Front Squat
Performance: Low Intensity, 65-70% x 7 x 4
Heavier than your last Low Intensity exposure.
Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week’s 3 x 5. Next week is a 1RM test.
Exposure 7/8
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
50 Double-Unders
20 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
Rest 2 Minutes
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
25 Double-Unders
10 Wall Balls 14/10, 10/9
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Thanksgiving Schedule Changes
Saturday (11/28):
CANCELLED: 8am, Yoga for Athletes, Active Recovery
Sunday (11/29):
CANCELLED: Active Recovery
Join the Global Climate March TOMORROW!
Tomorrow at 2pm, millions of people across the planet will take to the streets on the eve of the UN Climate Talks in Paris to demand bold, urgent action on the climate crisis. To support this massive mobilization, the People’s Climate Movement is hosting a virtual climate march where thousands will send in photos or messages about why they want action on climate to make sure world leaders hear us.
Whether you’re able to join in the streets, or if you just want to support from home, we need your voice. Get more information about the March here, or check out the NYC Facebook page.
When Some Go To Church, Others Go to CrossFit The New York Times
Americapox: The Missing Plague CGP Grey
Come Dance With Me (longboard dancing through the streets of Cologne!!) VeyVey Films
Love the CGP Grey video. Also liked the NYT article as it gets a bit to the point of how community through fitness, or many other en devours is intrinsic to the human experience. The parallel between religious communities and CrossFit is valid, but I would say it's not, nor are the other subcultures mentioned religious activities.
Double Dipped Yesterday:
Afternoon Session:
8:00 Movement Prep
20-16-12 Reps:
Row, cals
GHD Sit-Ups
With JB
4 Rounds FT
15 Calorie Row
1 Legless Rope Climb
8 Strict HSPU with a 2" deficit
Forgot to check my time. This was kind of a shit-show. Especially the rope climbs which definitely saw the inclusion of a couple legs.
Post OG Solo Session:
Did "DT" with a Fat Bar
Did the Fat Bar + 45's which is 110
Finished n 15:36
This was ALL about the hang cleans which I had to break up from the first round. Forearms are beyond pumped. Planned on doing this at around 135 but 110 felt like 135 with the thick bar!
Great to turn the music off, put the lights down and just chip away at something uncomfortable alone sometimes.
Crossfit Acadia OG.
Front Squat: 123 3×3 unbelted! I believe I hit depth on all (or most) reps from evening up my feet! Making sure my toes are aligned has made a huge difference.
Felt like making my own WOD instead of DU/wall balls:
50 KB swings
40 wall balls
30 v-ups
20 burpees
10 ring dips
10:29… Took :25 to get my final HSPU.
Goodmorning! This made me giggle
Warm up x 3
10 OHS 33#
8 BTN Press 33#
4 pull ups (3-1)
35kg x 2
40kg x 2
42kg x 1,f
45kg x f,1
47kg f
All failures were knees coming forward at the bottom (mostly left).
Work on Aggressive 3rd pull and using bar to pull myself under.
3 Rounds:
3 HSPUs 1 abmat
15 GHD sit ups
10 GHR
9am with MeLo and JB. I did the fitness front squats at 195#, which was probably a bit ambitious. The first two sets were OK, though I was letting my elbows drop a bit. The last set, my elbows were dropping more and the second rep took forever to get up – so I left it at that. Should be interesting to see where my 1RM's at next week.
On the metcon, I completed one full round, then 90ish seconds of sloppy double under practice and 11 wall balls (20#/10') in the first part and two full rounds plus six wall balls on the second part. I was doing the second part as 15 wall balls, because I'm dumb, so I actually did a little better than it might seem. Dubs are something I need to put in a lot of work on – I REALLY need to get better at relaxing on these.
Front Squat: 110#x7x4
Weight felt easy. Still having trouble keeping upright though.
WOD: Did 25 DUs for the first round, then 10 for the second.
Round 1: 2+39
Round 2: 5+12
Was able to string larger sets of DUs today so only counted makes.
Thanksgiving Partner DT:
Partnered with Lauren who smashed this at 93#. I wasn't able to cycle the cleans at 93- would have had to break them up into three sets, so dropped down to 83# halfway through the first round. I noticed how quickly Lauren was turning over her elbows on the cleans, so I tried to do the same. It took a little time for us to transition because we had to change weights each round. I did rounds as:
DL: 11-1
HPC: 8-1
Jerks: 6
Dropped in at Dirty Gym again today
Snatch Singles
75%, 85%, 90%, 85%, 75%
One miss forward at 175
C&J Singles
75%, 85%, 90%, 85%, 75%
Felt crisp
Backed off from 260 last week since I had no belt and didn't was using metal. Didn't want to be that jabrone who dumps metal plates.
Front squat with Mike A.
