Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week.
Performance: Work up to a Heavy Single (80-90% of 1RM), then Max Reps at 65% of 1RM (capped at 20)
Post loads to comments.
Partner WOD
5 Rounds Each for Time:
7 Overhead Squats 95/65
21 Kettlebell Swing 53/35
Overhead squat should be light enough to snatch and then perform the reps unbroken.
Partner WOD
5 Rounds Each for Time:
9 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
6 Power Snatches 135/95
3 Overhead Squats 135/95
Buy-in is kipping chest to bar pull ups, and organized touch-and-go snatches.
Post time and Rx to comments.
LOOK WHO DROPPED BY CFSBK YESTERDAY! Olympian badass Holley Mangold!!
News and Notes
- PLEASE TAKE YOUR OLY SHOES HOME Monday 12/22 through Monday 1/5. We are redoing the shoe containers and want to make sure the shoes we have are actually being used. If you are traveling, please pick them up earlier. Email the Front Desk with any other questions, cfsbkfrontdesk [at]
- The 2015 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge Kick-Off and Q&A Meeting is on Sunday, 12/28, at 4pm! This Challenge is a collective kick start into healthier nutrition and recovery habits. The Challenge will run from Saturday 1/3/2015 through Friday 2/13/2015. Head over to our Event page to learn more about the meeting, and click here to learn more about the Challenge!
- CONGRATS to Rob Is on winning his division (82.5Kg, Masters 1) at the USA American Open Powerlifting Championships last weekend, and to former strength cycler Laurent, who took the silver medal.
Compete in Flex in the City with Other CFSBKers!
There is a Flex in the City Team Event coming up at the 69th Regiment Armory (E 25th and Lexington) on Saturday, February 14th and we’d like to send some teams to compete and represent CFSBK!
Teams are comprised of two men and two women and there are three events:
1) Max Effort
2) Metcon Ladder
3) “The Rig”
Registration cost is $100 per person ($400 per team). There are scaled and RX divisions. Full event details can be found here.
If you are interested in participating, can commit to competing on February 14th, and would like to be placed on a CFSBK team, please fill out this form by Sunday, December 14: Flex in the City Team Event. If you have any questions, please email Coach MeLo: Melissa [at]
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Finding Purpose Through CrossFit CrossFit
Why Do My Knees Make Noise When I Squat? New York Times
Good Samaritan Tortoise Helps Friend Who’s Flipped Over
Interesting but concerning Times article. It seems that "above parallel" will help me solve my crepitus issues. More great advice from the medical community.
Still not sure what the cure is for my creepitus problem tho …. Any thoughts?
Sorry, that should be "squatting above parallel". Happens sometimes when you type with one hand.
Its called … getting older. I dubiously welcome you to the club!
With the noise we make, maybe we can form a band?
I'd be honored Dr. Mike.
As many of you know, I am hitting the big 3-0 next year – y'all are all invited to the party.
Ladies! There are only 16 spaces left in the Iron Maidens Raw Open, so sign up ASAP if you haven't already! I already told Margie my bets are on it selling out by Friday, if not sooner. I waited to register for a TTD meet once because I was being a scaredy-pants, and then it sold out and I was consequently super bummed when I watched it and experienced all that heat and fun.
Also, I heard a few women in the gym the other night saying they weren't going to sign up because they knew their numbers wouldn't be as high as other people in their categories, but I don't think that's the point of the meet (even though being competitive isn't a bad thing, of course). Fox wrote a great article called "Why Compete" around this time in 2012 and in it, he says,
"Iโve no illusions of winning any powerlifting meets, Olympic meets, the CrossFit Games, or even any of the local throwdown style events. Does that mean that my participation is silly? Hell NO! I get to hang with some cool folks, push my limits, and measure where I lay not only in comparison to my fellow athletes but also in relation to my previous self." Exactly.
i have been trying to convince a few women at the gym to compete (some who read this blog… YOU KNOW WHO I AM TALKING TO!)
my numbers are also not that 'high' but it is really fun to do competitions (albeit i get nervous), and have some awesome ladies in this case cheering you on.
fox is seriously 1000% right on! the vibe is so good!!
LFPB Q&A is on Saturday the 27th or Sunday the 28th?
Okay, okay, okay, Camille. Signing up now ๐
6:30am strength cycle – last class!
LBBS: 155lbs x 5 x 3
Walkout: 275lbs x 3
Bench press: 90lbs x 5 x 3
This cycle has flown by. I'm thrilled with the gainz I've made over the last two months and am so excited for the total on Sunday!!
Will there be an alternative informational resource for those of us who will be traveling and unable to make the LFPB Q&A?
