Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Performance: Work up to a Heavy Single (80-90% of 1RM), then Max Reps at 57.5% of 1RM (capped at 20).
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds Not for Time:
5 Dumbbell Bench Presses, as heavy as possible
5 Chin Ups (add weight or add a pause at the top if chins are easy for you)
5ea Dumbbell Reverse Lunges, as heavy as possible
Post weights to comments.
Good luck to Jake L. and Oly lifting coach Frankie Murray, who are competing in the 2014 American Open Championships in Washington, D.C. today and tomorrow. Jake is opening his snatch at 286#, and will aim to hit 303#, and his clean and jerk at 356#, goal of 374#. Coach Frank is opening his snatch at 140-145kg, and will aim to hit 150+kg, and his clean and jerk at 175-180kg, goal of 185+kg. Get after it! We’re cheering for you!
Have You Heard about Coach Frank’s Olympic Lifting Program?
What: An 8-week Olympic lifting cycle meeting twice a week with Coach Frank Murray and/or Heather Farmer in addition to 2 Open Gym or group class per week.
When: Then next cycle will start in late December or early January
Price: $300 per 4 weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill charged automatically to the card on-file 4 weeks later.
The cycle wraps up with an Olympic Weightlifting Total.
Coached by Frank Murray, “participants can expect to build a strong foundation focused around proper technique, mobility, and attention to individual weak points. Building this foundation will not only help lead to higher lifts, but also set the base for continued and consistent progress. Moreover, by developing proper technique, mobility, and focusing on weak points, participants will become more confident, less prone to injury, and more consistent lifters. All of this giving you the tools for a longer, healthier, stronger career with the Olympic lifts.” —Next Level Weightlifting
A typical day* consists of:
Weak lift
Opposing lift
*Each athlete may have different exercises depending on their individual needs.
Frank has competed in weightlifting for over seven years. During that time, he has medaled at five separate National Championships, most recently a Silver at last year’s Nationals. His all-time best lifts in competition include a 151kg (333lb) Snatch and a 182kg (400lb) Clean and Jerk at a body weight under 200lbs. He has worked with many athletes, from multiple CrossFits, including: CF Garden City, CF Queens, CF Great Neck, CF 516, CF King of Island Park, RADD CF, CF Greenpoint, CF Manhasset, CF L.I.C, among others.
Coached by Arthur Drechsler, former world record holder, chairman of the board of USAWeightlifting, and author of The Weightlifting Encyclopedia, Frank has learned from the many years of experience that Artie has had over his coaching career.
- Happy birthday, Chris L.!
Lumbersexuality and Its Discontents The Atlantic
Please Respect My Standing Desk While I’m on Vacation The New Yorker
Good luck to Jake and Coach Frank! Hear our cheers from Brooklyn!!
Monster 9am class with David and Melissa. I still find it amazing when the coaches are able to organize a class that big.
Worked up to a heavy single at 275# then hit all 20 reps at 155#. I rounded down slightly from 158#. Still feels easy enough.
Bench presses at 80#.
Weighted 5RM Chin ups at 20#.
Weighted Lunges with the 36kg bell. The hardest part was keeping the kb racked in front.
Intensity flickered out and died in my tiny black heart this week. Dr Fox's RX of back squats and AHAP NFT worked like a charm tho & my thick coagulated blood is starting to pump again.
Switched to performance for back squats, I don't think I'm going to get a lot out of another LP. 280×1 (89%) then 185×20 (59%).
BP @ 75#
10 ring rows w/feet on a box (elbows messed up)
Lunges w/2pd. I agree w/Matt, the hardest part of goblet lunges is holding the goblet in rack position. Should have gone heavier on these, though.
Good luck Frank and Jake!
HBBS 195x3x5. Great cue from DO to help me get out of the hole with my chest up. I need to keep my arms active and pushing up. I think I took some bad advices from someone (not a CSFBK coach) to keep them loose. In the words of Der Kommissar, "It's easy to give bad advices." I am also going to scream as loud as I can during each rep. I hear that helps too.
Cash out with 50, 60, 65 DBs.
Good luck Frankie and Jake!. I know that Frank is in the 94A Group – they are scheduled to lift at 6:30 pm. Does anyone know when Jake is lifting?
Good luck Jake and Frank!!
Love the Oly Cycle! I finally feel like I am beginning to understand these lifts. Frank is an awesome coach.
Oly homework yesterday. Kept it light and easy.
Snatch- 53 x 3 x 5
Clean- 83 x 3 x 5
Rack Jerk- 83 x 3 x 5
Taking a couple of days off even though I HATE to miss a squat day. Writing it here so I have to stick to it – need to see if resting helps my knee. See you all on Monday, hopefully!
Congrats Kristin C- such a great feeling!
@Jay-Star Jake is in the 105B Group and they lift on Sunday morning at 9am.
Made it down to DC! Very cool atmosphere here. I lift tomorrow at 9am and frank Is supposed to lift at 630 tonite( they're running behind schedule obv). If anyone wants to watch, the link for the live stream is :
Thanks for the well wishing. Hopefully I'll do our gym proud!
1pm w/ Coaches JB, Whitney & McDowell
Back Squat: Fitness:
225, 245, 255
DB Bench:
55, 65, 65
+10, +20, +20(3), body weight
Red kettle bell, 3 rounds
Go get it, Jake and Frank!
Oh, and I got to see the new Comp Class gather for their 2pm. BAD-ASSES.
snuck the smallest bit of work in today before leaving to get home to Penny pup
1. row 2 min to warm up
3. 10 chin-ups (5-3-1-1)
hoping to make it to OG tmw to squat!
Good luck to Jake and Frankie!!! Thanks for the info on the live stream. Hopefully ill be able to catch it online!
LIU Gym, Todays Programming with a twist:
HBBS perf: 95×5, 115×4, 135×3, 165×2, 185×1, 190#x1
then 120#x20
WHEW! Getting tough. still feeling like i could go heavier
5rds NFT:
10 press, 20# DB
5 turkish getup each arm (25#)
5 reverse lunges, 45# DB
Realistically, this took me 30 min, the turskish getups took awhile. But I wanted to add these in to try and work on overhead shoulder stability, which is clearly the root of my problem. Really going to start exploring some more kettle bell/any other accessory work for overhead stability. Feel free to throw out any suggestions!
Good luck Jake and Frank!
Loved that Lumbersexual article, though that author totally writes like a doctoral student. Ugh.
Been super busy and fell off on posting to the the blog the past couple of weeks.
9am class w/ DO and Melo:
Back Squat–worked up to #205–felt challenging but fairly quick, then 20X135. This was a little bit more than 57.5% but for the sake of time I just kept the 45s on. Racked the bar unevenly on my back at first (I have never done this before!), so had to re-rack after five…so I guess this wasn't a true 20.
Couldn't stay for the comp class today, so just did the conditioning piece after coaching:
Shoulder to overhead(105 scaled from 115)
Muscle ups
the clock was already running when I started, so I started when it hit the top of a minute, and then completely lost track of where I started. Needless to say, this was SLOW. Kept the shoulder to overheads in sets of 4 or 3 (one set of 2 at the end), but muscle ups were reduced to singles at the end–and felt HARD today Shoulder to overheads never feel crisp at this weight, but after hitting 95 in a couple of workouts this week, I am definitely feeling a little more efficient in my push jerk.
195 on the back squat. Felt good and ready to jump next week.
Not gonna lie, I'm jonesing for a longer metcon.