First time front squatting in a while 135X3X3
3 rds + 35 dubs
4 rds +4 wb
11am w/JB & Rho. Slightly disorienting as I haven't been to the gym in a while. The NYT article is kind of confusing because I think of community as separate from religiosity / church; if the author really wanted to find examples of non-religious communities it's not that hard. NYC even has an atheist church! Anyway it's nice to come in and see familiar faces and smiling people and peoples' kids and a bunch of adorable dogs lounging about and have JB make fun of the way I do jumping jacks. (For the record, I am awesome at jumping jacks).
Uh, right, lifting. I haven't front squatted in a while. 245×3, 255x3x2. Felt like a good weight, heavy but not crushing.
I enjoyed the WOD, even though I spent big chunks of it counting slowly to 5. Did the first set of DUs unbroken, which was exciting but obviously not the best pacing strategy. Wall balls are a lot easier since I started occasionally exercising my upper body.
–skipped all overhead work (snatch/jerk) because shoulder is feeling pretty awful
Clean (-jerk): 2,2,1,1
Clean Panda Pulls: 2, 2, 2
BSQT: 2,2,1
12pm with JB and Ro
FS 3×3
130lb. New pr and I think I could have probably even done 135
Subbed for 25 and 15 du attempts. Wall balls as prescribed
2 rounds +12 du
2 rounds + 5 du
I am officially clear of carpal tunnel in my left hand. Yay! My right hand/wrist is still an issue. Thought I would be ok with the du's, but I probably overdid it. Icing my arm now. Guess it is good that I'm learning my limits.
Hatch – Week 4 Day 2
Back Squat
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 2, 165 x 1, 180 x 8, 195 x 8, 205 x 8, 220 x 8
Front Squat
125 x 5, 135 x 5, 145 x 5 x 2
Can't quite believe how fast 220 x 8 was. I was dreading it but it was fine!!
WOD- Michael C came up with this one and it was fun!
1000m row
50 power snatches 75/55
60 DU
500m row
25 power snatches
30 DU
That's the most snatches I have ever done! Lol- this was a lot of fun and I finally figured out how to cycle snatches. Woot! Feeling great today!
OG today with all the leg work
Front Squat
75% 4×7
Felt really crisp and solid. Worked on getting a strong bounce out of the bottom and not loosing my back stability
Banded Back Squat with red bands on each side
Overhead Squat
These felt good but the last set was tough. I should have done another two sets and went back down to 195 then 185.
Did a WOD with Michael and Charlie
1000m row
50 power snatches 75#
60 DU
500m row
25 power snatches
30 DU
This was a lot of fun! Hard but not any single move that really killed me.
1:50 avg on the row
Quick sets of 10 on the power snatches. Really worked to get under it and save my arms and back
DUs in sets of 20 and 30. They are really starting to come together so that's exciting!
Snatching tomorrow should be good with this very long warm up!
OG Today..
Warm up x3
30 DUs — unbroken
10 push ups
15 American swings — 16kg
20 sit ups
Clean & Jerk
Singles at 35kg, 45kg, 50kg, 55kg
60kg – failed jerk and they'd gotten progressively worse so dropped for lighter singles
5 singles at 45kg, 5 singles at 50kg, 1 at 55kg — so much better
Thanks to Jake and Arturo for helping me troubleshoot the clean and the jerk.
– think vertical on the clean
– get down on the jerk
3 sets
10 ab wheel — knees
3 strict dips — 2,1
Yesterday: dropped in again at Crossfit CDI in my hometown of York, PA. These folks happily take my fifteen bucks and let me do whatever the hell I please, which I truly appreciate. The facility is in a decrepit ,dark strip mall, which is appealing in a sort of ruin porn way, but in practice it sucks to squat on old industrial carpet covered by squishy rubber gym flooring.
@Michele….that drop-in description just made me laugh out loud. That place sounds intriguing!
Came on to blog about this work-out that we did at the end of Comp today:
7rds: 16:05
5 bench press @ 135# (DB bench w/ 40# ea hand instead)
5 power cleans @ 135#
35 double-unders
First time in awhile I was EXTREMELY frustrated by a workout. Ever since my shoulder injury (what, almost 2 years ago?) Benching, push-ups, or any kind of pressing movement in that plane gives me the creeps. It just plain hurts, and I can't exactly figure out why.
Anyway, started warming up my bench, got to 95#, lowered the first rep down onto my chest, and physically could not press it up. For some reason, I (almost) got emotional and (almost) cried! I decided crying would solve absolutely nothing, so I set up my own station with 40# DB's to bench instead.
First round felt shaky and a bit painful, but once I remembered how to get in a good position, set my shoulders, and brace properly, everything cleared up. Magic? Or common sense? This is a prime example of how shitty your joints can feel after you repetitively hammer away compensated motor patterns over time. Clearly, I've got a lot of correctlve work to do here, and avoiding bench day and push-ups certainly isn't the answer.
Working on your weaknesses just plain sucks sometimes, and I'll be the first one to admit that I am guilty of biasing movements that I'm better at. But I suppose that's not how CrossFit athletes become well-rounded. I guess it's time to suck it up and get to work!
The End : )
@kharpz thanks for posting! Super inspiring!