WOD 3.13.19
4 Strict Pull-Ups
8e Single-Leg Hip Thrust (3131 tempo)
12 Band Good Mornings
Add weight or use assistance on the Pull-Ups as needed.
Post work to comments.
Week 6 of 7
5 Rounds for Time:
10 Deadlifts 225/155
20 Sit-Ups
50 Double-Unders or Alternating Foot Steps
The Deadlift should be medium-heavy for you, unbroken the fast end.
Post time and Rx to comments.
If you were at this year’s Community Potluck, you saw a short video about Fight Gone Bad 2019 produced by CFSBKer George Griffith. Well, here it is! Thanks for doing such a great job depicting our community, George!
Friday Night Lights 19.4: Sign Up Now!
Our 4th Friday Night Lights event of 2019 goes down this Friday, March 15th starting at 5:30pm. This is a great way to take on 19.4 in a friendly, high-energy environment.
Go to the FNL Sign Up Sheet to reserve a space in the heat of your choice. Everyone is welcomed to participate; you don’t have to be on an Intramural team. But if you are on an Intramural team, get ready to throw down! The high fives will be plentiful.
We invite everyone to come out and cheer for your fellow CFSBKers. BYOB, if you’re into that.
MFLH Invitational Discount
The 2019 MFLH Invitational is going to be one epic throwdown. It’s a fitness event with a concert vibe and a circus twist. Best of all, CFSBK members get 10% off admission with the code DAVID.
The event is slated for April 27th. Go HERE to learn more and buy tickets.
Yesterday’s Results Board
Hips in the Press Starting Strength
Complacency or Tenacity: It’s As Simple As What You Praise Breaking Muscle