We’re pretty sure Eleanor is excited about all the new offerings for kids at CFSBK!
- Tuesday, 4/14: Pilates with KH is CANCELED tonight.
CrossFit Kids Is Kicking Off on Monday, April 20th!
CrossFit Kids combines the camaraderie and physical fitness of an adult class scaled down to an age appropriate and fun version for kids.
During our launch, we will be offering two programs: CrossFit Preschool for children aged 3-5 and CrossFit Kids for children aged 6-8. Classes will include age-appropriate programming that includes calisthenics, basic tumbling, running, climbing, throwing, and other modalities to stimulate bone density and vestibular system development while improving fine and gross motor skills, coordination, and flexibility. On top of physical development, social and cognitive growth is encouraged through teamwork, problem solving, and building the confidence that helps them make healthy choices.
Most importantly, CrossFit Kids is all about having FUN! Developing a positive association between fitness, physical activity, and the joy of movement is the primary goal of our program. Think of it like the gym class you wish you had growing up! To learn more about CrossFit Kids, please click here: crossfitkids.com
All of our CrossFit Kids coaches and assistants have completed the CrossFit Kids Trainer Course and passed a background check.
CrossFit Preschool and Kids Class Structure:
- Warm-up activity
- DROMs and intros
- Skill work and WOD
- Game
- Cool down
Sample WOD:
Collect the eggs!
AMEAP (As Many Eggs As Possible!) – 3:00 Min
- Alternating partner relay
- Kids will do 3 air squats before running across the gym and collecting one “egg” and running it back and tagging their partner
- We’ll vary the movements (run, bear crawl, etc.) they use to collect the egg to keep the workout fun
Sample CrossFit Kids game:
CrossFit Dodgeball
- Kids will be split into two teams
- Two red balls and two black balls will be placed in the center of the court
- If you are hit with a red ball, step to the sideline and do 5 air squats before re-entering the game
- If you are hit with a black ball, step to the sideline and do 5 burpees before re-entering the game
CrossFit Kids classes will run as 4-week sessions.
Spaces are limited. Sign up now to guarantee your spot. 3-2-1-GO!
Preschool classes (3 – 5 years):
Wednesdays at 3:30pm
Sundays at 10am
Kids classes (6 – 8 years):
Mondays at 4:30pm
Wednesdays at 4:30pm
1x/week – $120
2x/week – $200
1x/week – $102
2x/week – $170
20% discount for siblings (do not have to be registered for the same class).
PLEASE NOTE: You need to RSVP your kids for CrossFits Kids and/or CrossFit Preschool. Click on the Class Schedule and RSVP tab in the left-hand column (under General Information) and select the class for which you’d like to RSVP.
CFSBK Kids Club Is Also Still Running on Sundays at 9am!
CFSBK Kids Club is different than CrossFit Kids, and happens every Sunday at 9am. This isn’t your ordinary kids’ watch program! This one hour drop-off program is designed for children ages 3 to 8, and will keep them engaged with hands-on activities. While you’re working out, your child(ren) will have the opportunity to explore arts and crafts, science experiments, games, and movement. You’ll get peace of mind and they get an hour jam packed with FUN!
You do not need to RSVP to Kids Club through our website, but you do need to sign up at the Front Desk.
Questions about either program? Email Janelle [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com
The Science of Awkwardness VSauce
Online Reflections of Our Offline Lives On Being
Wednesday's Programming
Fitness: Front Squat 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Performance: Back Squat 3 x 5, Volume Day
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Post loads to comments.
Every 4 Minutes for 5 Rounds, perform:
20/15 Calorie Row
10 Handstand Push-Ups
Every 4 Minutes for 5 Rounds, perform:
20/15 Calorie Row
12 Push Presses 115/75
Each round should be a sprint and be complete by about the two-minute mark. The goal is unbroken handstand push-ups and push presses. Scale volume and/or load in accordance with this intention.
Post times and Rx to comments.
Hooray for CrossFit kids! Can we sign up if we have the maturity of a 5-year-old?
Make up from yesterday's comp class, AKA ALL THE FITNESS
7X3 Snatch from blocks (just above knee) – work to a max triple for the day, rest as needed
Did 95-135-165-185-205F-205
Had a weird fail forward on the first set of 205, otherwise these felt good. Tried to mostly go touch-and-go and was able to get under pretty much all of them.
