Great advice from Charles M., who joined CFSBK in October of 2013. Soon after joining, Charles became intrigued by all those strong people on the platforms, who seemed to lift weights for about 30-40 seconds, and then joked and laughed between sets. Charles explored Mark Rippetoe’s books at the suggestion of David C. (to Charles’ right in the above photo) and he signed up for Strength Cycle in March 2014. He was amazed at the power of the linear progression, and quickly got hooked.
His first class included Charles’ two sons (Jeffrey and Steven) and David’s wife Rebecca. Charles also told his daughter Janice about CrossFit, and she signed up for a Foundation class at CrossFit Jerusalem in Israel, where she lives. Charles’ other son Richie does CrossFit in a box near their home (Coney Island CrossFit) and Janice continues to workout in Israel. Jeffrey is traveling abroad and Steven is playing for his high school basketball team (leaving them little time to do a cycle)—but they’re one big, strong CrossFit family (see a family photo here)!
What is Life? Kurzgesagt
The Health Benefits of Going Outside The Atlantic
Lu Xiaojun & Liao Hui Ma Strength Seminar Attendees: What did you learn? All Things Gym
Brave Puppy Destroys Fear, Cleanses World of Toxic Trepidation
Saturday's Programming
Back Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Performance: Work up to a Heavy Single (80-90% of 1RM), then Max Reps at 57.5% of 1RM (capped at 20).
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds Not for Time:
5 Dumbbell Bench Presses, as heavy as possible
5 Chin Ups (add weight or add a pause at the top if chins are easy for you)
5ea Dumbbell Reverse Lunges, as heavy as possible
Post weights to comments.
Happy Birthday Mr. fox! Love the story about Charles M. & Fam!
Charles is the best! A fantastic lifting partner and all around great guy – honored to share a platform with him during this strength cycle.
Also – HBD, Fox!
Happy birthday to one of the most patient, yet takes-no-bullshit, people I know!
A small happy band of us squatting at 7 AM. Put Cage and Jake in a room together and it's always going to be entertaining. Got to 215 for the single, no bullshit on the depth. Only 17 on the rep out — my glutes just were not having it. I think I just haven't mobilized enough since getting off the plane on Tuesday.
Loved the NFT work. That was some heavy sh!t. First and last rounds at 40#, middle rounds at 45#. Stayed for the jump rope portion of cash out, which was laughable. I'm going to blame my rope, which is pretty much destroyed at this point. That's not really an excuse since I have a new one, I just have to cut it to the right length. But I'm going to use it as an excuse anyway.
Thanks Nino…the feeling is mutual.
Happy Birthday coach Fox.
6am. Squats: 135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 270×1, 285×1, 180×20. Same top weight as last week. Was planning to do 295, but just wasn't feeling much pop today. Rep-out moved well, though. Only 4 rounds of the NFT work. DB Bench: 80, 90, 100, 100. Chin-ups: 20, 30, 40, 0. DB lunges: 45, 55, 55. Decided to do an unweighted set of chins for the 4th round. Super easy after the weighted sets.
Happy Birthday Fox!
Happy birthday, Fox!
Make-up from last night at 7:30
Power cleans
115×5, 135×5, 155×5, 165×5, 185×5, 195×5
Couldn't finish 5 at 185 last week, so i am pleased with this performance. the 185 felt great. I paused a bit in the front rack position on 195 to…collect my thoughts, I guess, before proceeding. I had a much easier time resetting the hook grip this week, and while the last two reps at 195 were tough, I think I nailed them.
WOD – 4 rounds even RX'd. Loved this one. Did the first round of kb swings unbroken, then 15-15 for the next two, and 10-10-10 in the last, as my grip was just roached. Generally broke up the push jerks into 5-5, and did pretty well at cycling them. Last round was 5-3-2, and got the last one pretty much at the buzzer.
Happy birthday FOX!
Happy Birthday Fox!
6am with Nick and McD
Cleans: 95×5, 135×5, 155×5, 170×5, 185×5, 200×5. All felt solid. The last set had 1 or 2 reps where the bar could have been racked a little higher, but overall everything moved well. I find touch and go cleans with heavier weight to go well if I don't think about the pull at all and just rely on muscle memory – instead, it helps me to concentrate exclusively on the recovery to make sure I'm in the best possible position when the bumpers tap the floor.
WOD: 3 rounds plus 15 swings Rx. I was a little shy on this given my recent back issues. I broke up the sets more than I really needed to, and otherwise took an excess of rest. Still feel some tightness and am not 100% confident, but everything seems to be moving ok.
