Laura C. a.k.a Dubie beasting out with kettlebell swings
News and Notes
- Stella Z. is toying with the idea of organizing a Ragnar Relay team, either for Cape Cod (May 8-9) or Madison to Chicago (June 12-13). Email Stella at stellavision [at] if you’re interested. You don’t have to be committed yet; she’s just gauging interest levels.
- PLEASE TAKE YOUR OLY SHOES HOME Monday 12/22 through Monday 1/5. We are redoing the shoe containers and want to make sure the shoes we have are actually being used. If you are traveling, please pick them up earlier. Email the Front Desk with any other questions, cfsbkfrontdesk [at]
- There’s still time to sign up for Flex and the City! The event is on February 14th and teams are comprised of two men and two women. There are three events. Learn more here and contact Coach MeLo at Melissa [at] with any questions.
- Schedule Reminders: 11am Active Recovery is canceled tomorrow! Check out our full list of changes for the rest of December here.
Reminder: Help Others This Holiday Season
New York Cares Coat Drive (12/6 – 12/21)
Give the gift of warmth this holiday season. CFSBK is collecting new and gently used winter coats to help keep those in need warm during the winter season. New York Cares aims to collect 100,000 gently used winter coats each November and December and distributes them to thousands of men, women, and children who would otherwise go without them. They work hand-in-hand with a wide variety of Community Partners in New York City to make sure coats are distributed as quickly as possible. Coats will be collected at the front desk from 12/6 – 12/21. We are only collecting coats at this time.
City Harvest Canned Food Drive (12/22 – 1/4)
From 12/22 – 1/4 CFSBK will be collecting canned foods to help stock NYC’s food pantries and soup kitchens. City Harvest helps feed the more than 1.4 million New Yorkers facing hunger each year. They provide free deliveries of food to more than 500 emergency food programs throughout New York City. The most needed foods are canned fruit, canned vegetables, canned proteins (like fish and chicken), and peanut butter (plastic jars).
How to Cook Spaghetti Squash (and Why) The Atlantic
Explore the Structure of Manhattan’s Urban Fabric
Be a Good Gym Member: Safety, Respect And Taking Care of Equipment Catalyst Athletics
Saturday's Programming
Back Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds.
Performance: Work up to a Heavy Single (80-90% of 1RM), then Max Reps at 65% of 1RM (capped at 20).
Post loads to comments.
In 15 Minutes:
1 Mile Run
20 Kettlebell Swings
20 Burpees
In 15 Minutes:
1 Mile Run
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings
5/3 Muscle Ups
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Catching up on my posts for this week. Started the Smolov intense cycle on Monday and man, is it tough.
MONDAY – HBBS at CrossFit Pearl District in Portland.
3×4 at 425
1×3 at 450
2×5 at 425
Definitely feeling real heavy. I've gotten shit sleep this week too, which isn't helping. Hoping to get back on a normal sleep schedule for the next few weeks as the weight increases.
185 3×5 – a nice reset, hoping to get another PR by the end of this cycle.
3 x 1 min 55lb weighted plank holds followed by tons of stretching/rolling.
6am. Back squats: 135×5, 185×3, 235×2, 275×1, 295×1, 210×20. 295 was a 10# jump from last week and felt better. Took the rep out slow. Real slow. Think I spent about 3min on it. Metcon (perf @ 32KG kettlebell): 3 rounds + 5 swings. Finished the run in 7:20. Thought I was pushing harder than that. MUs were crisp today. Did every round in 3-2.
YESSSSSSSS!!! I made it on the CFSBK blog! Holla!
…Oh, and I couldn't make it into the gym this morning, so Tur and I squatted yesterday. I'm still linear progressing my HBBSQ. Did 3x5x130 this week! (Finished last cycle at 140). Hoping to get to 145-150 by the end of the cycle. I love squats. <3
That's all I got. Going to CA then London for the holidays. Hoping to stop by Crossfit Tustin to get in my lifting, so I can make huge gainzzz – all day erryday, baby.