1a) 5X6 Pullups + 4 C2B Pullups + 2 Bar Muscle-Ups – rest 90 seconds
Practiced my butterfly with these, which went well. Didn't get any of the muscle up – these are something that I haven't done in a while and need to practice them more. The squats definitely didn't help.
1b) 4X10 Back Squats – rest 90 seconds
I think I went a bit too heavy on these. Doing four sets along with the pull-ups and minimal rest took a lot out of me.
For time:
75 Double-Unders
50 6″ Target Burpees
25 Hang Power Snatches 155/105#
50 6″ Target Burpees
75 Double-Unders
Woooo boy. This was a tough one. I was already drained from all the other fitness, so this little bonus at the end was even worse than normal.
Burpees went slow, but tried to stay consistent. Snatches were harder than I thought they would be, especially from the hang. Did 4-4-4-3-4-3-3. Definitely could've done them in sets of five, this was a mental game for me. I've got to work on that.
Second set of burpees was hell. This was the closest I've come to throwing up ever in a workout. Finished in 18:18.
Fun start to a new Outlaw cycle. Looking forward to the rest of the week. Hurting today.
muaaahha i was hoping someone would post about comp today so i could just copy and paste the programming…. thanks @Matt Katz!
7X3 Snatch from blocks (just above knee) – work to a max triple for the day, rest as needed
53×3, 58×3, 63×3, 73×3, 78×3, 82×2(got sloppy and failed 3rd), 88×3
Had some small epiphanies here. Really focused on keeping active lats in the setup, which I didn't really figure out how to do until about three sets in. After doing this I was landing much more consistently, not forward nearly as often! It's been nice working from the blocks so i can feel that consistent hang position…which is where I tend to get kinesthetically konfused
: )
1a) 5X6 Pullups + 4 C2B Pullups + 2 Bar Muscle-Ups – rest 90 seconds
Practiced my butterfly with these, I feel like these are about to click! I could string about 4 together before i started flopping like a fish out of water, but I had more control here than i did in the past. I had a mental block against this movement for some reason, but now I have the itch to figure it out
Not sure if I completed the full volume of the complex, worked mostly on butterfly and the transition between C2B and Bar muscle ups..I believe I got two. This is the first time I've managed to organize myself enough to transition from chest to bar to bar muscle ups, which is improvement. Still can't string together bar muscle ups though..I over kip in the extended position, causing me to fly backwards off of the bar in the rebound instead of up.
1b) 4X10 HBBS – rest 90 seconds
130×10, 135×10, 145×10, 155×10
I was a bit conservative on these at first, but wanted to make sure I could handle the weight since I've recently switched back to highbar
For time: 19:41
75 Double-Unders
50 6″ Target Burpees
25 Hang Power Snatches 105 (Scaled to 73#)
50 6″ Target Burpees
75 Double-Unders
Initially I had 63# on the bar. I got through 4, looked up at the clock and saw I was about 4:30 in. Decided to add weight to challenge myself a bit more, so ended up with 73#. Took each rep nice and slow, all singles. I wanted little to no error on these, figured there's plenty of time in the future to go faster! Did 25 at this weight in addition to the 4. Ended up pulling a few from the floor on accident, so there were about 6 extra snatches thrown in here…woof. Burpees were terrible, I simply just ran out of gas at the end.
I slept amazing last night
6am. Back squat: 235x5x3. Each set felt progressively better. I'll do another 10# jump next week. Perf metcon: rounds 1-4 were in the 1:11-1:14 range with the handstand push-ups strict and unbroken. The 5th round was 1:42 with the HSPUs done as 6 strict followed by 2-2 kipping. Finished each row around 0:40. Surprised I was able to maintain the strict HSPUs for so long. Felt good on this one, perhaps due to it being my first workout in the new space.
KHarpz – I totally just copied and pasted it from the Outlaw blog.
And yeah, I passed out immediately last night after all that fitness.
6am with McDowell – Monday's work
Perf. Press: Hit all 36 reps at 100# after failing on the 9th rep of the last set last week. Success feels good – on to 3×8!