Happy Birthday, Fox!!! Thanks for everything.
12pm Group Class with McDiesel"
3 Rounds NFT
10 Kipping Pull-ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
(45×5, 135×5, 165×5, 185×2)
4 Rounds NFT of:
5 WTD Chin-ups (+25,25. 35,35)
10 DB Bench Press 50s
10 Rev Lunges 55's
That was tough, Felt wiped out after the NFT work
woo hooo fox!!!
also that bulldog puppy is very inspiring to me.
10am with mcd and noah
thursday's clean work
stuck around at #78 today to work on form and speed, and it looked/felt pretty good. glad i've been getting a little more comfortable with cleans lately (don't want to jinx this for next week's work!).
wod was tiring but way way fun
@58# and 16kg kb made it through 3 rounds plus 30 kb swings + 6 cleans. maybe i shouldnt have rested as much as i should but… ill take it!
brain is wonky that it was not cleans in the wod but push jerks!! hellllooo friday!
Happy birthday, Fox!
6am men's club with Nick and McDowell. I did Saturday's 3×5 squat work at 165#. This is a good place to be at this point in the cycle – though the last few reps were a little heavier than I expected.
The NFT work was a lot of fun. Db bench presses were 40's, 40's, 40's, 50's, 50's; chins were unweighted; and I did all of the lunges with 40's, which felt plenty heavy. I'm also pleased to note that I did warmup 1 with strict toes-to-bars (5 each round), which I've never actually done before. I haven't attempted them in several months, but the last time I tried, all I managed were some toes-to-flailing-out-in-front-of-me-like-an-assholes, which I'm pretty sure aren't an advisable scaling option. My t2b's probably looked pretty janky today, but I did them, dammit, which gets one more item off of my "get your shit together" list. Not a bad way to start a Friday.
Happy birthday, Fox! Thanks for all that you do.
6am. BSQ: 135×5, 185×3, 225×1, 260×1, 165×20. Had a bit of a pause at 260 but got it moving after a second. The rep out got pretty tiring after about 15.
DB bench: 60, 65, 65, 75, 75
chin-ups: 0 then 25#
lunges: 45#
Did a few minutes of jump rope work but it wasn't going well so I bailed on the rest of the cash out.
Happy Birthday Fox!
Heading to DC to visit some good friends and check out the American Open. I can confirm that Penn Station is my least favorite place in the entire world.
Not a great training day, but this makes 2 Crossfit workouts this week so that's a small victory.
Warm up x3
10 kipping pull ups
10 rev lunges
15 KB swings 16kg OH
HBBS w Hussam
45×4, 95×5, 125×4, 145×2, 165×1
5 DB Bench Press (35, 35-30, 30, 30)
10 Rev Lunges (all 35)
5 chin ups (2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 5 – only got 4)
fun sneaking in a 10am class between clients today!
Power Cleans:
drills/wu @ 33
63 : high hang, knee, deck
Was thinking I could/should do this at more like 113 or 118# before coming in today, but wasn't feeling super powerful or quick under the bar to warrant going up in weight for that many reps. A bit out of practice, so fine to stay light and crisp. Had one REALLY crashy lift that sucked. Didn't get my elbows up and shrug into the bar and it hit my left collarbone. Will have a nice bruise.
WOD: 24KG kettlebell, 53# push press. Got 4 rounds even.
Chose to do PP and stay light as I come back with my shoulder. Good news: no pain!!
Focused on staying tight/braced and tracking my elbows correctly on the way up and down.
Swings were: 15-15, 10-10-10, 5-5-5-8-7, 12-10-8
Intended to break up early and often and not take long rest. Was able to go right to bar and back to kb. But McDowell would've liked me to just swing straight through.
This was uncomfortable. My back was getting fried around round 3 of the swings. L side esp.
Congrats to KRISTIN C who got her FIRST CHIN-UP (and then 2 more) today, as well as a 103# Power Clean PR!!! 🙂
Happy Birthday, Fox!
Thanks for the birthday love!
9am lifts
This is getting heavy. Cycle finishes at cycle at 255x10x5.
42 cal cool down on the bike
yayyy kristin!!!!
Just for Kristin C, because that's awesome and because this post never gets old:
Thanks for the shout out Whitney-Honestly it was such a good feeling to get that chin up in today. Both your personal coaching and group classes in the past 3 months have accelerated by strength, physically as well as mentally. On a side note, I turn 33 on Monday.. So, yeah this is huge accomplishment! Thanks to all the coaches and CFSB members for your continued encouragement 🙂