Novice lifters will continue their linear progressions adding 5-10lbs as appropriate.
Post loads to comments.
compare to 1.26.12 or 1.11.12
As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 Minutes of:
7 Toes to Bar
21 Double Unders
Post rounds completed and Rx to comments.
Neal G, 71 years young, pulls 245×3 for sets across last Tuesday. Go Neal!
Happy Birthday Chris A. and Nate O!
Check out our upcoming Powerlifting Seminar presenters, Shane Sweatt and Laura Phelps-Sweatt talking about “Benching With Band Resistance” Want to learn more? Sign up today!
Third and Final Rowing Workshop with Coach Nick
Nick will hold the final rowing workshop of the three-part series this Saturday at 1:30. He’ll tie everything together from the first two workshops, discuss the machine and how to set it up for yourselves (drag factor, foot height, etc.), and review the racing start. The group will then do its first tough workout in prep for a 2000m race in late February (some will race at CRASH-Bs in Boston on Feb. 19th, and others will race here the following week).
The workshop will be limited to eight people. Please email Nick at nick [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com to let him know if you are coming.
The following videos may help you prep for the seminar:
The One-Joint Rule
Better Hip Positioning for Better Pulling
Pre-Squat Hip-Opener
Still Room Left in Kim Miller’s Rest Day Dinner!
Attention all Windsor Terrace (and beyond!) CrossFitters. Kim Miller is hosting the sixth Rest Day Dinner of the 2012 Paleo Challenge in your hood. This will be a potluck style dinner at her apartment with a cap of 15 people. If you’re interested, please RSVP by February 15th. The contact information and location details are listed below.
Host Contact Information:
Kim Miller
kim.millervt <AT> yahoo.com
Date and Time:
February 17th
1269 Prospect Ave, Brooklyn, NY
Between Greenwood and Reeve
Robb Wolf and Greg Everett Talk to Coach Mike Rutherford about Strength Biased Programming Paleo Solution Podcast
Programming Pull-Ups 70’s Big
Push-Up Cues 70’s Big
Hey meat CSA kids! Wondering what to do with the meat in your February delivery?
Here is my Daily Paleo blog post with suggestions.
Thanks for all your support and feedback this month, and enjoy π
I was wondering if Gluten Free Sweet White Sorghum Flour is ok to use to bake with?
Hamilton College in the house! Nice pulls Neal. Stu Shpetner, Class of '61 says "hi."
And Michelle, I was nosing around "TDP" it all last night – awesome work. Any plans for some slow cooker recipes?
Sure thing, Tom. And thanks!
I'm not a member, but long time lurker. I've gotten a lot of useful info and links off this website, so I wanted to at least contribute something back. There's a Groupon deal for 24 – 6oz. grass-fed steakburger patties for $44 (shipping included). Don't know how this deals compares to CSA, but might be good for those who can't commit to a big order. It expires today. I don't have any affiliation with Groupon or the meat company.
X-Ray of a 70 year old triathlete:
Belated thoughts on coffee from yesterday's discussion, since I am currently missing it badly. (A cup or two a day is ok, i hear, during pregnancy, but I'm trying to keep it to tea, and now the coffee seriously destroys my sleep when I do have it. I am looking forward to re-acclimating to it sometime in the distant future…)
My opinions:
Black iced coffee all year round (bonus points if it is cold-brewed), hot coffee with or without heavy cream.
Gimme! Coffee is the best (they have a couple locations in NYC, but I've only been a few times – I just order the beans online, and looooove them).
Michelle – you've probably thought of this, but upping my caffeine/coffee content has definitely been known to throw off my digestion.
Nice job, Neal!
Squats felt great last night, using exrx's 1rm calculator I've added 10-20 lbs to my squat over the Wendler cycle (I'm so soft, gains are pretty easy for the foreseeable future).
I've been feeling surprisingly gassed on repouts in past weeks, so I made sure to eat in anticipation of the gym — instead of my skipping lunch or eating a really late lunch I got in a early meat + veggies lunch, and a late afternoon meat and fruit snack.
185#x10 — had a few more too, easily
WOD was fun. 6:14 @ 155#. Got some remedial pushup schooling from Noah afterwards. My fatigued pushups are pretty bullshit, so it was useful.
I am deeply excited that last night's CSA order contained spare ribs (though I wish there were more of them!). Woohoo!
