Have you been following all the 2014 CrossFit Games action?
2014 CrossFit Games
The CrossFit Games are a grueling test for the world’s toughest athletes and a thrilling experience for spectators! Our research is indicating that the Games’ Facebook page is the best way to get highlights. If you haven’t been following along, here are some exciting highlights so far…
- Cody Anderson, 22, overhead squatted 325 lb. Wednesday night at a bodyweight of 160 lb.
- Mathew Fraser and Rich Froning tied for first place on the Overhead Squat event, both lifting 377 lb. Wednesday night in the StubHub Center tennis stadium.
- Kara Webb claims first place in the Overhead Squat event by lifting 250 lb.
- Camille Leblanc-Bazinet combined a sixth-place finish at The Beach with a second-place finish in the Overhead Squat (242 lb.) to finish Wednesday tied for second place overall.
- Rich Froning finished eighth in The Beach—his best finish in an event with swimming at the CrossFit Games.
- Our beloved coaches are having a blast and Rickke M. sent some great photos, which are up on our Flickr page.
Are you following the Games? What have you enjoyed seeing so far?
Catch even more action tonight on ESPN from 6-7pm PT, Saturday 5-7pm PT, and Sunday on ESPN2 from 5-6pm PT.
News and Notes
- Happy birthday, Elliott W.!
- There’s still space in Ken’s back flip class! Sign up here for the class, which is TOMORROW from 2-3:30pm.
- Love softball? Love watching the sunset? CFSBK’s softball team, the Calaveras, need at least a couple more people for their game on Monday (7/28) at 6pm, at the gorgeous Red Hook ball fields. Pitching softball experience a huge plus! Email Dan H. if you’re interested, dhalioua [at] gmail.com.
- You need something to do after the CrossFit Games end, right? Come to pub quiz with Stella Z. on Sunday! Smart in DUMBO, 7pm on Sunday, 68 Jay St Bar, Brooklyn.
What are you doing Saturday night?
Interested in grilling up your CSA veggies this Saturday night? Join Coach Whitney and Michele K, who are hosting a grill party for up to 8 CSA members at Whitney’s apartment. Protein will be provided, and get ready for puppy utopia: Penny and SBK OG doggie Stella will be in the house. RSVP to mignyc [at] gmail.com.
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