Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 2.5-5 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: 97.5% x 1, 77.5% x 10
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds or 20 minutes:
5-10 Strict Knees to Elbows
5-10 Strict Ring Dips, Matador Dips, or Push Ups
20 Strokes on the Erg for max calories
Post what you worked on to comments.
Congrats to all our Flex in the City competitors on Saturday! Coach Jess Fox, Coach MeLo, Coach Arturo, and Jason M. took 12th place overall! But the real winner might Coach Tyrannosaurus Fox (aka T-Flex).
- Patrick S., who does Strength Cycle with Coach Jeremy, just released an iPad and iPhone alphabet game that kids (and parents) can play. Check it out here!
Nominate Coach David’s blog Inside the Affiliate for Breaking Muscle’s Annual Top 10 Fitness Blog Contest
We ended up in the Top 20 last year (after being live for only four months!), but this year, we’re gunning for the Top 10. To get there, we need to be nominated first for the Top 20. If you’re on Facebook, it’s super simple:
1. Click here.
2. Scroll down to the comments. Include a link to Inside the Affiliate ( and why you like it.
3. You can only make one nomination. Nominations will be accepted up until 8PM on Friday, Feb 27th.
Only eight (8!) of you have RSVP-ed for the Potluck this Saturday at 7pm. Your Monday homework is to RSVP!
6AM with McD and Ro
45 x 5
95 x 5
115 x 4
125 3 x 5
Went #115 last week and was going to go #120 today but 115 felt "too good". The bar speed was pretty good. I'm really surprised by this. Usually #125 would be a struggle. Hoping I can top out at #140 by the end of the cycle.
Accessory Work
Going climbing yesterday was a huge mistake. My grip was totally shot. Knees to elbows felt terrible. Just hanging felt like the skin was going to rip off my hands. Same for the row. The only thing that felt comfortable were the matador dips. Did more of a lat activated hold than knees to elbows. Shame that my grip was so fried because this was great practice for using my lats. By the fifth round of the matador dips I didn't have the depth any longer so I went to push-ups.
Cash Out
Did it.
General Question/Thought: I was talking to Jay Sunday who has similar goals this year that I do. My goals are double unders, kipping pull-ups, handstands, and toes to bar. It seems that after 2.5 or 3 years I should have these and I don't. Anyone else have similar goals and interested in doing some OG work on this?
Or… MGMT perhaps there might be an opportunity for a workshop or something?
Makeup from this weekend.
Hit the YMCA near where I was staying in Pennsylvania on Saturday and was delighted to discover they had barbells and Rogue plates.
Front Squat, 45×5 with pause at the bottom, 75×5, 95×3, 105×3, 115x3x3
Still moving easy, and my hip flexor still feels good. Will go up 10# again next week.
Press, 45×5, 65×5, 75×7, 70×10, 70×7. I know, don't ask. I was trying to repeat my 3×10 exposure with +10 pounds from last week and this did not go as planned. Will recalibrate for this week.
Chin-ups 2×6
OG last night
Crossover Symmetry and some embarrassing HSPU practice
Deadlift 95×5, 135×5, 165×5, 185×5. Moved better than last week.
Rx WOD with DH3, so fun (which I say whenever I'm good at the movements). Think we got 6-7 rounds each.
10 minutes of stair sprints EMOM, and then responded to subtle peer pressure and did a tabata on the Assault bike.
As Katie said, we had a little PNF session after a meat-eating session, and I learned how to engage my lower traps. It was a revelation. Seriously, I'm engaging them as I type this.
@Christian — the kipping pullup workshop is offered a couple of times a year, and I fully support it happening more often. After all, it took me three or four workshops PLUS a couple of half-hour privates with DO before I finally got them (and even now, it's hit or miss on any given day how well I perform them).
Ginormous 10 AM class (happy holiday!). I was so excited when I looked at the blog just before I went to bed last night and saw that I'd be able to do all the prescribed movements.
Benching felt good. Finally, a lift that feels good! 145 for the single, 115×9, failed the 10th rep (*so* close).
