Forward Roll Warm-Ups
Feeling stiff and sore? Check out Coach Fox's Active Recovery Class tonight at 8pm. Feel free to bring a friend!
What is your favorite bar in New York and why?
Established 2007
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Forward Roll Warm-Ups
Feeling stiff and sore? Check out Coach Fox's Active Recovery Class tonight at 8pm. Feel free to bring a friend!
What is your favorite bar in New York and why?
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(E3/4) L1 5×3 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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compare to 4.12.10
Assistance Work
Spend 15 Minutes working the following two movements:
5-10 Ring Rows
3-5 Forward Rolls
Play with different arm positions, angles, weights and ways to pull yourself up on ring rows. Be creative with your forward rolls. Jump over obstacles, forward roll from a handstand, go for distance. Rest as needed during this assistance work.
Strength Cycle A is sold out! We've still got one more slot left for Cycle B of Jeremy's 8 Week Strength Intensive. Here are the details:
Tuesday at 7pm
Thursday at 7pm
Sunday at 12pm
April 20th
– June 13th
Welcome Yolanda T, John M, Robin R, Will S, Emily H and Stephen P! Today is our first ever afternoon Foundations cycle.
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For time:
800m Run
21 Push Presses 115/75
400m Run
15 Push Presses 115/75
270m Run
9 Push Presses 115/75
130m Run
6 Push Presses 115/75
Post time and Rx to comments.
Out of CrossFit's 10 General Physical Skills, inadequate strength is one biggest limitations in people's ability to progress as CrossFitters. If you feel like your strength is lacking, consider Coach Jeremy's 8 Week Strength Intensive. We've got one slot left in both cycles that start this week. Get on it!
Do Toddlers Need Cake as much as Carrots? BBC
Kids, Paleo and Nutrient Density Robb Wolf
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(E2/4) L1 5×5 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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compare to 4.10.10
Get with a partner and alternate stations for max repetitions in the allotted time. The work interval is :45 and the rest interval is :15. Complete 4 work intervals of each movement.
Box Jumps, 28"/24"
Kettlebell Swings, 2 Pood/20Kg (Forehead Level)
Post partner, Rx and total reps completed per movement to comments.
Charmel R gets some vitamin D and WB
Bierkraft goes Paleo!
Yes, it's true. Ben Granger, owner of the raddest beer shop and brand-new SBK member, has added a special Paleo option to his menu of sandwiches, buns and brats.
Ben has devised perhaps the best food item ever: meat wrapped in meat, on a stick. Enter, the Bottle Rocket. These tasty concoctions look like corn dogs, but are made entirely of meat. Each weekend, Ben will be serving up a different Bottle Rocket – a perfect post workout treat.
This weekend's Bottle Rockets are:
Ground lamb rolled in pistachios, wrapped in pickled collard greens and covered in homemade "lambchetta" (panchetta, only with lamb belly)
A pinwheel of chicken sausage, caramelized ramp leaves, black trumpet mushrooms and lamb neck, wrapped in lambchetta
Bierkraft is on 5th Avenue between Berkeley and Union
Our South Brooklyn Kids classes kick off today!
Don't forget to check out, "Parlour Games", the Free dance performance today at 5pm at SBK.
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Rest Day Finn
Congratulations to everyone who tried out for the CFSBK Affiliate team. Here are the final rankings:
1. Scott L 6 Points
1. Jeremy F 6 Points
2. Dan R 10 Points
3. Leonid R 11 Points
4. Ryan P 12 Points
5. Sameer P 16 Points
1. Stephanie P 5 Points
2. Jessica F 4 Points
The official team is comprised of 6 individuals with at least 2 men and 2 women. Because only 2 women tried out, our team is: Scott L, Jeremy F, Dan R, Leonid R, Steph P and Jess F. Great work, team!
To see the full breakdown of our tryout workouts and how people did, click here
Our South Brooklyn Kids classes start this Saturday with Coaches Shane W and Jillian B! We can't wait to see the future of fitness at SBK! Click Here for more information
Don't forget that we're hosting a Free dance performance by the Tze Chun Dance Company this Saturday at 5pm. Please tell your friends about it!
A big Farewell to Luisa P and Gabe E who will be moving to DC this Monday. Good luck on the move!
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5 Rounds of:
300m Row
20 Pull-Ups
10 Burpees
Rest approximately 3 minutes between intervals.
Post times per round and Rx to comments.
Accessory Work
Spent 10-15 Minutes Foam Rolling
Check out this recap of the CrossFit Total that closed out Jeremy's Strength Intensive! Thanks Paulie S for putting this together.
Happy Birthday, Sam H!
This Saturday at 5pm we're hosting the Tze Chun Dance Company for their production of "Parlour Games". The event is Free and all SBK members are encouraged to attend. Check out this teaser for the show.
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(E2/4) L1 Sets Across/L2 Sets Across
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compare to 4.7.10
10-8-6-4-2 reps for time of:
Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch, Left Arm
Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch, Right Arm
Knees to Elbows
Post time and weight to comments
Gabrus does his first 5×5
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We've still got room for our April Afternoon Foundations Cycle:
Times: Mondays and Thursdays from 10am-11:15am
Dates: 4/19-5/13
Register Here!
What was the first car you ever owned?
Cyril Raffaelli Demo Reel Collection
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(E2/4) L1 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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compare to 4.5.10
Tabata Mash-Up
Alternate between air squats and double-unders for a total of 8 rounds.
Can you stay at or above 20 reps for every work interval?
Post total reps per movement to comments.
Robb Wolf, Nicki Violetti and the seminar attendees
Welcome to our new batch of April Foundations students today!
Check out this PDF with a write-up on the Brooklyn Triathlete Club's involvement with CrossFit SBK
Calling all parents! Be sure to let your friends with kids know about our upcoming South Brooklyn Kids program! We'll be running two versions, one for teens and one for kids. Registration is open and classes start on the 17th. Thanks!
A Journey into a Black Hole
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