Back Squat
Performance: Low Intensity, 65-70% x 7 x 4
Add a few pounds to the last low intensity exposure.
Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week’s 3 x 5. Next week is a 1RM test.
Exposure 7/8
Post loads to comments.
“Dumbbell Fran”
21-15-9 Reps for Time:
Dumbbell Thrusters
Suggested Rx load on the DBs is 45# for guys and 35# for gals. Scale as necessary so that the sets can be done largely unbroken. If large volume pull ups will slow you down to sets of 2-3 then consider the following version of today’s WOD…
5 Rounds for Time:
9 Dumbbell Thrusters
9 Pull-Ups
Sub bands or ring rows as necessary
Post time and Rx to comments.
Jimin S. warming up his snatch. We loved all your comments on Monday! Track back there to read a bunch of members discuss their relationship to this oft-elusive/glorious/intricate lift.
- Photos from the Art Show are up in our Flickr account. Check ’em out, and see what it looks like when a CrossFit gym is transformed into an art gallery/dance space!
- Constance’s segment on CBS News will re-air on Thanksgiving (tomorrow) around 8-8:30am! Tune in and show your friends and families the gym you work out in!
Thanksgiving Schedule Changes
Wednesday (11/25):
ON: 6am, 7am, 8am, 10am, 12pm 4:30pm, 5:30pm
CANCELLED: 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm, CrossFit Kids
Thursday (11/26) THANKSGIVING:
ON: 8am, 9am, 10am
CANCELLED: 6am, 7am, 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm, Active Recovery, Comp Class
Friday (11/27):
ON: 10am, 11am, 12pm, Open Gym 5:30-8pm
CANCELLED: 6am, 7am, 8am, CrossFit Kids
Saturday (11/28):
CANCELLED: 8am, Yoga for Athletes, Active Recovery
Sunday (11/29):
CANCELLED: Active Recovery
Our Coat + Canned Food + Book Drive Ends Today! Bring Your Donations!
We’re combining our coat and can drive with a book drive this year. To keep it simple our collection dates for coats and cans and books (children, to be specific) are going to run from November 15 – 25. Please bring all donations to the Front Desk.
New York Cares Coat Drive
Give the gift of warmth this holiday season. CFSBK is collecting new and gently used winter coats to help keep those in need warm during the winter season. New York Cares aims to collect 100,000 gently used winter coats each November and December and distributes them to thousands of men, women, and children who would otherwise go without them. They work hand-in-hand with a wide variety of Community Partners in New York City to make sure coats are distributed as quickly as possible. We are only collecting coats at this time.
City Harvest Canned Food Drive
CFSBK is collecting canned foods to help stock NYC’s food pantries and soup kitchens. City Harvest helps feed the more than 1.4 million New Yorkers facing hunger each year. They provide free deliveries of food to more than 500 emergency food programs throughout New York City. The most needed foods are canned fruit, canned vegetables, canned proteins (like fish and chicken), and peanut butter (plastic jars).
Reading Partners Children’s Book Drive
Reading Partners is a national nonprofit organization that trains students from low-income schools to be confident readers and they need more books! Bring your your gently used children’s books to CFSBK for the Reading Partners Book drive. These books benefit struggling readers from kindergarten to the 4th grade. We’ll post a flyer on the bulletin board with author and title suggestions, please donate new or gently used books only.
This Woman Is Better Than You at Picking Up Chicks
How to Cook a Perfect Thanksgiving Turkey
6am with Nick and Ro
HBBS – 235x7x4 – used a belt on the last 2 sets. My spinal erectors are still sore from a combination of lots of KB on Sunday and DL on Monday. Moved well other than needing a belt to help keep my chest up. Also this is like 73% of my 1RM.
DB Fran, which Ro accurately described as "the only thing worse than Fran" – 3:40
Did the first round unbroken and the thrusters felt great. After that – not so much. Was able to make up time on the PUs though, which I did all unbroken.
Last Fran is from awhile ago and was 3:32, so this was just a little slower than that.
HBBS: 200 x 3 x 2. Skipped the last set because my back was on fire. I felts really good all day yesterday after deadlifts and felt a little sore this morning, but after the first set it felt totally seized up.
I remember having a similar at the end of last cycle (deadlift followed by front squat) where at the end of the cycle when we were about to test 1 RMs, my day-after-deadlifts back was not up for the weight I felt like I was capable of. It makes me wonder (and people wiser than I please chime in) if I should only be focusing on more of the end at the end of the cycle, or maybe try to space out deadlifts and squats a bit more, although there are only so many days in a week.
WOD in 7:30 with 30# DB and 9-6-3 pull-ups. Focused on efficiency rather than speed keeping my back in mind. I have my eye on trying Fran (for realz) at the start of the new year so I have a true benchmark time to work from.
6AM with Nick & Ro
HBBS with Dan L & Rob
235# 3×3, weight is still moving really well. Looking forward to attempting a new 1RM
Happy FRANsgiving (dumbbell edition)
5:56 Rx. My best Fran time yet (previous 6:58). Still assuming I'm going to do the first round of thrusters unbroken every time, yet never happens.
Thrusters: 14-7, 6-6-3, 7-2; second round fell apart coming off the bar
Pull-ups: 15-6, 11-4, 6-3
My lungs are still burning, but happy with the results. Hopefully won't be seeing Fran again for another 6 months or so.
