Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Start light and aim to add 2.5-5 pounds each week. If you make 5-pound jumps each week the bar will be 35# heavier in week 8.
Performance: 3 x 12
Decreasing reps from week 1 through 8 (12, 12, 8, 8, 5, 5, 3, 3). Work the numbers backward with a goal to press 95% of your 1RM for triples on the final week. Or, start at 60% and aim to add 5% each week (95%x3x3 on week 8).
Post loads to comments.
15-12-9-6-3 Reps For Time of:
Kipping Pull-Ups
Front Squats 115/75
Post time and Rx to comments.
Kate R. made a video of Saturday’s 608 festivities, with a fun surprise at the end. Check it out!
Training Cycle Template
Our new training cycle begins TODAY. You can always find the information below in the left-hand tab under Member Resources, called Training Cycle Template.
Two changes you may notice: we will be doing another eight-week cycle, as opposed to our standard six-week cycles, and we will be phasing out Back Off Week. The rationale behind the eight-week cycle is to prolong the amount of time we have to work on particular lifts and skills. And instead of Back Off Week, which has always included novel programming post-Crush Week, we’re going to use the first week of the next new cycle as a transition week with lower volume WODs and first exposures of the lifts, which are naturally going to be lighter. This will create less down time before cycles, while still staying on track with our programming templates.
Training Cycle Dates: M 4/6 – Su 6/7
Crush Week: M 6/1 – S 6/7
Back Off/Transition Week: Will now be the first week of the following cycle, starting June 8, 2015.
Cycle Goals:
- Strength focus
- Gymnastics warm-ups
- Full versions and multiple reps of Olympic lifts
Monday: Press + WOD/Assistance
Fitness 3×5 Linear Progression
Start light and aim to add 2.5-5 lbs each week. If you make 5 lb jumps each week the bar will be 35# heavier in week 8!
Performance 3 sets across each week, decreasing reps from week 1 through 8
(12, 12, 8, 8, 5, 5, 3, 3) Work the numbers backward with a goal to press 95% of your 1RM for a triples on the final week. Or, start at 60% and aim to add 5% each week (95%x3x3 on week 8).
Wednesday: Squat + WOD/Assistance
Fitness Front Squat 3×5 Linear Progression
If you maintain 5# jumps the bar will be 35# heavier by the end of the cycle!
Performance Back Squat 3×5, VOLUME DAY.
Start light enough to make consistent jumps of 5-10 lbs for 8 weeks.
Thursday: Clean and Jerk + WOD/Assistance
Fitness and Performance – Varied exposures
Saturday: Squat + WOD/Assistance
Fitness Back Squat 3×5 Linear Progression
Add 5 lbs each exposure. If you maintain 5# jumps the bar will be 35# heavier by the end of the cycle!
Performance Back Squat 5RM and Front Squat 5RM, INTENSITY DAY.
Heavier than Wednesday but start light enough to not squat a true 5RM until a few weeks into the cycle. Perform a drop set of FRONT SQUATS after your top set on the back squat. Start at 75% for a set of 5 and look to increase the weight a bit each week.
Sunday: Snatch + WOD/Assistance
Fitness and Performance – Varied exposures
There’s Still Time to Sign Up For the Next Cycle of CFSBK’s Olympic Lifting Program with Coach Frankie Murray
We pushed the next cycle of the Olympic Lifting Program back a week to give people more time to sign up. Don’t miss you chance! Revised dates below.
What: An 8-week Olympic lifting cycle meeting twice a week with Coach Frank Murray and/or Heather Farmer in addition to two open gym or group classes per week.
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays 12-1:30pm from 4/14/15 – 6/4/15 or Mondays and Wednesdays 8-9:30pm from 4/14/15 – 6/4/15. (see full details below)
Price: $300 per 4 weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill charged automatically to the card on-file 4 weeks later.
Noon Cycle
Tuesdays and Thursdays 12-1:30pm from 4/14/15 – 6/4/15
PM Cycle
Mondays and Wednesdays 8-9:30pm from 4/14/15 – 6/4/15
Each cycle needs a minimum of eight participants and is capped at 10 athletes. Both cycles will end with a mock Olympic meet on Sunday, June 7, 2015 at 2:30pm.
