Do it like this: Lauren B’s Low Bar Squat Rack
Straight wrists, palms flush on the bar, elbows high
News and Notes
- Fish Oil is back in stock at the gym. Pick a bottle up for $25, cash or credit.
- Parents of babies/toddlers! Come to our Baby Muster and Picnic on October 13th at 1:15pm. The cutness factor will be off the charts!
- As of posting, our Fight Gone Bad total is $11,217 and growing! Have you sent your emails out yet? It literally only takes 5 minutes to make a difference!
- There is still (very limited) room in Coach Jeremy’s “B” Strength Cycle meeting on Tuesday, Thursday and Sundays. Sign up today!
- In conjunction with the Commissioning Ceremony of the USS Michael Murphy on October 6th, 2012, there will be multiple military flyovers, parachute jumps, and ceremonial gun salutes in the area of the Hudson River (Pier 88 at West 48th Street, MN) throughout the weekend (10/5-10/6)
The Return of The Supple Leopard Pub Quiz Team!
Supple Leopard was laying low for a while after we were unceremoniously knocked out of the playoffs, but we’ll be back in force this Sunday and we would love to see some new faces. If 6 or fewer people show up, we’ll all play as Supple Leopard; with 7 or more, we’ll split into 2 teams. (Please do not worry about being person #7! We can totally do a team of 3 and a team of 4 if that’s how it happens.)
The ‘fo:
What: pub quiz! Test your knowledge of pretty much everything except classical music. (No, I’m not bitter.)
Where: Pacific Standard, 82 4th Avenue at St. Mark’s in Brooklyn.
When: Sunday, quiz starts at 8, but we typically arrive around 7:30 to secure tables.
Who: Email Stella (stellavision(AT) for more information or to RSVP
The Brooklyn Community Projects Series
We’ll regularly be showcasing some of the awesome projects that the BCP has funded right in our own backyards. Enjoy!
Lindsey Valenzuela Snatches 200lbs
6 Ways CrossFit Can Benefit Runners Competitor
Low Bar Vs High Bar Squatting 70s Big