Clean and Jerk Complex
Power Clean + Power Jerk + Clean:
Take 10 minutes to warm up to work weight for the metcon.
Post work to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
For Time:
50 Double-Unders
21 Power Cleans 135/95
50 Double-Unders
21 Jerks
50 Double-Unders
21 Cleans (Full)
Post time and Rx to comments.
Little known fact: this is exactly how George Washington trained for Valley Forge
Schedule Note: There is no CrossFit Preschol (10am) or CrossFit Kids (11am) classes today. All other classes are on as normally scheduled.
Check out the Rove Foam Roller Kickstarter
A friend of CFSBK recently launched a Kickstarter campaign for the Rove foam roller. Rove is the first fully functional, truly portable foam roller. It’s engineered using only the highest quality materials, and we’re recommending it because we think it looks useful and awesome! Rove’s creators are almost halfway to their goal with 18 days to go. Let’s help them get there! Go to the Kickstarter campaign for more info and to back this project.
10 Crazy Impressive Videos of Humans Lifting Humans BarBend
Keeping Children Sedentary for Most of Their Waking Hours Is Causing Harm Washington Post
Handstand Practice
5 Rounds for time:
4 Ring Muscle ups
20 KB Swings, 32kg/24kg
40 Double unders
I just signed up for the Spartan Sprint on June 3 in NJ. 12:15 start. If you sign up today it is 25% off. Cmon let's get muddy yal!! Discount code is HOLIDAY
@Jay-Star we should put together a CFSBK team again! I will procrastinate and buy it a lot closer to the date… but I'd def be down. It was so fun two years ago!!! Didn't really require any training other than crossfit.
Friday OG/ Weightlifting Club
Pause Bench Press (1 min rest between sets)
110 x 12,110 x 6
Strict Press (30 secs rest between sets)
67.5 x 10, 67.5 x 4, 67.5 x 3
83 x many, many.
Clean + 2 x Jerks
113 x 8
Had a few magical moments when everything came together. These are happening a little more often now. Great to work with Coach Joe.
185 x 4 x 3
Saturday ( all the fitness)
Deadlift (rest 1 min)
235 x 15, 235 x 10
Still probably a bit light since I was only supposed to be aiming for 7 or 8 reps on the second set.
Chin-ups (30 seconds rest between sets)
Dips (30 seconds rest)
12, 8, 7
Front Squat
150 x 10 x 3
Partner WOD with Kayleigh
14 rounds plus 15 reps
Managed a few sets unbroken which I had definitely not expected!
Then I did a team WOD with Kayleigh and Matt Katz, which was a lot of fun.
For time:
100 Calorie Bike
75 Calorie Row
50 Power Snatches (115/80#)
100 Calorie Bike
75 Calorie Row
50 Clean and Jerks (115/80#)
100 Calorie Bike
75 Calorie Row
50 Thrusters (115/80#)
This took 40 mins! Kayleigh and I did 25 cals each on the bike per round. Matt did 50. Rows were split evenly. I definitely did less work on the barbell but held my own! Getting more comfortable with those 80# snatched and managed to cycle them all.
3 x 15
I love partner/ team workouts with their built-in rest. Much easier to pace. It helps to have AWESOME partners!
Sunday at the gym with C. Fox at 8AM
worked this with single unders @72#.
jerks limited what I could do weight-wise,
but the full cleans were the toughest- struggled at the end with these-
all bailed singles.
nice cash out- really liked the blackburn exercise.
WOD: 8:49 Rx.
DUs were not so great today, ranging between 5 and 30.
PC were 7-3-3-3-3-2.
Jerks: 8-6-4-3.
Cleans: Singles.
Bench Press after: 95 x 8, 8, 7.
FSQ: 145×5, 165×3, 185×5, 135×5(drop set with a pause)
WOD with Charlie: 14 rounds + 18 reps – finished the push presses just in time. All box jumps bounding.
Then another partner WOD with Charlie and Matt, outlined above. Lots of fun – nice to rest between lots of cardio.
WOD Rx'd in 11:14
Didn't like feeling my belly jiggle during the dubs.
PC went 6/5/2/2/2/2/2
Jerks 10/11
Cleans 3/3/3/3 then singles with lots of rest
Yayyyy RoveGoods!!! An awesome businesses started by some really quality folks. (Two of them being my bosses at Bespoke Treatments) check out the website!!
Was feeling sluggish like I wanted to make today a rest day despite going to bed at 9:30 last night.
Did today's workout even though I just did a clean/push jerk workout on Friday. Did 68# in 10:35 with only 25-33 dubs. Everything is sore and I really wasn't pushing myself… 77 pull-ups was a lot yesterday. :/
Started AG and just didn't have the energy or desire. What I should have done is skipped the main workout and just done AG. I really wanted to work on ring muscle ups. Boo. Always learning something new in this crossfit life, even if it's learning to NOT work out sometimes.
Jay/Allie I would definitely be interested in a cfsbk spartan team! But like Allie I will procrastinate a bit before pulling the trigger ?
Friday: squatz 'n dreadmill intervals
Saturday: ring dip w/kipping practice, then db bench 90 ex5x3, guess I was tired from dips. For a metcon, this huge personal trainer guy I'm friends with said he'd consider running if I could do 105 20kg 1 arm kb snatches in 5 minutes… And I had to do them his way, more of a kb swing to overhead than what I'd call a snatch. Anyway didn't quite make it but came close! Got pretty damn hard…
But not as hard as today's metcon. Wow. Glad I decided to scale this to 105 at the last minute! The last set of cleans took a real commitment to finish and probably took 5+ minutes. 14:06 I think?
Then AG. I will get that handstand soon! So many doubles today.
Was sore coming in & now I'm well & truly deep fried. Feels awesome. Thanks cfsbk!
WOD in 13:50 Rx-ish
PCs: started with two doubles, but then went to singles bc my heart rate jacked up and my shoulders were fatigued from DUs.
Jerks: 3×7 Surprised myself here, but took a long rest before each set to avoid too many cleans.
Cleans: all singles and form could def be better!
Did all the double unders. They took up 1.5 min each round but I was able to do decent-sized sets with some rest in between.
Allie started counting my cleans for me and we think she started from the wrong number (rep 9 when I was on 7) so had 2-3 more cleans that I didn't do so Rx would have been over 14 minutes. Glad I pushed myself and did this at 93 today!
handstand practice
WOD in 16:38
Did 4 MU from the ground with a jump on low rings- don't know the name of them!
KB swings @24kg: first three rounds unbroken, then 11-9
Started with 40 jump squats instead of DUs since I had just done them in group class, but switched to DUs in the second round bc they were HARD!
10am with Jess, walked into the gym thinking "today I might Rx this" only to catch someone a lot stronger than me struggling through the wod on the previous class. I underestimated how tough those squat cleans would be.
12:40min @ 115. Power cleans and jerks were no problem, and I did them both 8/7/6. DUs were mostly attempts with a 55s time cap on each round. Squat cleans were mostly singles, except for 2/2/3 for the final 7 because I couldn't stand how long I was taking. My legs were on fire at the end.
Then did some nice/necessary AR with Fox, then started a little shoulder program with a few strict pull ups, followed by strict press (10 reps @ 105, a new 10RM), then some crossover symmetry. Got home in time to suffer through the Giants game.
3 Sets
Shoulder warm ups
10 push ups
6 ea SLDL 12kg
12 walking lunges, 16kg, 20kg, 24kg
Deadlift — 170# x 3 x 3 – good
20min EMOM
even: 3 jumping bar MUs 24" — last set 22"
odd: 50 DUs