A General Feeling of Disorder by Oliver Sacks The New York Review of Books
Professional Rock Climber Shows Us How to Sit in a Chair
Loving and Being Loved The School of Life
The new cycle looks great. I think the integration of BO week into the first week of the next cycle is a very smart move. I always felt that week worked best when it was a rehearsal/hard warm-up for the first week.
6am w/ McDowell and Nick
Press: 115x5x3
Glad to see press is in the cycle.
Metcon: 4:51
All pull-ups unbroken had to revert to kipping from the butterfly on the last two reps for rounds of 12, 9 & 6 but stayed on the bar. FSQ were steady and slow, focused on form and taking a breath at the top of each rep. My body is still wrecked from Saturday's metcon.
Goodbye Back Off Week, I'm gonna miss you. *sniff*
My first WOD at 608. The new space looks amazing!
Press: 55x12x2, 55×9. Maybe could have had one more rep on the last set but that's it. Those are long freakin' sets!
WOD 4:49 with ring rows. I probably should have gone lower volume strict chins as the ring rows were definitely too easy. Kipping does not feel good to my wrist right now unfortunately. Going to see Deb about it in the morning. I've already seen a doctor about it and it hasn't helped — but I've heard awesome things about Deb and Alec and am really hoping I can solve this soon (and without anything invasive). Tired of being injured!
SIGN UP FOR THE OLYMPIC LIFTING CYCLE. Frankie is a spectacular coach and you'll learn a lot. Plus you'll get to eat a ton of burritos after each class. It's a win-win.
Quick make-up from Saturday.
Thruster – worked up to 275. I definitely had more in me, but ran out of time. I'm confident I've got 300. These were fun, it's nice to do heavy work like this.
WOD in 16…something? Maybe 12 or 13? Can't remember.
Did the deadlifts as 20-15-15. These were fine and dandy.
Burpees were burpees.
Swings felt light. Did 25-15-10
The run is what killed me. I am such a slow runner, so everyone else caught up to me or passed me. Really have to work on this.
Post-WOD drinking:
AMRAP beers for 2 hours at an 80% pace.
Finished 5 beers. Was fun. The new space is amazing and I can't wait for all the shenanigans we'll get up to there.
Looking forward to the brand new comp class tonight!
Sign up for Oly class, Dagnabbit!
6am with McDowell and Nick
It has been a while since I did strict press. I was having shoulder issues the last time they appeared in a cycle so I avoided them. Calculating off of a very old 1RM this time around and trying not to tie myself to it if it appears too easy.
Hit 3 X 12 at 75# which were quick and relatively light so I will bump that up next week. Also strict press have always been a dog for me. I have to resist the urge to drop under it and jerk it.
WOD in 5:21 or 5:31. I know it ended in a 1. Broke up the set of 12 and 9 for the pull ups. The rest of the pull ups and all of the front squats were unbroken. I wanted to butterfly kip these and now I wish I had. I would have gone slower and had to break them up more but I would be able to see how they feel in a WOD. Next time.
That video got me a little teary eyed.
Kate, thanks for speeding up my running in the video so I didn't look like an elderly tortoise.
Yes I want all my burpees to be speeded up like that. Though I didn't quite get it – what was the surprise at the end?
I fell off my bike Friday and sprained my wrist. It seems to be recovering pretty well, though there is still some discomfort and weakness. I've been applying moist heat and voodoo floss – any other suggestions for getting better? I don't want to injure it further but I hate not going to the gym for so long – probably will come in tomorrow and see how a light press feels.
Matt, you're welcome. I've got your back.
Mrav, the surprise is just the photo retrospective at the end, and that I willingly slogged through our 20K photos in Flickr to make it. 😉
6am with Nick and McD
Press: 115X5X3
Haven't done these in a while, but felt good
WOD: Finished in 7:18
1st time attempting kipping pull-ups in a WOD and was pleasantly surprised that I got the round of 15 and 12 unbroken. Things started falling apart a little bit in the round of 9, so that slowed me down. Front squats weren't bad, did these nice and slow, but unbroken. Tried to use the time to control my breathing after the pull-ups.