Also, on that note, I'm still looking for any recommendations anyone has for a good gym to drop into while I'm in LA. I'll likely be in Orange County for a day or two as well if anyone has any recommendations there. Thanks!
LFPB Info session is on that Sunday the 28th, not the Saturday. Thanks for the catch, Stella.
Shawn – The info will be available online as well. And, when I was on LA with SBK folks we visited Brick and Sol City CFs. They were both serviceable.
Hahaha Camille, I'm going to assume part of that was directed at me as well since you've been pushing me to sign up. You wore me down! I'm in.
๐ x 2
Totally agree with Kate on TTD/Iron Maidens…doing TTD in the past has been a big part in conquering my fear of heavy weight on my back on my back squat. The encouraging crowd revs you up and I personally feel much more comfortable knowing highly qualified spotters are by my side. Really rewarding experience after diligent training. Who knows, you might even make a coach tear up! ๐
@Stella Yes, thanks for catch!
@Cam, nice! 9 spots left now…
ALL SIGNED UP for Iron Maiden!
Speaking of flexing…we need more ladies to join in on the fun at flex in the city! I believe we only have 3 people interested in the female RX division, and need even numbers to be able to make a team! I know it's valentines day and all…but word on the street is i make a really good swolemate ; ) So email MeLo if you're interested!
Interestingly, Rippetoe and Sully both comment on the nebulous recommendations to not squat below parallel ever in the NYT crepitus article.
Regarding Jays question
– the article is right in the sense that as long as there is no associated pain, it's fine and theres probably not too much you can do about it. My knees have been making noise since I was about 10 and Ive never had any knee issues.
– That being said, the two things you COULD do, would be assume a more vertical shin angle, meaning don't let your knees slide so far forward, and properly brace your quads, hams and pelvis before you squat. I've seen both of those decrease the crepitus in people's squats.
We've been evolutionarily modern humans for about 250K years and a bipedal species for about 4m. NOT squatting below parallel every time we take a dump or want to rest a little is a very novel concept. You'll be ok
K. Harpz–I am sure you'd make a good swolemate! I may be in California for Flex. If not, I am definitely in. I'll know for sure this weekend.
Make up from yesterday:
Performance Front Squats:
Worked up to a heavy single at 180
Then rep-out at 125, made it to 20. Not hellish but definitely super taxing!
Performance conditioning with both Matt and Brendan as my partner A. I have no idea what our times were! Scaled the weight to 75# but still had trouble stringing all the snatches together. Having trouble getting under it and punching up, as always. Matt and Brendan were awesome partners/cheerleaders through my frustration. ๐
Came in this morning to lift upstairs a bit (because I did today's wod yesterday)
Push Press 3×5@105. I can feel the bar getting too far in front of me, was able to correct this a bit by the third set and it definitely felt the best/easiest.
Back Squat 3×5@185. This was mostly to get some confidence back doing reps at a heavy-ish weight for back squatting. When I got back from being sick, I could barely do 185 for one set of 3. These felt pretty good this morning.
Excellent – thanks, Fox!
10am with Jeremy.
190 x 5 x 3
Starting a LP on Wednesdays since I can't front squat.
WOD (fitness) rx'd with Justine in 11.28, I think?
I was pretty shocked that I was able to do the OH squats at this weight and not fall over. Maybe all my t-spine foam rolling is paying off? Or is it oly cycle?
Bench press.
105 x 5 x 3
First time it has felt heavy this cycle. Really need to work on this lift so am going to try to get an extra exposure in when possible.
Mare- I cried when you maxed your deadlift last year and when Becca hit that 300# squat. What an amazing day it was, even as a spectator. I am so happy I can be a part of it this time around.
Love what you wrote Kate, and the great article by Fox. Thanks for posting the link.
Make up post from yesterday: Heavy bench single @ 100#, rep out at 70# (20 reps). DL, 175#x5, up 10# from last exposure. Then the (killer) WOD with a 35# DB in 7:36.
Today: FSQ @ 110#, 3×3. This felt like about a million pounds. Then I punked out of the performance WOD because I didn't feel like killing myself that hard. #truth Rxed the fitness with Brian in 15:21. My back sure was lit up after all those deadlifts and KB swings…
When Mare hit that deadlift, and Fox, er, had something in his eye…SBK's finest hour for sure.
I'm toying (again) with the idea of organizing a Ragnar team. Work got in the way last year, but it shouldn't next year. It would either be the May 8-9 race in Cape Cod or the June 12-13 race from Madison to Chicago.
If interested, shoot me an email (stellavision, gmail).
Noon class
Bench Press
Front Squat
Only made time for the heavy single. I'm doing so many back squat reps anyway.
