Snatch Complex
Snatch Pull + Snatch:
5 x 1
Warm up to a medium-heavy load and perform 5 reps of the complex at that weight. No press outs, no misses.
Snatch Pull + Snatch:
Perform singles of the complex at: 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 80%, 85%, 90% (of best snatch)
Go up to 90% if it’s feeling good, and if you feel great, then move up. If you’re not feeling great today, then stay back around 80% and work there.
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Exposure 6 of 8
8 Pistols or Box Pistols
8ea Single-Arm Dumbbell Presses
4-8 Strict C2B Pull-Ups
For the Box Pistols, start standing on a box and lower yourself to the bottom of a Pistol with your non-working leg trailing off to the side. Stand back up on the working leg if you can. If not then stand back up however you can. This version requires a little less flexibility. Go heavy on the Dumbbell Presses. Use bands or add weight as necessary on the Pull-Ups.
This Sunday: CrossFit Games BBQ!
This Sunday we’ll be showing the final day of the CrossFit Games on our big screen. After Anti-Gravity, around 3:00pm, we’ll start grilling and screening the Sunday events at the gym. All are welcome! The gym will have some beer but otherwise, BYOB.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Front Squat | Row, Squats, Sit-Ups
One Sport May Be Too Much The Way
Why Weightlifting Is Good for Kids BarBend