Fitness: Power or Squat Clean 1-1-1-1-1
5 attempts at a 1RM clean or power clean. Misses count as attempts.
Performance: Clean 1-1-1-1-1
Work up to a 1RM for the day.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds for QUALITY (or 15 Minutes):
5-10 Strict Toes to Bar or Floor Levers
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings, as heavy as possible
Perform the T2B/FLs with a tight body and your legs as straight as possible. On the KB Swings, focus on perfect positioning in the foreswing (knees and hips extended, shoulders down and back) and back swing (chest out, back flat, arms straight, and hips loaded).
Post what you worked on to comments.
Sam F. in a good hang position. Note his flat back and vertical shins, and how his shoulders remain out in front of the bar while the bar is still in contact with his leg.
CFSBK Art Show: Featuring Joshua Peters
Do you have CFSBK’s first Art Show on your calendar? Saturday, November 22, from 7:30-10:30pm, with a live mural painting from 8-10pm. Free alcohol and lots of art from some of your favorite CFSBKers!
One of our three featured artists is a friend of Coach David’s, Joshua Peters. His artwork, according to his bio, “explores the social, political, and cultural response to the individual heroic aspiration. By focusing on both traditional and non-traditional role models, he attempts to deconstruct the influence of masculine stereotypes by examining the conventional social rules imposed on males and females. His work is a reaction to the failure of our heroes as well as our surprise when they defy expectation.”
In additional to traditional oil paintings, Joshua also paints sneakers, which are pretty incredible. Check out more of his work on his website, at Strength to Spare. Joshua is also a fellow CrossFitter and coach.
Introducing: Bricks Meals and Snacks
CFSBK member Michele W. and her husband have launched a new Brooklyn-based brand built around back-to-basic, on-the-go, foundational food, Bricks Meals and Snacks. Their first products, Bricks Bars, are made from grass fed lean meats, veggies, fruit, and seeds. Real food kept simple.
Bricks Bars are currently available at Brooklyn Boulders, Brooklyn Fare, Foragers, West Side Markets, and other select grocers and specialty shops throughout Brooklyn.
Michele will leave some samples at the gym this week, so if you happen to see one, grab it!
Bricks is also hiring a part time Social Media Intern, check out CFSBK Classifieds for more info. You can also check out their first blog post here, and follow them on Instagram @bricksbars.
Don’t Choke The Atlantic
The Workout: Running While Pregnant New York Times
What a Tattoo Looks Like Up Really, Really Close Science of Us
The Paradox of Music-Evoked Sadness: An Online Survey PLOS|ONE