Burpee 101
Power Snatch 101
For time:
40 Burpees
20 Power Snatches 95/65
20 Pull Ups
20 Burpees
10 Power Snatches
10 Pull Ups
Post time and RX to comments.
All Hail!-Team SBK at Yesterday’s ‘Hail to the Queen’ Event
Congratulations to all of the Team SBK on their performance yesterday!
Congratulations to Mobina on completing her first ever 5k Run and congratulations to Peggy PL on her first double unders!
Teaser Class Moves to 10AM Starting Today!
Our weekly free Teaser Class is now at 10AM. This is the perfect opportunity to come experience what we do for yourself. RSVP to info(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com
Steve I. Can Show You How to Stunt
Steve I. recently joined our ranks and is not only a great addition to the SBK community but is a kick ass stuntman as well. Steve has quite the filmmography and has worked on everything from Inception and the upcoming Batman film to Gossip Girl! Steve has a few badass videos of him training and practicing his craft:
Flipping with Guns aka “That Sh*t Cray”
Flips and Tumbling
Stunt Driving Practice
We welcome Steve to the gym and ask you to remember that he is a trained professional. Please do not attempt any of the things you’ve seen in the videos at home or at the gym!
Stone-Age Social Science May Have Resembled Ours Ars Technica
From 83 Pounds to the Games: Cheryl Nasso CrossFit
Kicking Door Down: Deb Cordner Carson CrossFit