Matador dips for the accessory work, and I didn't pull my hardest on the erg since pulling too hard made my hip angry at me.
Finished with some couch stretch and a magic wonder stretch with the band that Fox taught me this morning. Thank you, Fox — you may have changed my life with that one.
Make up post from the weekend: 2x 8 hour As Many Trails As Possible skiing in the Poconos. Loved it.
Fox, what is happening in that amazing pic?
8am with McDowell. This was not a good benching day for me. I was at 165 last week and I definitely thought I had 170 in me today. Errrm, nope. The first two reps at 170 went up slowly and I failed the third. I dropped down to 165 for the next two sets and in both cases failed on the fourth rep. My shoulders and chest have felt sore and beat up since Saturday when I threw everything I had into the LFPB capacity test, so maybe that explains it? At any rate, I'll see how 165 feels next week. I've already made a decent amount of headway on the bench press over the last couple of cycles, so hanging back a week won't bum me out too much.
This metcon was fun. Knees to elbows were more difficult than I expected – and I biased solid positions over volume here. I tried a few ring dips, which were too much for me to do many of, so I switched to the matador. Those were fun, but I'm definitely feeling them now. The 20 strokes for max calories setup on the row was an interesting exercise. I rowed 15, 16, 17, 16, and 14 calories. It was useful to focus less on speed and more on powerful pulls. The cash out was different – and by the end pretty challenging.
Also, my kids had a great time at the Crossfit Kids teaser. Eleanor, my 3 year old, has dubbed David "Mr. Silly," largely based on his dinosaur impression (apparently a solid dinosaur impression is a trait shared by much of the coaching staff).
Also, I second Stella's recommendation of the kipping pullup workshop. It was REALLY helpful for me – and I'll definitely get on board when the opportunity comes around again.
LIFTZ on a Monday
warm up: quick row, hip mobz, foam roll tspine/lats
3 rds (I think?)
5 push-ups
10 air squats
:30 forearm plank
FRONT SQUAT: 45×5, 95×3, 125×2, 140×1
woo! good reminder from Fox to reset each rep by pushing my shoulders up into the bar. not just elbows up, but shrugging up into it so I don't lose position on the way down. coupled with focusing on brace and hips through, these felt surprisingly decent.
each set also felt like a metcon. i was trying to chug through them pretty quick b/c I get uncomfortable under there, but i also had a lot of coffee and was nervous. all of my squats have made me nervous lately.
DEADLIFT: 135×5, 175×3, 200×1
-third rep of each set just goes a hair soft
-Fox mentioned I may be starting a tad bit overextended, which is why i'm then losing it the other way. focus on bracing from the top and squeezing abs HARD.
-pulled my supinated hand in much closer on switch grip today to mitigate the carrying angle. this worked out a lot better, just takes a bit of futzing around to get it right.
I'm scheduled to test a new 1RM later this week. Today felt strong after the 2 misses on Friday.
I am still not sure what I'm doing in that linked photo (great cut/paste work, Kate) but I can guarantee that it's something elite.
Christian – It''s simple really. Practice, practice, practice…don't wait for a workshop. Be proactive about practicing those things for a few minutes each day you're at the gym. Pick one or two movements and sub them in warm ups, or…Come in early and practice, or…Stay late and practice, or…All of the above. You could certainly do handstands anywhere as well. Practice. That's how we get better at skill stuff.
@kharpz (q from yesterday) – "meat sweats" is a Thing… I think it's the nitrates? this guy tested with hamburger instead of hot dogs – his failure proves nothing:
If the workshop is not forthcoming, I can't say enough good things about splurging on one or two half-hour private sessions (I bet you could find like-minded individuals to bring down the per-person cost, too). Half an hour, not a full hour, because you can do only so much kipping pullup learning in one session before your hands start to give.
If you're anything like me, just practicing without some kind of led drills first — not just reading directions or watching YouTube videos — is not going to do it. I'm not a naturally coordinated person and it's difficult for me to practice the *right* thing without having it drilled into my head (several times!) first. YMMV but I don't think I could have done it on my own.