Happy Holidays Everyone! XO
7am this morning with McD and Nick
Thursday's Workout:
Power Cleans–work up to a top set of 5
5×85, 5×105, 5×115, 5×120—trying not to splat (land with my feet super wide), but once I get up to 120, the last few get pretty messy. I know, intellectually, that I can get a lot lower while still keeping it as a power clean, but my body just doesn't want to execute on that.
Conditioning: 46 cleans, 39 jerks. All I could think about during this workout was how hungry I was (this 7am time is new to me and I'm still figuring out my morning food situation). The squat cleans got nasty, but kept myself on a strict 3 every 30 seconds for the final 3 minutes, which seemed to work well. Jerks, as always, were more challenging (I feel like I've been having a particularly hard time overhead lately!). As Nick pointed out, the bar keeps on getting too far in front of me, and I don't really get under it.
Also–I LOVE that Urban Layers thing! So cool!
6am touch and go cleans at 125# first set was all over the place. 2nd and 3rd were more dialed in.
Crash-B workout w7, 2×18 @16spm at 2:04 and second at 2:13 splits. My first good rowing day in a long time.
4 spots left in the Iron Maidens Raw Open! As Jess mentioned yesterday, we added some additional spots, but now they're almost gone again. Jump on it!
Squats: 215 for single, then 155×18. McDowell said I did good. Any praise from McD is earned, so I was stoked ๐
Run in about 9:30 — I thought I was going faster than that based on how hard I was breathing and what my legs felt like, but I guess my legs were busted from the squat rep-out. Kept moving, albeit slowly, through the KB swings (20 kg) and burpees, and got 2 rounds + 4 KB swings.
So now it's time to get Messiah going! I'd tell you all to buy a ticket, but we're sold out! ๐
JB, I usually do 7 AM on an empty stomach, but of course if you're hungry then it's not working for you — I found that, when I was doing morning strength cycle, it helped to drink an Orgain shake on my walk to the gym. It took some getting used to since I HATE the concept of food-as-fuel (I like to think that every meal is a chance to enjoy something delicious!), but it definitely helped since it was easy to get down and provided an early boost of protein/carbs.
(With due credit to Michelle B, who introduced me to that brand — I have avoided protein shakes like the plague in the past because of the taste. I'm not going to say Orgain tastes so good that I'd drink one for fun rather than out of necessity — but they taste fine.)
Thanks, Stella! I don't mind Orgain and am totally down with the food-as-fuel thing, so that's not a bad idea. Or I could just make myself a smoothie. Sometimes when I wake up I don't think I need food but within in a half hour I'm in full-blown hangry, panic mode. Add in a barbell and we're all in trouble. ๐
A couple of make-up posts:
Wednesday, 7:30pm
Front squats – 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 245×1, 175×12. Mentally, I just didn't have it today. The 245 felt like a serious grind, so I didn't even try for 255 (which I hit the past two weeks). Capped the rep out at 12, as I was having major issues with front racking today. Partnered with Brad on the performance WOD, scaled to 115#. As he mentioned, I doubt we could have gone heavier, as this was a total ripper. Strangely, the snatches felt like the easier part for me. The chest to bars slowed me the hell down, and I pretty much had to break them up from the jump. However, in positive news I was able to pull off sets of four and five here, and 44 of the 45 reps were solid (I missed touching the bar on one rep). Also, the snatches I either did in sets of 5 and 1, or 4 and 2, until the last round which was all singles. #23pegRack4Lyfe
Thursday, 7:30pm
Power cleans – 115×5, 145×5, 165×5, 185×5. I hit 195 last week, but I was feeling very tired and very un-explosive this week (two week vacation starts in 6 hours and 10 minutes, not that i am counting or anything), so I called it after 185. That weight wasn't a struggle, but I just did not feel fast. I did the WOD rx'd, and got 77 total reps. Squat cleans were 8-11-12, and push jerks were 9-15-22. The squat cleans were a total grind – wound up on my toes more than I should have, couldn't keep my pace from the first minute at all. Push jerks were better. I can cycle these decently (was mostly doing sets of 4 and 5), but find that I may rest too much in between. Love workouts like these, though.
