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Accessory Work
4 sets of the following (NFT):
10 Weighted Sit-up
15 Russian Twists
Wishing Jenna all the best on the NY Half-Marathon this weekend! Go get 'em!
Rip reviews the Press Crossfit.com
Established 2007
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Accessory Work
4 sets of the following (NFT):
10 Weighted Sit-up
15 Russian Twists
Wishing Jenna all the best on the NY Half-Marathon this weekend! Go get 'em!
Rip reviews the Press Crossfit.com
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February Foundations Cycle
Our February Foundations cycle is filling up quickly! Interested participants have until February 1st to sign-up for the early registration fee of $200 (a $40 savings). Space is limited so contact David ASAP to register.
Classes will meet twice weekly on Sundays at 1pm & Thursdays at 8pm for an hour & fifteen minutes on the following dates.
FEBRUARY 2/8, 2/12, 2/15, 2/20, 2/22, 2/26, 3/1, 3/5
Further information regarding the classes format and payment can be found here. Private and semi-private Foundation classes are also available.
Congratulations to Grant & Cheyne pictured here after their wedding in December!!
Also Wishing Grant a Very Happy Birthday today!
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Accessory Work
For time:
15 Handstand Push-ups
1 L Pull-ups
13 Handstand Push-ups
3 L Pull-ups
11 Handstand Push-ups
5 L Pull-ups
9 Handstand Push-ups
7 L Pull-ups
7 Handstand Push-ups
9 L Pull-ups
5 Handstand Push-ups
11 L Pull-ups
3 Handstand Push-ups
13 L Pull-ups
1 Handstand Push-up
15 L Pull-ups
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David sets up in Tony Budding's garage gym.
The Mic'd Instructor on the Front Squat Againfaster.com
End Range Deranged San Francisco Crossfit
Jeremy Asks, Rip Answers Strength Mill
Rip on Grip Crossfit.com
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Accessory Work
3 Sets of 5 reps of:
Mid-Hang Clean High Pulls
3 sets of 5 reps of:
Tall Cleans from the Mid-Hang
Nicole proving you're never too old for Crossfit.
Happy Birthday Nicole!!
Gymnastic Cert Goodness featuring Gillian Crossfit.com
The Clean High Pull Performancemenu.com
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Accessory Work
Max Rounds in 15 minutes of:
6 Ring Dips
8 Pull-ups
10 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
Adam locks it out
Gillian's On the Road to the 2009 Games Crossfit.com
In case anyone forgot: Crossfit Push-up Standards Crossfit.com
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Accessory Work
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Deadlifts, Bodyweight
Good Front Squats/Bad Front Squats Crossfit.com
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Accessory Work
3 Rounds of 8 Reps of the following complex (NFT)
Double KB/DB Clean
KB/DB Push Press
Walk out to Push-up
Kevin Swings
Winter Strength Series: Part Deux
Tomorrow marks the beginning of part 2 of our winter strength cycle. Over the next two weeks we'll be focusing on the Mid-Hang Power Clean, Front Squat and Press. We're looking forward to seeing people solidify their technique with these movements and continue to put up new PRs in 2009.
Safe Travels David, Margie & Gillian!
For those playing along at home David, Margie & Gillian are all out West soaking up all that sunshine and training with our friends on the Left Coast until next Monday. Fear not, all classes (with the exception of the Saturday Teaser classes) will be running as scheduled. We wish the travelers all the best and look forward to frequent updates of their adventures.
See you all tomorrow!
Your Tight Hips Betray You San Francisco Crossfit
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CrossFit Level 1 Certification at CFSBK
April 11th – 12th
Level 1 Certification: Fundamentals
The Level 1 Certification is an Introductory course on CrossFit's methods, concepts, and movements. On completing a Level 1 CrossFit certification, attendees will have the resources and a sufficient foundation from where they can continue independent and successful development as a CrossFit trainer or athlete.
Level 1 Certifications may be repeated as needed or desired at a reduced cost for each seminar. There is no prerequisite for the Level 1 Certification. -CrossFit
Happy Travels
Coaches Margie and David are off to California for 10 days. We're going to visit some friends on the Left Coast and have some fun in the warm weather. Shane and Jacinto will be leading classes while we're gone. Happy training, everyone!
Who PR'd on the first half of the Strength Cycle?
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4 Rounds for time of:
30 Overhead Dumbbell Walking Lunges, 30/15
20 Pull-Ups
To do the WOD as rx'd, carry a dumbbell overhead for 15 steps then switch arms. If you'd like to experiment a little with a sandbag carry instead, feel free.
Accessory Work
Forward Rolls
L-Sit practice
There will be no Teaser Classes on the 17th and 24th.
Save The Date! January 31st is still our party date. We will be replacing classes with a Hooverball tournament, a Paleo style potluck and beer! Everyone is invited. More details to come.
Paleo Food
Go to the "Foraging Pictures" link and check out all the great stuff you can find in Prospect Park!
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Accessory Work
5 Rounds for time of:
95/65 pound Thruster, 5 reps
95/65 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95/65 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps
Shane sets up for some weighted pull-ups
There will be no Teaser Classes on the 17th and 24th. Three of our four coaches will be in California.
Old Time Strong Man Blog
The 11 Best Foods You Aren't Eating NY Times