A video posted by Jake (@jleivent) on Nov 4, 2016 at 7:05pm PD
Jake L. and Pierre D. recently competed in the CrossFit Liftoff competition. Jake hit 352 lbs in the Clean and Jerk (see above) and 300 lbs in the Snatch, which placed him 22nd in his weight class. Pierre Clean and Jerked 253 and Snatched 185, placing 99th world wide in the Masters division. Congrats, guys!
Check Out Sweet Polly in Prospect Heights!
Looking for a fun new spot to kick back and relax after a long day? CFSBK member Murat U. is excited to announce the opening of his new cocktail and oyster bar Sweet Polly! This fine establishment is located at 71 6th Avenue, just around the corner from Murat’s other business venture, Hungry Ghost. Sweet Polly is generously offering CFSBK members 30% off until the end of November, so get going!
Tweet The Deets
We’re totally crushing on all you guys and we love to hear what you’re up to. Got something of note going on in your life? Let us know! We want to hear about your promotions, events, art, personal victories, discoveries, media campaigns, and small government coup d’états, or you can just share interesting links. We also always love hearing about any CrossFit/athletic-related goals and accomplishments. Send awesomeness to Josh [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn [dot] com.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Push Press | Row, Thrusters, Burpees
To Stick to a Bedtime, Think of Sleep Like Exercise NY Mag
Drinkercising CrossFit Recursive
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
Work up to a heavy 5 rep Back Squat. Aim for heavier than Week 1's heavy 5. The goal is to leave a rep in the tank.
70% x 1 x 5 Paused (pause for a 3 count at the bottom and maintain tension)
Your Training Max (TM) is used to base the percentages off of. Increase your TM 10 lbs above the previous 3 weeks. If you were above the recommended reps for the rep out sets then increase your TM 15-20 lbs.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
EMOM x 16:
Even MInutes: 10 Russian KB Swings
Odd Minutes: 5-10 Toes-to-Bars
The swings should be on the heavy side but done unbroken each set. Scale the TTBs to HLRs or KNRs as needed, or to 15 Sit Ups per round. You should ideally have about 30-40 seconds of rest each round. It's ok to use today as a strength biased day if the movements are challenging for you but you should still have at least 15 seconds of transition time between movements.
Post work to comments.
Kipping Ring Muscle Up Practice
3 Rounds of:
1:00 Max cal row
Rest 1:00
1:00 Max wall Ball
Rest 1:00
1:00 max rope climb
Rest 1:00
1:00 max burpee
Rest 1:00
1:00 max Renegade row (no push up)
Rest 1:00
6:30p last night
Push Press 185×4 shoulders had enough after the last few days
WOD – 7:21 Rx
Kept the row slow and steady 1 cal per pull
Thrusters all unbroken
Burpees always on the slower side
6am with Lady Fox
BSQ 220x5x1 – felt like I didn't fully warmup until the final squat. We'll see how next week goes with 1rm
6am w/ Jess
BSQ – 165# x 1 x 5
Feeling a little on the light side.
Gripfrier Metcon
All swings @ 32kg <:20
10 TTB unbroken less the last 3 rounds (5-5) b/w :17 – :30
Cash out – occurred
LBBS: 175x1x5 Pause
In general agreement that it felt light.
WOD: KB swings with 24kg bell, 8 TTB per round (started with 5-3, fell apart to 3-1-1-1-1-1 at the end as hand began disagreeing with me).
Aww, I wish I'd known about the SBK discount earlier! Hubs and I checked out Sweet Polly on Saturday night and can confirm that the drinks and oysters are pretty great.
Squats: I went a leeeetle bit higher than 70% of training max since that number just seemed way too low, especially for singles. 165x1x5, good to be reminded where the BOTTOM is after front squatting just barely parallel on Friday.
WOD with 24kg bell and 5 T2B/round. I'm not sorry I didn't do more T2B, given that I'm still baby-stepping my way back to doing them regularly. But I do wish I'd gone with the 28kg bell.
6am with Lady Fox
BSQ 235x5x1 – This didn't feel heavy, but was nice to find a stable bottom.
Make up posts:
11/26 – Front Squat 185×5, 210×3, 235×5. I could have struggled for more, but want to keep good posture rather than keel forward. WOD- 15 rounds even with Jon W, going first
11/28 – Push Press 135×5, 155×5. Kept this relatively light to avoid overextending my back when i go heavy overhead. WOD – 9:10 Rx. Pulled hard and slow on the rower, thrusters unbroken, burpees ridiculously slow.
