Max Reps in 90 seconds-KB Swings 24kg/16kg
Max Weight in 30 seconds-Snatch x 2
Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.
*Athletes will receive 1 point for each lb on the bar and 1 point for each KB swing
Post score per rounds to comments.
Accessory Work
Practice Rolls to Candlesticks for 10 Minutes
Crossfit draws heavily from three movement pools and seeks for competency in each:
1. Gymnastics (Calisthenics, Ring Work, etc)
2. Weightlifting (Olympic Weightlifting, Powerlifting, KB work)
3. Monostructural (Running/Sprinting, Rowing, Jump Rope)
Do you feel balanced across all three? If not, where do you feel most adept? Where do you feel like you need the most work?
Roll to Candlestick and Roll to Candlestick with Hands Down
John Welbourn wants you to do Yoga