6am. Press: 125x12x2, 125×8. Ugh, 125 was just under 60% of my 1RM, but that 1RM is old. First 2 sets were tough. Last set I failed on the 9th rep with the entire 6am class watching. Pressure fail. I think 60% was an aggressive number to start with. Going to drop 5# next week. Metcon Rx: 4:30. Felt pretty good on this one, though the front squats were slower than normal due to lingering tightness from the deadlifts in Saturday's wod.
Press: 90x12x3. 1RM is nearly a guess since I haven't done a press cycle in so long, but this felt hard for the last reps of each set, so I'm rolling with it.
Metcon Rx: 7:40. All pull ups but the first 3 were kipping singles. Have to work on stringing them together. Front squats unbroken and not much of a problem.
Such a good video Kate!!! The end sequence was such a lovely walk back through time. 🙂 Congrats to David and all the CFSBK crew on the new space and on EIGHT years of fitness and community!
6am with NickDowell
Press: It's great to see this lift in the new cycle! I checked to see where I started out with this for strength cycle, which was 60lbs, so I started there. I think it's going to be a slow progression, but an area I need to keep working on.
WOD: banded kipping pullups and 73# on the fsq. Finished in 7:26. The pullups were the limiting factor for me and continue to be a work in progress.
10 am class
Felt like a great place to start.
WOD Rx'd in 6:32
Moved veeeeerrrry deliberately, but this still burned my lungs.
Great video montage, Kate! Cool song, too.
10am group class.
Warmup–8 mins of handstand practice. Trying to focus on breathing while being upside down instead of just holding my breath and being too tense.
(45×5, 55×5)
-60% of 1RM and those final reps of each set were tough…but manageable.
4:19 rx'd
-all pullups butterfly! Was able to get into a good quick rhythm for these even though I broke them up into 2 sets.
-fsq's were all unbroken and at a steady pace.
Cash Out–800m run in the glorious sun.
also, that video is awesome. Great job Kate!
LOVE the video!
It's the end of a bearded era.
Amazing video, Kate. May or may not have made my eyes a little sweaty.
Press 3*12 @ 95lbs
WOD 5:21 rx'd
12noon w/ Coaches Ro & Fox
Press: Fitness:
95#x5x3 (failed on the final rep)
Coach Ro recommends I do the Performance side this cycle (not bc I'm all performance-caliber, but bc I may not be improving due to constant reseting of weight on lifts I don't do often).
WOD: 32Kg KB (instead of Front Squats)
Moved well thru the workout, however, my Butterfly PUs need a lot of practice.
Good to be back in town.
Wow… that ending montage in the video made me very emotional! Glad to hear I wasn't alone, there. It's been an incredible ride so far. Continued cheers to David and CFSBK!
Came in with an idea of what I might do today, and instead did Invictus comp programming with McD. Ohhhh snap.
Quick warm-up: 3 RDs
Pull-ups (5 strict, then 4 strict + a few butterfly for second two rounds)
Max Push-Ups (22-15-13. blergh)
15 hollow rocks
FSQ – heavy single in 5 attempts or less
45×5, 95×4, 125×3
145 / 155 / 165 (PR) / 170 (PR)
5 sets of:
Snatch from Mid-Thigh x 2.2.2 reps
(rest 10 seconds between 2 rep clusters)
Rest 3 minutes
63 / 73 / 83 (failed 2nd rep of 2nd double). We called it after 3 sets; time was going quick + also… holy crap.
C. Back Squat
5 reps @ 65% – 140
3 reps @ 75% – 160
1 rep @ 85% – 180
All fine. We didn't do the 6×6 at 75%, again mostly b/c we rain out of time, and this would have been REAL TOUGH today.
Cash out: epic afternoon nap.
Performance press @45#
WOD Rx in 7:05.
Was happy I got to WOD in the new space since I was out of town this weekend and missed the grand opening! Congrats, DO!
Loved the video!
Perf. Press at 105. 12,12, 11,75!
Just barely missed the last rep but the volume felt pretty good.