Great CF Kids classes today. We did CF Preschool which was 3-5 years old and CF Kids which was 6-8. Both classes were a blast to run and Janelle and I are already going to the drawing board regarding how we can improve the product based on space, equipment, flow and tone. Thanks to all the parents who came out and gave us a shot, we're really excited to grow this program.
Please nominate ITA for the blog contest!! I dont have FB otherwise I would too! Thanks to anyone who has already nominated us.
Kipping Pull-Ups
Here is how you can practice your kipping pull-ups in warm-ups and group class. We will run a clinic again, but the best thing you can do it start tinkering with the kip swing and movement as well as asking your coaches for some help in class. Don't wait for a seminar.. start integrating it into your regular training!
Big thanks to David and Janelle for expertly leading the Crossfit Kids teaser class this morning! Rave reviews from my (I swear) firstborn. Somewhat soul crushing, however, to find out there are 10 new CFSBK athletes who can already destroy my Fran time.
A few makeups from the long weekend:
Saturday: Front squats felt great. Had JB check bottom position first work set and she said I had a slight wink at the bottom, but I didn't feel anything hinky going on in my back. Didn't have any eyes on me for the other two, but I was more concious and think that I was in a better position. 8 rds + 5 pullups, and 51cal on the row. Lungs were taxed on the first 10min, but I felt good on the row. Left a lot of calories in the tank I think. Obviously did not do this 6 weeks ago, but I did it last year in the midst of Crash B training and journaled 11 rounds + 5 pull ups + 6 push ups, and 62 calories on the row.
Sunday: Cleans were fine, I was more nervous about the deadlift since that's where my back acted up 6 weeks ago. Pleased to say there were no issues – everything felt really solid. In the metcon we through 5 rounds each (MattyChm, BK and me) and Matt had 5 extra box jumps at the end I think.
Today: 185# for 3×5 on Bench. I thought I'd been really conservative with that weight seeing as how my 1rm from late last year was 265, but the 3rd set was a little bit of a grind. I may have given up a lot of ground here – we'll see how the rest of the cycle goes. NFT work was eye opening after each row – I have no lungs. Strict knees to elbows are also really awkward for me. I was swinging all over the place until the last round where I figured it out a bit.
Cashed out with about 45 minutes of AR at home on my new Square36 mat (so much better than just the thin rug I have been using). Foam rolled quads, T-Spine. Did some couch stretch and knee flexion stuff, and then just about every ankle mob in the book trying to unglue the left side.
So happy to be back.
5:30pm Group Class
3 Rounds NFT (came in late!)
10 Squats
10 Push-Ups
Bench Press
45×8, 135×5, 155×3, 170×2
Reps 4 and 5 of set three were a grind but everything went up. Onward
4 Rounds
10 Dips
10 K2E
20 Strokes
Did 10 unbroken ring dips the first round then sort of petered out on round two so I did bar dips unbroken to finish out. Admittedly, I used the rows as a recovery, not max pulls.
Im sleepy.
LOOOOVE me some benchin
All the pectorals
#Jake L-I think you just created a great new hashtag. #allthepectorals
Came in a bit before 5:30 to get some squats in.
4×195+1 fail @195
Gave up a bit on this last one. These sets of five are so fucking hard. Noah pointed out (and I can feel) my but coming up before my chest on the later reps, so I really get a LBBS-esque hip drive. David pointed this out as well as I was doing my 10 reps on Saturday. I think I'll try to start low-barring again after Iron Maidens. My previous attempts to make this switch made it clear that I should stick with what I am comfortable with for the meet.
f@125 (almost got it up! I thought it was going to be success for a while but I just couldn't dig deep enough today.)
A bit of a frustrating lifting day (2 fails!) but things are getting heavy, and I didn't have the healthiest weekend, which definitely has its effects.
