Jerk Complex
Fitness and Performance
Work up to a heavy load on the complex of:
Push Press + Power Jerk + Jerk (split)
If you’re newer to the lifts then perform either 3 Push Presses or 2 Push Presses + 1 Power Jerk.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
5 Rounds or 20 Minutes:
8ea Contra-lateral Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts
4-8 Tempo Chin-Ups (3/1/1/3 Tempo)
50yd Farmer Carry
Stay light-medium (and humble) on the SLRDLs. Focus on balance through the whole foot and keeping hips and torso squared to the floor throughout the movement. Kettlebells or Dumbbells are ok if you’re adding weight. Use a light barbell or a PVC if you have to. 3 second hold at the top and bottom of the Chins. Use bands for assistance as needed. Work up to a heavy 50 yard carry over the 5 sets.
Post work to comments.
Get Well Constance!
A couple weeks ago our own Constance T tripped while at the bank and unfortunately chipped part of her bone and damaged the prosthesis in her shoulder. The repair required surgery and may have been a blessing in disguise since they found an infection in the area that needed attending to! Constance is doing really well post operation and will do some Physical Therapy before coming back to CFSBK. If you know Constance, you know it takes a lot more than this to keep her down! Today’s blog post is her “digital get well card”. Please post love to the comments section!
News and Notes
- Schedule Change: Today’s 9:00am Yoga class with Jaclyn K. is cancelled.
- Kate R. is working on a photography project about people who are LGBTQ and Catholic. She is taking peoples’ portraits and would love to hear a bit about their faith and what they wrestle with in the Church. Does this describe you or someone you know? You can see Kate’s work here and can contact her at katharinereece [at]
- The deadline to sign up for Fight Gone Bad 2016 is this Monday, September 5th! Have you registered yet? Well, get after it!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat / Front Squat | Row, Hang Clean, Overhead Squat
The Step-Up: Set Up and Execution Power Athlete
Wisdom Is Just a Temporary State of Mind NY Mag