These CrossFit Kids are ready for the weekend
This Week at CFSBK in Review
A whole lot happened at the gym this week, and a whole lot more is happening this weekend. You know what we have to do, right? We have to recap!
1. We’ll be hosting our second-annual Iron Maidens Raw Open powerlifting meet at the gym tomorrow from 9am to 7pm. This event will be running out of 597, and the platforms in 608 will be used as a warm-up area for the competitors. We will still be running group classes in the remaining space at 608. We will, however, be cancelling tomorrow’s Yoga for Athletes, Active Recovery, and Open Gym (2-4pm) classes.
2. We still need a few volunteers to help set up tonight from 6 to 9pm. Please e-mail Coach Margie at Margie [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn [dot] com to let her know you’re interested.
3. In the final installment of “The Iron Maidens of CFSBK,” we profiled CFSBK lifter Shawn Campbell. As you probably know, Iron Maidens competitors have been raising money to fund the Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship, which will help to send 10 women from Grace Outreach to college. As of today, we’ve raised $25,786, surpassing our original $20,000 fundraising goal. We’re not finished! The more money we raise, the more women we can help. Every additional $3500 helps 1 woman pay her college tuition for 1 year. If you haven’t donated yet please consider giving just $5 to support women staying strong through college. And help us continue spreading the word about this campaign! Go here to donate to a lifter’s campaign.
4. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle and NY1 both covered Iron Maidens this week.
5. In keeping with the powerlifting theme, new cycles of our 8-week Starting Strength Program are starting soon! Go here to sign up before they sell out!
6. Coach David explained the significance of the coveted black hoodie.
7. Team Your Pace or Mine? came out on top in Week 1 of the CFSBK Open Intramural Team Competition. Check out the rest of the rankings!
8. Open Workout 16.2 was annouced last night. Because Iron Maidens is tomorrow, we’ll be running 16.2 on Sunday.
9. Wondering how you stacked up against your fellow CFSBKers in 16.1? Well, here are a whole lotta leaderboards:
- Overall Leaderboard
- Men’s Leaderboard
- Women’s Leaderboard
- Men’s Masters Leaderboard (40-44)
- Women’s Masters Leaderboard (40-44)
- Men’s Masters Leaderboard (45+)
- Women’s Masters Leaderboard (45+)
(NOTE: There are technically a few divisions between 45 and 60; however, in the latter two, we only had a couple of competitors in each division. We combined everyone 45+ to make it easier to view.)
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