30 Snatches for time
The competiton loads for "Isabel" are 135lbs for men and 95lbs for women. Attempt find the most weight you can Snatch for 30 reps in under 6 minutes. The goal is to scale this workout so that you can achieve the metabolic stimulus of a short, intense workout. Your scale will depend on how much you can lift and how techincallly sound your Snatch is. There is a hard cut off at the 6 minute mark.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Josh Everett does "Isabel" at 135lbs in 1:11
Broad Jump Test
5 attempts
Post distances to comments.
compare to 8.2.10
Steph P and Coach Shane during yesterdays on the minute Hand Stand Push-Ups
CFSBK, lululemon athletica Brooklyn and the Brooklyn Tri Club will be watching the marathon on 4th and Degraw from 9:30-12 tomorrow. Stop by before or after class to watch the spectacle and cheer on Meghan R, Jennifer M and Jess F!
Remember that the NYC Marathon will be happening right on 4th avenue and you might need to augment your usual route.
CFSBK Recipe numero uno!
Curried Collard Greens
By Christian Fox
You’ll need:
1 Bunch Collards (or other hearty greens), chopped or medium julienne
1 medium Onion, sliced thin
2 cloves Garlic (or more to taste), finely chopped
1 Tbsp Ginger, minced
1-2 Tbsp good Curry powder or paste (I like one with some HEAT!)
½ can Coconut Milk
½ – 1 cup Chicken Stock (salted water will do as well)
1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
Salt to taste
Juice from ½ Lime
Honey (optional)
Cilantro, chopped
Red Peppers, chopped
- Sauté the onion, garlic, and ginger in oil over medium heat in a medium saucepot till onion is slightly caramelized
- Add the curry powder and sauté a few seconds before adding the greens (if using paste stir it in 1-2 Tbsp water or stock first so it incorporates better)
- Add ½ cup stock or water and salt to taste and cook covered till greens are al dente, adding more liquid as needed. You don’t want more than 1-2 Tbsp of liquid left when greens are done
- Add the coconut milk and simmer uncovered for a few minutes until the greens are cooked through and the whole thing thickens up a bit
- Remove from heat amd add lime juice and a small amount of honey if using
- Garnish with cilantro and red pepper
The dish packs a healthy dose of good fats from the coconut milk including lauric acid, along with a good dose of calcium from both the greens and the coconut milk. Curry powders contain numerous anti-inflammatory agents as well. It keeps well so 2x or 3x it for leftovers. Pair it with some roast pork tenderloin (or any piece of meat) to make a meal, and add a starchy veg to make that meal superb post-WOD. To make it more calorically dense use a whole can of coconut milk.
Steph and I match!
Good luck to Jess, Meghan & Jenn running the marathon on Sunday! Really wish I could be there to cheer you guys on.
Have a great weekend everyone. I look forward to seeing the Isabel scores
Best broad jump = 69.5″ (1/2″ more than last time!)Isabel, as RX’ed = 5:35this was UGLY and i thought about scaling back after the first few reps, but i knew i could stay under the cap so i kept going. i couldn’t figure out how to pull from the floor so they were almost all deadlift + hang snatch. wasn’t getting under them either. i don’t know what was going on today.
Best broad jump = 94″ (I think this is way more than the last time we did these, which was around 84″) – good lesson to log accessory work as well as there are some important numbers in there as well!
Isabel: 2:56 @ 75lbs. My first reaction is to be disappointed that I didn’t go heavier. Later, I rationalized on two counts: 1) My shoulder is still a bit sore, so staying light was smart and 2) this is supposed to be a really fast workout, so finishing under 3 minutes is not a bad thing. Next time, I’ll go heavier.
Later, L-sit and lacrosse ball fun.
Broad Jump: 106″
Isabel: 3:56 @ 95#. Intentionally went slow. Next time will go faster with more weight.
First pain free back workout in a couple weeks
best broad jump: 76″
isabel @ 65#: 2:39
i could have obviously gone heavier and made it under the cap, but after yesterday’s snatch FAIL workout, i held back a bit. eager to try this again soon, heavier.
Jess, Jenn and Megan – GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!!
I’ll be watching @ 5th Ave and 93rd and will be on your left. I’ll be looking for you!!
shoulda done the WOD today… poor planning on my part.
Active Recovery Saturday Edition was awesome – having a full hour to give yourself such intense attention is priceless.
Last couple of months I’ve only made it to the gym sporadically and stopped posting, so for the start of a new cycle planning to make it regularly and to remember to post for each workout.
WU: jump rope
Broad jump: 105.5
WOD: 3:44 at 55# and since this the first time ever snatching for me, also a snatch pr :-)I really enjoy when the wods involve oly lifts.
Acc: pullups 4 4 4 2 2
Finally, Good Luck to all the runners!
Isabel @ 1103:13Only bonked myself on the head once, which is usually all it takes. Should have gone at 105 judging by the bunch of pressing out I did although I was happy with the time domain. Plus, no points for distance covered during the WOD. Thanks to Ryan and Malcolm for pushing me along.
Really happy to run this WOD today and very pleased with the smart scaling by all.
Saturday edition of Active Recovery was rocking!
Good luck to everyone running tomorrow! Thanks for the recipe. I actually have a site with paleo recipes that I am starting to put together, basically links to stuff that I have found and tried. I will share it soon once I add a few more.
Did a nice run by the beach down here in Puerto Rico. See you in a week.
Fun to be in class today despite the continued wonky knee. Great to see Kate Brash!! And to meet Sadie!!!
Thanks to Fox & Laurel for a genius WOD variant:
30x 2 KB swings, 1.5 pood, 1 pushup
Finished in 6:03. Perfect! And HARD.
Instead of broad jump did 3xmax pullups w/ white band: 10, 8, 6.
Later, lots of chasing Linus around with the lacrosse ball.
fun stuff.
braod jump best: 99inchesisabelle in 4:43 with 95 lbs.
Great to see James Posting!!
As per my November Goal:
Tonight’s home cooked Meal of the Day (MOD) is:
Organic ground turkey, cooked on a skillet with no seasoningSteamed organic vegetables which I timed poorly and ate about 10 minutes after the turkeyflat seltzer, drank straight from the 2 liter bottle
watch out, barefoot contessa
David dear, maybe if you seasoned your food a little you’d be more likely to continue making it. A little salt and pepper. Maybe some garlic. Just a thought
Best broad jump 75″Isabelle in 4:37 at 42lbs – this devolved quickly into DL + mid-hang snatch. Last 10-15 landed basically at standing b/c my quads burned with rage after the paltry ~1/6 squat they’d been doing. yay being a total noob. someday…
go marathoners, go!!!
I believe this is my first post. I made the curried collard greens. Very good! I’m going to start currying more greens.
I’m excited for:James posting.D-Turn posting AND cooking.David cooking.