Client cancelled last minute so…7am lifts. I hate lifting so early.
Tweaked my back a bit. Should have warmed up more
Late post for our final Weightlifting class where we MAXXED OUT with 6 attempts spread out however we'd like between Snatch and C+J:
Snatch – 85, 90(M), 90(M)
Under the second one fine but came up too fast and dumped it forward. Decided to move on and push the C+Js.
Clean and Jerk – 105, 110, 115(C)
115 was a PR clean but it took about 3 minutes to stand it up and then I had no juice for the jerk. Still committed pretty well but had nothing to hold it overhead.
This cycle was awesome and really great for my consistency on the snatch and jerk. Also got to chat with Holley again and watch her lift. Such a boss.
On vacay so I dropped in Planet Fitness. They had five smith machines (ugh) which I refused to use, so I did the following instead.
Goblet squats: 35lbs 10 x 10
Press: 50lbs 5 x 3
Pulley row: 70lbs 5 x 3
20 minutes in the stair machine
PS: Sorry, erg. It's not you, it's me. I โฅ lifting heavy shit too much.
@Todd: love the image of you taking 3 full minutes to stand up a clean. the struggle is real.
10AM class today, except really I snuck in to do Wednesday's class :-/
WU: 2 rounds: 10 push up, 15 squat. Did 1 round of 3 MU transitions with blue band, but had a hot, sharp pain to the outside of my left elbow. I've been having this on and off for a while now, and while my shoulders are feeling a LOT better, this elbow thing sucks and haven't found a way to help it yet. (resting and lax ball work sort of mitigates, but hasn't cleared it)
45×5, 95×3, 115×1
-5# up from last week. springy. no problems. still getting used to the shim
-ext rot in flexion is tight on L side. work on it.
-3 strict C2B chins
-6 power snatch 63#
-3 OHS 63#
Time: 9:45
-chins: 3, 3, 3 (with some knee bend and "a lil english" to it), 1-1-1, 1-1-1
-snatches weren't very organized at first. out of practice. by round 4, i remembered i could just keep hook grip in during the whole movement and started touch and go a bit better. Mostly did 5 together, then rest before 6th right into OHS.
-McD's two great points: get the bar to the hips EVERY TIME, and practice the lowering phase. lean back a bit and turn over at elbow to drop down, instead of turning over at wrist, slamming it back to hips and then down.
-OHS were the easiest part of this.
Office workout to work up an appetite for our company holiday dinner:
95×5 135×5 185×5 225×4 265×3 295×4 295x3x4
Backing off from 305 was definitely a good idea, these 4's are gonna get heavy quickly.
Push press
95×5 135×4 165×3 175x4x2 175x3x2
Speed Deadlifts (Blue Band)
135×5 225×5 275×5
Russian Twist
KB tricep extensions
Still trying to build up some work capacity on sit-ups so I can attempt Annie again without excruciating abdominal cramping half-way through causing me to DNF.
11am solo lifting session:
Snatch complex: Snatch high pull + knee power snatch + hi hang snatch + ohs
25kg, 30kg, 35kg, 40kg, 42kg, 44kg
-honestly the last 2 complexes at 42 and 44 felt the best. Working on a really big pull before getting under. Finish my pull.
Lbbs: wanted to see how these felt since its been at least 18 months since I've squatted like this.
-45×4, 95×5, 135×5, 165×3, 185×3
Did not like this at all. My shoulders were very tight so the rack was super uncomfortable. One set of 3 at 185 felt so much harder than the 3×5 Hbbs at 185 that I did on Monday.
Finished with one of the comp wod's on tap for tomorrow:
550 m row
25 du's
350m row
50 du's
200m row
100 du's
8:04. Felt super slow as I tripped on du's a couple times early on and then had to stop to breathe during the set of 100. One of the guys could finish this in just over 5 I think.
Late Night post
HBBS, 80%x3x6
RDL 4×5