Warm-up 1 or 2
3 Rounds for Time of:
10 Shoulder to Overhead 135/85
20 Box Jumps 24″/20″
30 Kettlebell Swings 24/16 kg
1/3 mile run
1/3 of a mile is 1 lap around the block
David goes upside down at our last CF Gymnastics Cert!
Remember there are NO group classes tomorrow. Enjoy your Labor Day holiday!
Happy Birthday Coach Margie!
Coach Margie has been an integral part of SBK since it’s start at the Brooklyn Lyceum. Over the last few years she has grown into an awesome strength and nutrition coach. Happy Birthday Margie and here’s to many more!
Gymnastics Cert at CFSBK: The Jeff Tucker Experience
On November 5th & 6th CFSBK will be proudly hosting our second Gymnastics Certification. Join Jeff Tucker and his crew for two days dedicated to mastering handstands, ring and bar inversions, the paralletes and more. Tucker is an amazing instructor and a hell of a fun dude and he and his team run an informative and fun weekend guaranteed to get make you a better gymnast. You can register for the seminar HERE!
Also Tucker and the GSX crew have an awesome Gymnastics Blog with a ton of information that’ll improver your skills check it out at CrossFit Gymnastics
What are your plans for your day off?