Performance WOD Rx'd
Partnered w/Juan and The Lovely and Talented Mrs. Fox. Jess and I were partner A and Juan was partner B. My first round was about a minute and they felt pretty consistent from there, albeit a few seconds slower I'm sure. C2B unbroken, snatch quick singles, OHS unbroken. We finished in 15:59
4:30pm Group Class
2 Rounds
10 Calories Assault Bike
Barbell Snatch/OHS Drills
Front Squats with Timbo Slice
45×5, 115×5, 145×3, 165×2
Performance WOD partnered with Evil Danevil (Danae)
Did all the CTB Pull-Ups Unbroken
Did the Barbell at 135. Performed the first two rounds as Rx'd but thought it was taking me too long so I scaled the volume to 4/2 reps for the final three rounds which ended up being perfect. WOD still kicked my ass
Skipped the cashout to eat meatballs
@David Osorio im having meatball envy. I would kill for a big bowl of saucy meatballs right about now.
Front squat: Worked up to 170# , then 110#x20
Feeling very comfortable at this weight now. Still feeling like im going light on the rep out even though im progressing each week. Will consider bumping my 1RM calculation up 5 lbs or so depending on how my heavy single feels next week
WOD: modified fitness
5 rds:
7 front squat 95#
21 KBS 16 kg
Shoulder has been feeling a lot better. So i'm sticking to the same training routine that ive been doing over the past couple of weeks until im confident with power snatch/OHS complexes. Squats were a breeze, KBS got grippy after round 3. all KBS unbroken until the last 2 rounds, which were broken up into sets of 2.
12pm group class
Front squat:
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2)
-felt better than last week. Worked harder to brace and shrug up a bit to get bar off of my throat. Still hate these. 5# jump next week.
Performance wod:
15:59 with Fox and Juan.
-did this rx'd except I altered the rep scheme to 9 c2b, 3 power snatch, 6 ohs @95.
I've always struggled with heavy snatches in a wod so wanted to focus on not snatching like an asshole. Overall better than I've been in the past (and no split snatching!) but still lots of work to do.
Cashout: tabata mashup v-tucks and arch hold.
Also, signed up for the Iron Maidens meet! It's always a great event and fun to lift with so many strong ladies.
3 spaces left!
4:30 class with McNoah.
Warm-up with Crossover Symmetry and lots of stretching.
Pressed instead of squatting, 80x3x5. Forgot to cycle the first set. Can't believe I got the last rep of the last set up. Definitely some over-extension but I'll take it, and keep working on having the stiffest body ever getting these up.
Fitness WOD with K HarpZ, subbed 155# deadlifts for the squats. I finished somewhere around 10:30. Had to break up the last two sets of KB swings because my grip was friiiieeed. Finally don't feel like a penny would bounce off my forearms. Otherwise this was a fun one.
Cash out was tough but good.
@Kate – please fix the blog…it doesn't say crush week.
I know I'm being dramatic, but I agree with Peter, these last two days have left my core destroyed.
Heavy FSQ – 265
Rep Out – 175 – 17
Metcon – 17:4something w/ Mike C – 115#
Mike and I kept a good pace throughout and couldn't have gone any heavier than that…
Not new to CrossFit,but new to SB. Everyone has been warm and welcoming so it's made the transition to a new box easy! Today was my third WOD there. 5:30 class.
Front squat is my most challenging lift. I tend to collapse at the bottom and knees go in, but improving overall. Did the performance lift and worked up to 125# (80% of my 1RM). Wanted to hit 135#, but ran out of time. Completed 12 reps @95#. New to the idea of max reps. Should they be unbroken? Can I pause for a second or two between reps? If so, could have squeezed out a few more, but elbows were starting to drop and didn't want to sacrifice form bc I have been working very hard to improve this lift!
I did the fitness WOD with Hannah. Today was her first WOD after Foundations so we used different weights. She did awesome! I could barely hold the bar over my head my first year of CF due to mobility issues and she completed most of her OH squats!!
I did OH squats @53# and American KBS @16kg. OHS were shaky at first, but my form improved with each round. I broke up the KBS into sets of 7 each round. They were very tiring.
We were capped at 15 minutes. I was on my 5th round, completed the OHS and about 4 KBS when capped.
HBBS 80%x2x6
Hello Russian squat cycle. Hello old friend.
FSQ: 255x3x3. unbelted. felt good. good comments from jb on depth and packer on my left knee coming in. some of that was just mental spaciness.
WOD: who knows. back seized up. this was an old problem rearing its ugly head after months of terrible habits. so much work undone. a good kick in the ass.
FSQ: 225x3x3
WOD – did this alone with 1-1 work-rest time. @115lb front squats and 24kg bell.
Finished in 9:03. Each round took about a minute, so I was pretty much dead-even throughout.