@kayleigh same thing happens to me, even if I deadlift Monday and squat Wednesday. Heavy deadlifts are one of the only movements that make me consistently sore even with a few reps. Curious to see if someone chimes in on this one. Help!
@Kayleigh I always try to leave at least one day between deadlifts and squats. Ideally I would like to leave two days it with my schedule that is not possible. I tried squatting the day after deadlifting a few weeks ago and it was awful. Try resting Tuesday and see if it makes a difference? You are deadlifting a lot of weight and I think you probably need at least one day to recover from that. My two cents.
Back in 7 AM. The natural order of things reasserts itself.
HBBSQ 150x5x3. This is about 67%. I really was not feeling too ambitious this morning, especially after hearing a couple of the 6 AM ladies had trouble squatting the day after deadlifting. I'm not sorry; it felt good.
I did the 5-round version in 5:44 with 30# DBs, which I thought was the Rx (that's what the whiteboard said, dammit!) and 5 strict chins/round. That was probably too many chins, my wrist was cranky afterward. Maybe I should have done the regular rep scheme with ring rows.
Make up post from last night:
WU 3 rounds
1 muscle up
10 air squat
10 hollow rock
LBBS: 45×5, 95×4, 125×3, 145×2
Feeling solid. No pain!!!!
3 RFT:
10 CTB pull-ups
10 front rack fwd lunges (83#)
10 burpees
Time: 6:26
Fun one!
Pullups 4-3-3
Lunges unbroken but real hard on L side still
Sprinted last 10 burpees
QOD re: Snatch
Ever since I quit playing professional tennis I had been searching for something similar to replace it, both mentally and physically. It wasn't until a friend from med school saw me doing crossfit, scoffed, and told me he'd teach me how to Olympic lift that I found it. Besides hitting a perfect ace up the middle or a backhand down the line passing shot on match point, nothing that I've done athletically feels as complete as executing a snatch PR. The lifts takes perfect timing, strength, and most importantly courage to execute. As Shankle says, and I'm paraphrasing, 'Olympic lifting is idealism….' You strive for perfection every time you step up to the bar. Until injury takes me out of the game, I'll continue to train.
Mini 10am squad sesh:
106 1×2
113 1×3
Hit some really good lifts. The higher percentage work with strong positions is coming together.
Snatch Pull
133 3×2
140 2×2
Pause Back Squat
157 3×2
167 2×2
…interesting run in with the squat rack on the final rerack 🙂 thanks Charlie for making me feel less like a total dweeb. Slick kid am I.
So, just realized I did the day of programming in my cycle. Repeated week 4 day 1. Gotta work on my mental game and stop making stupid mistakes like that.
3 weeks out. Squad is making some big moves for their performances on the platform and I get wrapped up in it and feel like I'm not good enough but I have to focus on just showing up and having fun for my first meet.
Happy Thanksgiving y'all
Hatch Week 4 Day 1
Back Squat
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 4, 165 x 1, 180 x 8, 195 x 8, 220 x 6, 235 x 6 (PR for reps!)
Front Squat
145 x 5, 160 x 5, 170 x 5, 180 x 4 (Failed 5th rep but this was a PR for reps)
Need to figure out my best stance for front squats as Melissa was watching and said my feet were out way wide.
Ugh this shit is hard!!!
Did some extra hip mobz, 3 x 5 ab wheel roll-outs and some DU practice and then joined 12pm class with DO and Ro.
WOD in 5:13
21-15-9 thrusters @ 30#, 9-6-3 pull-ups.
I was surprised that I had to break up the thrusters as much as I did and that slowed me down a lot. So much harder with DB's. I think I did 17, 4 then 7, 4, 4, then 5, 3, 1!! Pull-ups were in sets of 3. I also would love to Rx Fran next year hopefully. Goals, goals.
LBBS @140#x7x4
JB said depth was borderline on some of the reps. Focused on keeping tension and not bottoming out. Made sure I got full depth on remaining reps. Moved surprising fast and felt really easy. Realized later it's because I used my belt which I haven't been doing on low intensity day! Grrr.
Fran with 25# DBs in 6:31
Thrusters: 21, 8-7, 9
Pullups: 11-10, 5-4-4-2, 5-4
Overall, not as bad as expected, but I took my time on the thrusters and my transitions between movements were really slow. Need to work on keeping the DBs on my shoulders and not flailing them during DB thrusters. Although I was able to string a good amount of pullups together, they felt like a hot mess. My kip has been way off. I think my body is confused about the different kinds of kipping now that I can string together T2B and practice butterfly pullups several times a week.
5:30 With Ro and JB
Back squat: 145x7x4.
WOD: 30# dumbbells… pullups as 15-9-6
finished around the high 8s i think?
Those thrusters.. ugh
Thanks for all the responses- just knowing I'm not alone is helpful! We'll see what happens next week- think I will need to rethink my days when planning for future training (Iron Maidens perhaps).
Missed yesterday, not sure what will happen tomorrow, so had to fit squats in tonight.
45#x8, 95#x5, 115#x3
136.5 (70%) x7x4 — took these slow at the bottom, stayed on tension, no bounce — this made it hard
Had a little more time and got this idea from someone on the blog recently — sounded like a lot more fun than Fran's evil twin..
Power Snatch 65#
Box Jumps 20"
Toes to bar
9:36 — i felt like I was working hard, but it felt very safe — like if McD were there it would have been much different…
Happy to at least have gotten out on my bike, squat and get some conditioning in.