Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 2 to 5 lbs to last week.
Performance: 82.5% x 4 x 4, then 80% x 4 x 4
Rest two minutes between sets.
Post loads to comments.
Partner WOD
AMRAP 21 Minutes (one partner working at a time):
3 Strict Press 115/75
6 Push Press 115/75
3 Strict Pull Ups
6 Kipping Pull Ups
200m Sprint
Post Rx and time to comments.
McD and David installed a Big Ass Fan to keep you cool this summer
News and Notes
- BREAKING NEWS: Not really, but there is a cool new post over on Coach David’s blog Inside the Affiliate called “This is What You Need to Know About Choosing the Right CrossFit Gym.” Since you’re hopefully already happily training at an affiliate (CFSBK!), we’d love if you sent the article to friends and family considering starting CrossFit in a different region.
- Another two weeks, another new batch of Lost and Found itemz. Collect your stuff by July 15, or we’re giving it away.
CFSBK Classifieds
Have you checked out CFSBK Classifieds yet? No, there isn’t a Missed Connections thread, but there’s all sorts of other neat stuff. This new forum will allow CFSBKers to connect with each other on the level of services, housing, employment opportunities, items for sale or giveaway, lessons and classes, programs, etc. It’s a result of our desire to find a better way to localize all the resources within our community. Head over there to play around and post (responsibly) to your heart’s content!
Travel Gym Recommendations
We also wanted to find a way to save all the recommendations we make to each other about other gyms while people are traveling, hence the new tab Travel Gym Recommendations (it’s also in the left-hand column under Member Resources). This will be a great place to keep everyone’s notes about their experiences at other affiliates, both good and bad. The United States West thread is currently in the lead with the most entries, but we know you guys regularly gallivant to the far corners of our globe and CrossFit, so fill up those other regions!
If you have any questions about either of these new additions, please email Kate at katharine [at]
The Secret of Effective Motivation New York Times
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This Aerobic Video Wins Everything