I really liked this WOD. Quick and dirty!
Rx'ed in 4:20.
I would have saved about 10 seconds but I jumped up to the high bar for the last 3 and my legs didn't hear my brain when I said go higher so I missed the bar and had to climb up which wasted a few seconds.
Did all the pull ups butterfly unbroken but broke up the front squats:
9,6 / 8,4 / 6,3 / 6 / 3
6:30 class with Arturo and Noah.
Crossover Symmetry, and came in early to figure out my Perf. pressing numbers. I've been pressing the last few months on my own, so while I haven't tested my 1RM recently, I have a good sense of where it is and checked with David to make sure. Psyched to get on a better program than I was doing solo.
Perf. Press with 95 as my conservative 1RM: 45×5, 50×3, 57x12x3. This felt great.
WOD in 6:30, scaled kipping pull-ups (7-6-5-4-3), 75# FSQ. This is the first time I've done kipping pull-ups in a workout, and it's questionable whether I actually did all of them. A work in progress for sure, but my shoulder feels great.
Cash out: 800m run, 1K slow row outside, and a tabata plank with Megan. Such a treat to be outside so much today!
Also, I'm so glad people are loving the video! I was hoping to get you feeling all sorts of warm, fuzzy things. 🙂
7:30 with Arturo and David
Starting this cycle at 50# for the 3×5. Pressing is a major weakness, I'm hoping to end the cycle at 3×5 at 65# which would be a 10# PR.
Did the WOD solo in front of the comp team and strength cycle across the street because we ran out of rings. It shamed me into not taking rests… hey whatever it takes right? Subbed ring rows and did 75# front squats. finished in 4:38.
Kate- great video!
first time in the new space tonight — i LOVE it!! i'm so happy to be part of cfsbk!
An amazing video by Kate! It's been a long, wonderful ride so far!!
Pre Class
12:00 Row OUTSIDE!! at 16 s/m
4:30pm class with NORO Medicine Show
3 Rounds
15 Air Squats
10 Push-ups
5 Strict Pull-ups
3x :10 Ring supports
Press (Perf)
Harder than anticipated!
Pull-up/FSQ Metcon:
6:19 as Rx'd
everything Unbroken
Day 1 of the new comp team season in the books…theme of this evening: reality check
Even: Snatch complex from floor, hang, power position (ascending weight til failure, then drop weight to complete EMOM)
Odd: 10 burpees
Wish I could sum this up in detail, but after i jumped to 83 lbs for the complex i completely fell apart, had about 7-8 fails here. Extremely frustrating. Didn't have enough time to drop back in weight so I just attempted here until the end of the EMOM. Regardless, it really wasn't the weight, I just don't have the capability to move at a fast pace from these 3 positions yet. I've got a lottttt of work to do here.
Alternating between 1a and 1b, resting 90s inbetween rounds:
1a) 5×3 front squats, pause at bottom for 3seconds
130×3, 135×3, 140×3, 145×3, 150×3
1b)paced strict ring dips: 3s dip,1s hold, 3 sec press
2,1 — 2,1 — 2,1 –1 (total of 10)
Conditioning: Amanda, scaled volume and weight
as prescribed it is:
9-7-5 full snatch 95#
9-7-5 muscle ups
My version was: Completed in 13:51
9-7-5 full snatch 73#
5-3-2 muscle ups
Overall, I'm very happy with today. These movements are complex and I'm completely okay with going at my own pace. After my disastrous warmup, I made sure to slow it down on the snatch. Only 1 miss out of 21 reps. Redemption! The muscle ups were exhausting, esp after all those ring dips. Fun to tackle all of my weaknesses today. A lot of technical things to iron out…but it was awesome to see both gyms up and running, with all this nice weather and both garages open it kind of felt like we were throwing a block party! wooooOOOoo!
also Kate R is a cineMASTER! Thanks to people like you now everyone can see how wonderful our community is. Makes me wish I could have made it to the grand opening, alas, I was too busy skiing/tumbling down the Colorado slopes.
Press: 3×5 @ 95# — felt good.
WOD: 4:33 Rx. This one was fun!