of the following Complex:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch
Power Snatch Demo/Hang Snatch Demo
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Good Luck to Today’s Urbanathalon Participants
CFSBKer Brandon C and Coaches Chris and Jess Fox are braving the cold today to participate in the Men’s Health Urbanathalon today. The course is 9 miles and stretches through not one but two sports stadiums and is filled with various obstacles and challenges. We wish you all the best of luck!
Who is running the NYC Marathon?
The 2011 NYC Marathon is next Sunday, November 6th and there are a number of CFSBK athletes who’ll be running the 26.2 miles through NYC’s five boroughs. If you’re one of them shoot us an email to info@crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com and/or leave us a note on the whiteboard in the community area in the gym so we can make sure you’re recognized for all your hard work!
1-Legged Powerlifter Allison McWeeny 171lb DL at 125lbs Youtube
Even Godzilla Keeps a Workout Log Timothy McSweeny
Strong AND Useless Zach Evan-Esh
5 Shouler Saving Tips Roberston Training Systems