I am also super excited for tomorrow's Rest Day Dinner. 21 people are coming! OMG, have to clean (the floors, not barbells)!
wendler press today – 81×5
wod rx'd: 6+6
Oh my god I am excited about swole.me! I have such a sick fascination with diet calculating websites and have always wanted one to just spit out meals for me.! Obviously it will require some creativity to not be the most boring foods ever, but pretty exciting none the less!
Yesterday, back in the box after a week of nothing but burpees!
Low Bar Back Squats
100# (70%) x 3
115# (80%) x 3
130# (90%) x 9 (rep out) YAY!! I can't wait to total again π
rx – 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 bodyweight deadlift/pushups
I did 95# (50% of my 1rm) on deadlift
1 pood KB Swings for the pushups since my shoulders are fucked from doing burpees all week.
This was hellishly hard on my lower back. Still burning
Excited for presses tonight!
For those that didnt get enough of my dancing skills last night during 6pm tonite at Brooklyn Bowl, QTIP will be DJ'ing at Brooklyn Bowl paying tribute to don cornelius. End of night will be soul train line.
Who is in?
All I can think about it Oly Lifting. It is sick. There is some serious nervous system rewiring going on in my body. Its almost as if I am having one of those crazy growth spurts from high school. One day I can hang snatch (not so good), the next day I can't because I am not even sure where my knees are anymore as they seem to be in a different place than I thought they were yesterday and I cant seem to get them out of the way of the bar so i spend 3 hours dragging the stupid thing across the front of them, then the third day I can suddenly shoot them back/sideways just enough and then a split second later forward and up just right to send that bar hurtling towards my chest. I know, I know, blah, blah, time, diet, yadee, yadee, don't jump to conclusions. What can I say? I can feel the difference after just ten or fifteen hours on this skill. I feel good. I feel light. I feel dynamic. I feel flexible. I feel strong. I feel like I am more aware of my body. I feel f*cking awesome.
From yesterday: Noor, I would never doubt your ability to squat 225, but I did think it was hilarious/surprising that you called yourself a douche, because that obviously isn't true. Much more fitting for Samir. (JK Samir!)
Extra brain dead this morning, sorry David! But good times, brought my Rogue speed rope in and it was the best idea ever, getting closer to chaining the DU's – am up to 10 DU's in a row with a mix of double and single bounces in between. The speed rope is way better with my thumb, Josh adjusted it perfectly with just a little extra length. Also extra incentive not to miss because it hurts. Seriously.
Keith – I like white sorghum, if I don't have sweet white rice flour on hand that's what I'll use or I'll make a blend that will include the sorghum. I also have used coconut flour, almond, teff, potato, etc. All have their quirks π What are you making?!?!?!?!
so i'm guessing the gym will be closed during the powerlifting seminar?
If the question is "Is sorghum ok in the parameters of the paleo challenge" the answer is most likely no…definitely a grain, albeit gluten free.
My hand is still feeling funny from a few off cleans from last week so I didn't exactly crush on the press.
3 x 135#
9 rounds
@erica- I never even considered that. thank you!
On coffee: While I'm a black coffee drinker, I think just saying "Try it black, you'll love it!" doesn't always work, and that the difference between Bean A and Bean B might not be enough to get someone over the hump from drinking heavily creamed coffee to the real stuff. When I first went Paleo, which was slowly over a few months, I weaned myself back on the cream front. I'd add just a bit less milk or cream each time (an unexact science, sure) until I finally arrived at pure black. Now I can't think of drinking it any other way. Just one method.
Anyone struggling with pushups, ESPECIALLY ladies should read the above article- I've been trying to grab anyone I see over the past few days and impart the lessons to them. Proper pushup technique is absolutely critical to make the movement a potent strength builder and to have that strength translate to other movements. Even if you can do a bunch of ugly, elbow-flared, internally rotated pushups all that makes you good at is ugly, elbow flared, internally…you get my drift.
On another note, those CSA breakfast sauages didn't stand a chance.
Oh! Thanks Noah – I didn't think to ask Keith that π K – sorry 'bout that. All my baked goods go to other homes and such, I don't eat them, so I didn't think that maybe you wanted for yourself. Apologies!
Those pre-squat hip openers are like a revelation. Josh had us do those last week. Amazing how much they helped.
pre-squat hip opener… I need to know this.
Noah – stop calling my ugly, elbow-flared, internally rotated push-ups ugly!
yeah it was for paleo…
so Julie it appears I will not be making anything.
I won't bash paleo, I won't bash paleo…grrrr
All: I have a chaise from IKEA that I'm giving away for free. It's comfortable and (I think) looks nice, but it doesn't fit in my new place. It's the Kivik style in Tullinge gray-brown if you want to look it up on the IKEA website. Please email me (katie dot mohrhauser at gmail) if you're interested. Otherwise, it's going to the curb.
