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Special thanks to our resident photographers Dan R and Asta F for these great shots. Stay tuned for updates as they come!
Established 2007
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Or, you can go view them directly here
Special thanks to our resident photographers Dan R and Asta F for these great shots. Stay tuned for updates as they come!
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(E5/8) Sets Across
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compare to 5.19.10
For Time:
10 Wall Ball Shots 20/14
Run 130m
8 Wall Ball Shots
Run 130m
6 Wall Ball Shots
Run 130m
4 Wall Ball Shots
Run 130m
2 Wall Ball Shots
Run 130m
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Jess F snatched more than she ever had previously during the first Affiliate WOD
Check out Dan R and Asta F's photographic coverage of the event here! Great job everyone!
Coach Laurel will take on the following 2 workouts tomorrow:
21-15-9 Reps for time of:
Overhead Squat 95lbs
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Within a 10 minute time frame, perform a 3 rep max Clean and Jerk. She'll have :40 to perform all three reps.
Our Affiliate Team will take on the following WOD:
100 Cleans 135/95
100 Box Jumps 24"/20"
100 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
100 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
100 Burpees
4K Row
Each team starts with one athlete on the cleans and one on the rower. Only two athletes may work at at time with one always on the rower until the 4K is complete. Once the rowing work is done, two athletes may begin to work on the other exercises simultaneously.
Keep up the great work, SBK!
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Coach L performs Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Good luck to all the South Brooklyn athletes competing in the North East Regional Qualifiers this weekend. Coach Laurel will be representing us in individual competition while Coach Jeremy, Nicole B, Gerrrit , Jess F and Ryan P will compete as CFSBK's Affiliate Team. We'd also like to thank everyone else from our community who is coming out and working on this event to make it a very special weekend.
Check out these photos from last year's North East Regional Qualifier!
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For Time:
50 Double Unders
30 Bench Presses, 135/75
50 Double Unders
20 Bench Presses, 135/75
50 Double Unders
10 Bench Presses, 135/75
50 Double Unders
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compare to 7.08.09
Weighted Chin-Ups
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(E2/4) L1 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
compare to 5.13.10
CFSBK would like to send our best wishes to Adrian Y as he attempts to climb the highest point in the western hemisphere, Denali. Some of the challenges he'll endure are sub zero temperatures, high altitude adjustments, carrying 45lbs on his back and dragging a 65lb sled behind him. He'll also have to navigate an unforgiving terrain and perform lots of technical camping. Adrian has been training at SBK for over 6 months in preparation for the 3 week climb. Good luck, A-man!
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(E4/8) Sets Across
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compare to 5.15.10
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
10 DB hang power snatch, each arm 50lbs/25lbs
25 Squats
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This weekend is the North East Qualifier, get stoked!
The Starting Strength Series, Charles Staley
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Get well soon to Leonid R who sustained a hamstring injury playing Ultimate Frisbee and Ashley F who injured his knee playing Soccer.
The first batch of Workouts for the North East Qualifier have been announced! What do the competitors think?
Which workout do you dread most, a The Dumbbell Bear, 2K row or "Fran"?
The Free Standing Handstand Again Faster
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(2/4) L1 Sets Across/L2Max Effort
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compare to 5.10.10
For Time:
1000m Row
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If you're feeling beat up from the last week of programming, consider skipping the row for some extended foam roller love.
A big thanks to everyone who came out yesterday for the street fair either to help out or just say hello.
The Journey of Mankind
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21-15-9 reps for time of:
Thrusters 95/65
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compare to 2.8.09
CFSBK at the 5th Ave Fair Today!
As you know,
we are participating in the 5th Ave Fair today from 11am-6pm.
We'll be stationed next to Bierkraft between Union and Berkeley. We want
to show Park Slope what a bunch of badasses you are, so we're planning
some demo WODs throughout the day. If you want to get your workout on in
a totally different environment (unknown and unknowable), we'll be
running them at 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm and 4pm. They'll be short and
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(E3/8) Sets Across
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compare to 5.12.10
1 Mile Run Test
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compare to 9.20.09
Dharma learns how to swing the Kettlebell
The front door has been sticking lately. If you get to class and it seems locked.. it's not. PULL HARD!!
We've decided to lift the Burpee Penalty for latecomers. Taking extra time to do burpees only further disrupts class and has created some non-posi vibes… and you know, at SBK we're all about posi-vibes. Moving forward, if you're more than 10 minutes late you must ask the coach if it's okay for you to join the running class.
There are a lot of clothes in the coat room, many of which have been sitting there for a long time. If you've got something in there you wouldn't like removed, please pick it up before Wednesday night. We're going to clean out the closet on Wednesday after classes.
Monday, May 31st is Memorial Day and you know what that means at SBK… MURPH! Does everyone have the day off? We'd love to get the community together in the afternoon, Murph and then get our grill on. What say you?!
Check out this Group Shot from last year's Memorial Day Murph
What Every High School PE Class Should Look Like Performance Menu
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Whitney H does her first exposure of Back Squats
Interested in getting inverted this weekend? Lava Love is having a handstand fundraiser for a scholarship and their community programs. Check it out!
CFSBK at the 5th Ave Fair this Sunday!
As you know, we are participating in the 5th Ave Fair this Sunday from 11am-6pm. We'll be stationed next to Bierkraft between Union and Berkeley. We want to show Park Slope what a bunch of badasses you are, so we're planning some demo WODs throughout the day. If you want to get your workout on in a totally different environment (unknown and unknowable), we'll be running them at 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm and 4pm. They'll be short and sweaty. Everyone is welcome! Just email or post what time you think you might come so we can plan accordingly.
Did you come from a health conscious family? What was the attitude towards exercise and nutrition growing up?