Charlie N. at her first USAPL meet last Saturday. She took third in her weight class, and shared some thoughts from the experience with us below!
- Happy birthday, David G.!
- If you’re not too wiped from Crush Week already, check out AntiGravity tonight at 7:30pm (or Sundays at 2pm). This class focuses on gymnastics skill and strength components that are most commonly demanded in CrossFit workouts, using a variety of skill exercises, progressions, weighted and strict practice, and other techniques to teach, develop, and perfect your bodyweight movements. Hit up Coaches Noah or Arturo with any questions!
- Or check out Active Recovery at 6:30pm, or Pilates with KH at 7:30pm!
August CrossFit Preschool and CrossFit Kids Classes Are Now Available For Registration!
CrossFit Preschool and CrossFit Kids emphasizes physical development through games and kid appropriate “workouts”. Most importantly, we’re all about having FUN! Developing a positive association between fitness, physical activity, and the joy of movement is the primary goal of our program. Our classes are comprised of obstacle courses, relay races, basic gymnastics, games and other engaging physical activities. Think of it like the gym class you wish you had growing up!
Mondays (8/3 – 8/24):
CF Kids – 4:30p – 5:30p
Wednesdays (8/5 – 8/26):
CF Preschool – 3:30p – 4:30p
CF Kids – 4:30p – 5:30p
Fridays (8/7 – 8/28):
CrossFit Preschool – 10:00a – 11:00a
Sundays (8/9 – 8/30):
CrossFit Preschool – 10:00a – 11:00a
1x/week – $120
2x/week – $200
1x/week – $102
2x/week – $170
20% for older sibling
Email Janelle [at] if you have any questions or need help registering.
Charlie N. Shares Thoughts From Her First USAPL Meet
Congrats to all our CFSBK folks who competed in the USAPL meet last Saturday, including Coaches Fox (read his post-meet reflections in yesterday’s comments), Jeremy, and Margie, and Rob Is. Front Desk superstar Charlie N. also competed, and sent us this cool write-up about her first experience at a meet.
Saturday was a crazy, intense, emotional, nerve-wracking but incredible rewarding experience. To say I was out of my comfort zone would be a massive understatement.
I somehow came third in my weight class. (72kg) Because it was my first big meet, I assumed I would be somewhere near the bottom or floating in the middle of my weight class and I had no idea how well I was doing because I wasn’t looking at anyone else’s numbers at all. This was how I missed them calling my name to give me my medal- I was upstairs eating sardines at the time. I really couldn’t believe it when the woman who came second found me and told me to go get my medal.
There were so many people and the whole meet felt extremely disorganized and chaotic. Luckily Coach Margie had made it easy for me and given me my attempts beforehand with Plan A if I felt amazing and Plan B if things did not feel so great, so I really didn’t have to think very much about anything. All of my attempts aside from the last ones, were weights I had done recently.
I had all of my warm-up sets figured out in KG and even color coded so I would know exactly what plates to use so the warm-up would be easy but unfortunately the warm-up area was a disaster. There were not enough plates there at all, so I had to wing it a bit and I am not sure I warmed up very efficiently at all.
I thought I would be completely freaked out with that many people watching but in the end it was just me and the judge in front of me. In a way I want to do this again and get better at that part. Everything felt heavier to me on the day because it was such unfamiliar territory. I feel it is something I could learn to do a lot better with more practice.
I missed my second squat attempt on depth, but still added weight. I sank my last attempt as much as I could and it was a very ugly squat, but I fought with everything I had and somehow made the lift. That was definitely one of the most difficult things I have ever done in my life, but there was no way I was missing that lift. Pretty sure there was an American Record attempt happening at the same time on the platform beside me so there probably weren’t even many people paying attention but I could hear Coach Jeremy shouting behind me to keep going. He later said something along the lines of that that was more of a test of will than of physical strength.
I also missed my first bench press attempt. The safeties were high and the bar hit them at the same time as my chest which distracted me and so I missed the rack command. I went with my Plan B after that and made the following two lifts after getting the spotters to move the safeties down.
By the time we got to the deadlift I was really tired. I did the warm-ups too fast and could probably have done with a couple of extra sets and rest between. I just felt the pressure of so many people sharing the space. Everything felt heavy and I was sore from the other lifts but I did it and I went with my Plan B and PRed. It wasn’t the PR I wanted but it was the right decision on the day.
If I do this again, which I probably will, I will take my time—not only warming up but also setting up for each lift. I think that might have made my Plan A more achievable.
I want to thank Margie for not only believing in me and helping me to get so much stronger but also for being the voice of reason throughout my training and all day on Saturday even as she was participating and kicking ass herself. I have a tendency to want to always go heavier but I have learned in the last while that just because I can lift something, it doesn’t necessarily mean that I should. And of course thanks also to the Squat Whisperer for his squat whisperin’.
Still can’t believe I went home with a medal. 🙂
Charlie’s Numbers:
Squat: 275.6
Bench: 137.8
Deadlift: 325.2
Total: 738.6
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