5 rounds
5 weighted pulls ups w/ 10 pounds (subbed these for K2E for some bench accessory work)
5-7 dips (my kip isn't great, but it had been a while since I'd gone totally strict. Ro pointed out that I was essentially just leaning forward, not coming down. Fixed this.)
20 strokes on the erg, usually about 11 or 12 calories.
Flex was so much fun! This was my first CrossFit competition and it was so great to go there as part of such a fantastic, fun and obviously badass team of teams. My team consisted of Steph, Chris and Joe were amazing teammates. I've no idea where we placed in the scaled division but we all had a whole lot of fun. I PRed my 3RM thruster at 135# which was 15# more than when we had practiced a few weeks ago so that was pretty cool. Watching the Rx teams do their thang was so awesome and inspiring. And I made some new friends too which is always good. Had a few too many afterwards and was still feeling pretty exhausted today and should probably have taken a second rest day.
Squats went well, having said that.
45 x 10
95 x 5
135 x 3
185 x 3
205 x 3
220 x 3
230 x 3
240 x 3
250 x 3 (PR for reps!)
225 x 3
My old 1RM is 155# so I'll be saying bye bye to that soon!
Bench Press
45 x 5
65 x 4
90 x 3
120 x 1
130 x 2, F
130 x 2, F
125 x 3 x 2
I knew when I started I wasn't going to hit these reps today.
Rack Pull
135 x 5
185 x 4
235 x 3
285 x 2
300 x 1
310 x 3*
310 x 2
*Did not stand the whole way up on the third rep at 310 so took a break and finished the set after a minute or so. This was really, really heavy. This is the end of my LP as I don't think I will be doing any heavy rack pulls on the week of the meet. Kind of annoyed I wasn't able to finish this on a good note as I am pretty sure I would have if I had waited until tomorrow.
Hey Shawn (et al),
I usually run the kipping pullup workshop, and am tinkering with the idea of an Advanced Kipping Skills workshop (T2B, HSPU, etc.) Working out dates now, keep your eyes peeled. Also, please badger and hector me as often as possible- I generally run the workshop whenever I feel there is critical mass to fill one.
Fox and DO are also correct, practice, however incremental, is key.
8:30pm. Olympic lifting. (Power) Snatch: 88x1x2, 110x1x2, 121, 132, 143, 154, 165, 176F, 165F, 165. That was a lot of snatching. Frank said my form was looking good and kept having me add weight. Most reps involved 1 or 2 pulls to the power position and then a snatch. The two fails involved just the snatch. The pull has become something of a crutch to remember the correct positions. Need to start working on snatching without the practice pull. And also continue working on catching lower. Clean&jerk: 110, 154, 176, 187, 198. Lots of reps at 176. Bumped up the weight on the last two because it was feeling good. Jerk form still held which is the limiter here. Frank says I need to be a bit more explosive on the clean. Whatever, I'm still soaring on the back of the increased snatch weights.
Oly Class
2 Jumping Snatch Pulls + Snatch
Worked up to 70kg for a few reps with a miss at 75. Still grooving the pull and working on jumping UP.
Clean and Jerk
Stayed at 80kg for a bunch of reps instead of my prescribed 100kg, feeling slightly tight form Flex. Frank called me the "Jerk Master" at one point, I'll count that as a win.
7:30 class tonight.
Was a big baby on the bench press. I'm not sure if it's just that I'm a whiney wimp or that I'm still sore from Saturday's 70+ pushups.
97×1, failed 2nd
97×1, failed 2nd
gave up and did 1 paused rep at 90# which felt fine. I wanted to make sure I could do this because I wanted this to be my opener for Iron maidens. Have I mentioned how much I hate benching?? 🙂 Even so- doing this weight again on friday at OG to prove that I can.
did hanging leg raises instead of knees to elbows.
pushups on the…parallettes/box ? These were hard! I really need to work on (all) upper body strength this Spring.
got around 14 cals on the rows at a 20 strokes/min rate.
Thanks to my girl Mary for being my workout buddy in our tiny 7:30 class tonight! Turtle power!
@Stella and Fox: Thanks for the comments.
Practice does make perfect.