Fitness: High Hang Snatch + Knee Hang Snatch + OHS (1+1+1)
Work up to a moderate load on the complex.
Performance: Power Snatch 2 Rep Max
Stay on the bar. You do not need to fully recover (stand up) the 1st rep, but it must be a clear rep before dropping the bar back to the hips. Practice the jump/catch recovery during warm up sets. Focus on keeping a tight upper back, sending the knees back off the floor, and staying over the bar long enough to get into an effective power position for the second pull.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds for Time:
20 Wall Balls 20/14, 14/9
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Dr. Fidler at the Rockaways last Friday, post-hurricane swell
“Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord”: A Poem by Dr. Mike Cutaia
*Psalm 100
Written on August 15, 2014
It’s hard to know where the titles come from.
Out of nowhere. Or, from somewhere
long forgotten. This one appeared during a hard session
of volume work, grunting through some back squats
like a sweaty warthog having a bad day. Emerging
from some childhood recess in my brain,
triggered by who knows what (?), I recall
this title of a hymn, sung by an eight year old
practitioner of prayer, standing lonely and alone
amidst the loud congregation members
petitioning urgently to their Lord.
This was the Scottish Presbyterian church
where I was sent to “to get some structure”
for my life. My parents didn’t go. Just me–
a little chubby Italian elephant, out of place,
and hiding at the feet of the loud sonorous
indifferent adults in this house of righteous song,
along with my barely perceptible squeaks
of chorus. But, now I realize
what a gift they gave me. To accept all of
my bodily music. How special is this corporeal feat
of motion and sound in the gym. Not a PR,
but something just as good. As Walt Whitman
would say, I’m celebrating myself today.
I’m in the church of the body.
Join the 2014 Fight Gone Bad Fun!
There are still some spots left for Fight Gone Bad. Read more here, sign up here.
We are open for any and all donations for prizes. If you own or work at a business that wants to provide some sort of prize (no matter how small!) for our top performers (for the WOD and fundraising) please email David [at]
Since 2008, CrossFit South Brooklyn has conducted a yearly fundraiser in the form of a workout called Fight Gone Bad. Last year, we raised over $40,000 for the Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF), a local organization dedicated to improving the lives of people in Brooklyn by strengthening communities through local giving, grantmaking, and community service. This year, we’ll be partnering with BCF again and hope to surpass last year’s donation numbers. Last year we had 180 members participating and this year, we’re capping it at 200.
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Fledge Shoot To Support CrossFit
Watch Walter, a Golden Lab, Run to the Water With a Camera on his Back!