30 Minutes
Kettlebell Clean and Kettlebell Snatch
30 Minutes
Today's programming comes in anticipation of a week of BIG PRs by all our athletes in the three strength movements in this cycle. Starting tomorrow with the Hang Snatch, then Wednesday and Thursday with Front Squats and Handstand Push-Ups respectively. We want everyone fresh and raring to go. You'll be spending about 1/2 the class with a foam roller, a lacross ball, and some fancy stretches to take care of your tissues and "mobilize your business", and the other half on kettlebell skill work learning the clean and the snatch, the different methods and nuances of both. Peace and PRs be with you…
JZ enjoys his comfy new Paleo Chair
Happy Halloween Boys and Ghouls!!
A HUGE shout out to CFSBK's Team Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Noah A, Katie M, Josh M, Steph P and Judge Jess B) who won yesterday's Trick or Treat Challenge at Crossfit Virtuosity!! Tremendous work on the WODs AND the costumes!
Check out the three WODs they competed in here!
The Ragnar Information Session
The Ragnar Info session will be held at CFSBK Sunday, November 14th at 12p. This meeting is for those interested in participating or just learning more about what the race and training leading up to the race entails. You don't have to commit to participate in the race just come out to learn more. Sarah H. will be leading the session and all are encouraged to attend. RSVP to sarah(AT)frenchfrieswithpepper.com
Article on Old Texas Barbell Company Dennisrogers.net
Manny Pacquiao working the mits with Freddie Roach (Thanks Edgar) Youtube.com
Also big congratulations to Josh M who was on that badass teenage mutant team too! Who was which turtle?
… I was Rapheal
Sorry about that Josh it’s fixed now!
My right shoulder is hurting kinda bad from yesterday’s double-under heroics; I’m not sure why (there seems to be some sharp pains, some tenderness) but its painful enough for me to take the day off and go running instead.
One Prospect Park Loop: 25.30
I hope this clears up by tomorrow so I can do snatches.
The least flexible guy in the gym decided to show up for some active recovery today to loosen up my business. I think I need to do this more often, felt bad in a good way.
Strength Cycle B, Session 3
First time with the ten-rep “intensity” day.
Not the best timing – I spent all weekend cracking out because of the catering gig yesterday, so sleep and diet have been mightily compromised.
Also, strong coffee+empty stomach+lifting=drama.
Nevertheless, the show must go on.
w/u 45×5, 75×5, 95×5, 125x1work: 130×10
Wow, ten is a lot more than two times five.
Thanks Fox for help with my perennially bum shoulder.
w/u : 25×5, 30×5, 35x5work: 45×10
Barely made ten and it’s only week one. This is going to suck.
Rack pulls
w/u: 45×5, ???x5 (didn’t pay attention, was transfixed by my toy ring)work: 135×5
Milk+angus run with Avi and Jack
Sprint 400m x4100m x4
and finally
Run easy 2 miles.
I can’t believe Bierkraft’s special today was meatballs.
great video of manny, what an incredible athlete!
Trick or Treat Throwdown was a ton of fun, we definitely have Katie and Steph to thank, their efforts were where we “made our money” in the competition. Also big thank to Jess Bailey for driving and judging, so at her request:
Q: What is a Crossfitting snowman’s favorite thing to do?
A: Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpees.
These are apparently the things I think of when I’m getting mentally prepared to compete.