Late post for last night @ 8:30
Push Press worked up to #155. Felt a little off cycling but the final set I reset in the front rack after each PP and things went smoother.
Metcon : Rx 9:40
Holy hell. Round of 15 burpees were a killer. Thrusters unbroken which is a first for me.
Hope to be able to make it to AG tonight.
6am with Lady Fox
HBBS with 3 second pause: 225x1x5 – felt nice and easy
Metcon – 10 TTB per round – all unbroken
Jumped into this…
8 rounds of 2 C&J on the minute ..and a half 😉
@ 45kg (70%)
18min EMOM
even: 10 kipping pull-ups &/or butterfly attempts
odd: 1 minute row (instead of DUs bc no shoes)
18min EMOM
even: 3 strict HSPUs
odd: 10 box jumps
20min EMOM
even: 5 strict T2B
odd: 15 air squats // halfway through switched to 45# BSQ
24mins EMOM
even: Row for cals (11 consistently)
odd: 5 push ups, rest
Everything was consistent or got easier/better throughout.
Also congrats Jake and Pierre!
Jumped up weight a bunch with the sets of 5. Was maxing out at 95 (afraid) before and got up to 115 today. Confidence builder.
First time completing a metcon at the rx level. Just shy under 14 minutes and dead last in the class, but it was the most I've challenged myself.
Make up from Monday:
Push press x5: 75, 85, 95, 105 failed the 5th rep half way up.
Wod RX in 10:15. This killed me. So hard after a weekend full of pie and relaxing!
Today's work:
HBBS: 145x1x6 with a "3 second" pause. Brett told me after round 2 to "double my pause" and yet I'm still pretty sure it was only 2 seconds after that! Haha oops. Did 1 extra rep to try to get a better pause in.
EMOM work: 24kg bell, 5 t2b. Got some good tips from Brett to keep my legs straight on the kip.
Knee was killing me again today so I'm glad I have a couple days off for it to chill out.
Most important part of the post first: GOT MY FIRST MUSCLE UP!!! Yaaay that was a 2016 goal I'd given up on! THANKS RO!!!
Yesterday DIY lifting:
Warm up 2x{10 push-ups, 5 pull ups, 5+ OHS (bar)}
HBBS 255x5x3
FSQ 215x5x3
Then a 'rage against the machine' themed spin class / charity event raising money for standing rock protesters.
630 class doing Monday's work w/kharpz
PP – > 145×5. So awkward at this.
WOD rx in 8:43, unbroken. Amazing how much easier thrusters are now that I do some upper body lifting too… Still, a hard workout, definitely left me on the floor after.
Then AG for 45 minutes of practice before my first muscle up! Strained my trap a bit so subbed alternating planks and doubles for the WOD. I think it'll be fine but didn't want to do anything dynamic/stressy with my shoulder. Abs are toast now.
Tomorrow is national #alltherest day.
5 paused back squats at 140#. Didn't add weight to my training max because I only hit a few extra reps last week. First time doing pause squats with weight on the bar. Felt good but Whit noticed I was moving in two segments. Tried really hard to correct it! Jenny M. you needed Ariel to be your partner and count for you 🙂
WOD @24kg and 8T2B. Worked on gripping the bar with my thumb around which I don't normally do. I have a harder time stringing them together this way and it kills my hands but it was a good way to practice.
kipping ring muscle-up progressions. FUN!
Had ZERO intention of staying for the WOD but I did it. I purposely didn't keep track of reps so that I would take it easy. As I sit here WIDE AWAKE, I am reminded of why I rarely do AG on a Tuesday night during the school year.
Oh and congrats to Dave P and Steve H on their first muscle-up! Happy to have witnessed both in AG tonight!
And congrats to Pierre and Jake on lifting all the weights!
Decided to go to Short Circuit today, 'coz I tweaked some groin muscle or other last week that made squatting seem like a bad idea. What good luck…
The class was great. Thorough warm up. Some challenging weight work (with light weights, that I kept having to make lighter). Then 16 minutes of Tabata work, ending in sit ups. Finally a good stretch.
I'll be back for more. My girlfriend even wants to come to try a class, and she thinks Crossfit is just dangerous. (She will stop talking about the groin pull at some point).
Great class, Brett. Thanks.