5 Rounds for max reps of:
1:00 Wall Balls
1:00 Burpees to Bumper plate
1:00 Rest
Post total reps completed to comments.
Note how many “No reps” (if any) you got on Wall Ball
- Happy shooting to everyone getting some professional pictures by Bekka P done today!
When world-renowned Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) fighter B.J. Penn went to CrossFit founder Greg Glassman looking for a workout that would mimic the trials of a bout in the Octagon, Glassman devised a devastating test that ultimately became known as “Fight Gone Bad”. Many of you have fought through Fight Gone Bad so we’re thinking of putting UFC’s Fight Night live bouts on the CFSBK big screen on Saturday afternoon March 8. Are you interested in pulling up a mat and grabbing a beer to watch? Email mare(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn so we can guage interest. This would be a free event that would start directly after the 1pm Group class.
Rich Froning does “Isabel” at 225lbs in 6:09
Screw your standing desk, how about Squatting?