There are no Paleo Police. If you don't believe in the decisions you're making you're missing the point!
3 Rounds
20 KB Swings (20k,24k,32k)
10 GHD Sit-Ups
16 Reverse Lunges
Back Squat (3 Week)
(45×5, 135×5, 165×3)
185×3, 205×3, 220×11
Thanks to Margie and Whitney for watching
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
7 T2B
21 Double Unders
10 rounds + 7 T2B
Happy with the rep out. Watching the 5pm class hit the WOD made me think it was going to be a lot tougher than it looked. Once I got rolling I was really happy with how quickly I moved through the first 5 rounds. Right around 6 things started to break down and I had to split up my T2B's into 4/3 with the first rep always giving me some trouble. My doubles began to miss more but I was happy that I didn't stop jumping rope at any point just to rest, which I usually do.
Babied the shoulder again and did sets across:
85x5x3 – felt ok, the weight was light and the shoulder was willing…but just.
AMRAP in 10 minutes of 7 t2b and 21 double unders:
7 rounds + 7
rounds 6 and 7 I switched to k2e. I canβt cycle the kip on these yet and I burned out.
First round of doubles was a total shit show but fine after that.
Chasing Whit the whole way… gave me a good push.
Good class at 5pm! Thanks Josh for the L-sit pointers, going to work on the shoulder position a bit more moving forward.
135×10 for the press out
15 +3 rx
Jon, again sorry I flipped on you mid wod, it was a heat of the moment thing (insert Asia lyrics here).
wendler 3's: 65, 75, 81×5
t2b and double unders; 13 + 6 t2b
Felt good, wanted to get something kinda heavy on the bar. Good to know I can squat that a little sore
Easy. Just hit the minimum numbers, I want to go after the bench press tomorrow
Pendalay Rows
Took the weight down a few lbs from last week, wanted to make sure I'm staying over the bar enough
Funtimez! I've been hitting M + W, so it was nice to change it up and see the Thursday crew.
Sick for the first half of this week so this was the first physical work I'd done since Sunday night.
Got my squats in instead of press.
70% = 95×3
80% = 105×3
90% = 120×8 (rep out).
Thanks to Margie and David for watching and the cues! I was told I had a more in the tank, and I agree. These are feeling clean and relatively smooth, so I know there's lots more in there. I cut it at 8 because I was feeling light-headed. Didn't want to push too much extra after being in bed and on my couch for a solid 36 hours.
7 rounds and 7 knees to elbows.
DMAK… I was chasing YOU!!
DUs and K2E both felt relatively organized; just winded quite quickly.
Thanks to Josh for the extra help and insight on the kipping K2E.
Accessory handstand playtime to follow. I like practicing this stuff after I've already done a lot of work, as everything's already pretty integrated. Had some good moments jumping from two feet into a balance — did four rounds of 10 jumps and then some extra stuff. Goal is to lower from handstand into crow pose by my birthday in June!
8 (9?) rounds + 4T2B
Was cruising until 6th round
Today was a pretty fantastic day! Maybe it's because I'm getting closer and closer to putting in my letter of resignation or maybe it's something else. Either way, I'll take it!
5pm class:
Wendler Press:
(43×5, 55×5)
-maybe could have squeaked out one more, but I'm fine with this.
9 rounds + 7 t2b, 3 du's.
-actually happy about this because I thought t2b would be more of a shit show. Had plenty of time to finish that 10th round but I kept tripping myself up on the du's trying to go too fast.
-fun 'trying' to keep up with Mishik who KILLED it. damn son.
-Great classes tonight!
Did my Wendler presses on my own, 95, 105, 115×7. I was happy with the 7. Wendler presses have definitely been good to me for my presses, and I am going to keep going with it when this cycle is over.
155 x 3 Press.
8 rounds + 3 t2b.
lovely wod
was gassed
I like how comments are closed on the information diet. I REALLY need that WOD, I have been glued to my various screens while in DC this week.
But I just had to share this video of Michelle Obama and Ellen Degeneres doing pushups. Not full ROM, but still awesome:
And, um,I don't watch the show or anything, but on Biggest Loser this week they did "Fran." Kinda sorta. Worlds colliding…
7 Knees to above waist
21 DUs
AMRAP 10 mins.
5 +7 ktaw
Congrats on Chris J. hitting his toes to the bar for the first time ever — 45 times!