Burpees. After 5 fast ones I fell back into a slow rythym. Cash out was my inaugural shower at 608. I feel so fancy.
12pm with lots of good folks and Ro & Kharpz. Sad there was no dance party like we were promised…
Snatch only up to 55# today. Did 62 last week… Good advice from Katie regarding being vertical and not letting the bar pop out away from my hips. Gunna really work on that. I love snatching because it's so complex and challenging in a mental way.
Wod in 12:21. 14#/8ft… Need to get the ball higher next time
Cash out was documenting Colleen's amazing fitness, a glorious shower, and now drinking cider on 5th ave. while finishing some work (@Kate R.)
Sad rings class is over. It was so fun! I've learned tons of stuff to practice to get better for gymnastics skills. Excited for a rings class BBQ later 🙂 If y'all wanna get better at gymnastics, which you should want to!, sign up for rings!
One final, important thing: Everyone wish Colleen good luck with her surgery this Tuesday! She will be missed as she recovers the next couple of months!!!! If anyone can overcome life's challenges, it's this amazing, inspiring, badass chick. She's gunna come back and be stronger than ever!!! Go Colleen! Keep us posted on your progress!!!!!
Was sick all week so made my triumphant return to fitness yesterday and today.
3 Rounds
16 KB Swings
12 Push-Ups
6 CTB Kipping Pull-Ups
Power Snatch + OHS 135x1x5
3 Rounds FT
20 Calorie Row
20 Burpee Box Jumps 20"
5 Rounds FT of:
80# DB Carry to 3rd and back dropping and shouldering it three times along the way
10 Unbroken DB Thrusters 30#ers
5 Unbroken Kipping Muscle-Ups
4 Rounds FT of:
6 Ground to Shoulder w D Ball
5 Burppees to a 9' target
40 GHD Sit-Ups
oops…meant FITNESS WOD
Godspeed, Colleen! I hope you heal fast. Keep us updated on your recovery.
OG tonight:
Warmed up and then did 30 minutes, NFR, of:
1K row
50 DU
550m run
Took everything pretty slow and got through three rounds. Hamstring hurt right afterwards and I stretched gently but now everything is feeling good. Scaled the DU to 50 instead of 100 because I felt a tension headache coming on.
12 PM with Ro and Katie
After getting sent to the corner for talking in class, I tried to make things right by focusing on form and perhaps a PR? I think the form was mostly okay and I delivered on the PR at 60# for the hang snatch. Woo hoo! Thank you Ro and Katie for the drills and feedback!
Thank you Allie for documenting my knees to elbows attempts, that little video is my pride and joy, love it and it will be a motivating force for me to come back and get stronger than ever.
Thank you so much for the shout out and the well wishes. I am going to miss my CFSBK family like crazy and won't miss a day of lurking on the blog!
I hope the next few weeks deliver to you gorgeous weather, a tremendous Murph and killer Spartan race!
p.s. Allie send me your e-mail so I can forward Spartan credit to you. And Hail Gerard Butler's abs!
@ Kate R – thanks for the well wishes. Sending all my best to you for a happy Spring – and super MURPH! Looking forward to Flickr pics of you guys crushing it!
Love you Colleen!! Wishing you a speedy recovery!!
Excited for Strength Cycle tomorrow with Margie woo hoo!