Metcon: Heavy deadlifts in metcons are not my favorite thing to see these days with a not so distant history of deadlift related back injury. Decided to go Rx and try to just pace out the burpees so heart rate wouldn't be too high and attention wouldn't be too compromised for the pulling. Finished in 5:03. Plenty of room to go faster, but fine with that time for now.
7 AM squattin', 145x5x3. I think it's OK to go up by 10# each week, at least for now.
Fitness WOD Rx, except I took the push press from a rack. This got horrible really, really quickly. My first round was like 1:24. My last round was 2:40. (I admit that's because I patently ignored McDowell's urging to "push it!" on the last round. I was, all, "I got ALL DAY to do this." But really, when those push presses go, they GO.)
Last night at 7:30
Warm-up was Ken trying to throw me into a muscle-up. Came close twice, but it didn't really work out.
Press – 45×10, 74×8, 95x12x3. 5 pound increase from last week, felt about the same difficulty-wise. Onward to 100+ next week, I think.
WOD – 5:16 rx'd. Deadlifts were no biggie, burpees sucked the life out of me. Started off wearing a belt on this and quickly ditched it in the first round of burpees.
Super excited about Crossfit Kids! I bought a membership for Alex but it said I couldn't RSVP for him until 4/20, is that correct?
10am class today to accompany my friend Lisa to her very first group class, WELCOME LISA! Did back squats at 125x5x3 and took it very light on the rowing/push press WOD at 53# due to some shoulder/neck pain issues. Still wiped me!
Workout at 10am today, a mix of group class and then realizing that because of my schedule I can really just go ahead and stick to the Outlaw program day by day. Thanks to McD for talking this out with me.
WU: random smattering of false grip ring rows, v-ups, a couple strict MU attempts, not great or effective, really…!
Press: 33×5, 45×4, 55×3
60x5x3, non-dynamic.
first week on this; light and fast, as it should be.
outlaw programming from here..
Clean from blocks (knee) 5×3
63×3, 83×3, 113×3, 123×3, 128×3
Jerk from blocks 5×3
83×3, 103x3x2, 113x3x2
Split is short, think about getting LOWER to get feet farther apart.
Brace brace brace!
Modified strength/skill portion since I had already pressed, I don't have a lot of dip volume, and was short on time again…
3 sets:
3 Tempo ring dips
3 Kipping ring dips
Conditioning will happen in a little bit:
Run 1.7 miles from home to gym.
8AM with JessDowell
Rehab pressing: 65x12x3
WOD @185# – finished in 5:40. My back is lit.
Eleanor is definitely excited about the new offerings for kids. Unfortunately, just after this photo was snapped, she ripped her face clean off. As soon as it grows back, she be all over it.
Remember to register for "Get Fit or Be Hacking" happening on May 2! https://www.crowdrise.com/getfitorbehacking/
The "Rx" section is for those who want to do the coding AND fitness (two WODs) competition. The "Fitness" section is for those who want to skip the coding and do just the fitness portion (the two WODs). If you do "fitness" it'll be about 30-45 minutes between WODs during which you can cheer on friends, do mobility work, observe the coding challenge, etc.
We're raising money for a great cause – CSNYC. CSNYC’s mission is to ensure that all children in all 1,700 NYC public schools have access to computer science education that will put them on a pathway to academic success and a 21st century career.
Make up from yesterday, snuck in before 4:30 class to get some lifts in since my schedule has been screwy this week:
95×3 115×2 135 155 175 185 195xM,1* 205xM,M
*Actually had to bail this behind as i was going to take it off the platform and straight into group class, but since I locked it out and started to stand it up I'm counting it as my first make over 85kg in a few months.
Clean and jerk
135 155 175 195 215 235xM (legs gone)
3 position paused clean pull
Pendlay Row
135×5 205x5x3
Then alternating 2 sets each of butterfly pull-up practice and "freestanding" hspu practice, some of which was near a wall so i didn't tumble over.
Then today in the office:
Banded Speed Squat (Blue+red+orange bands, 95#, triangle mount)
135×5 185x5x3
45×5 95×5 127.5x5x3
Barbell shrugs
135×5 245x5x3
Ab wheel roll-outs
BTN snatch grip Sots press
45×5 80x5x3
Goin up on a "tooosday" fun with Ro today.
WU: 3 Rounds
3-5 banded pull-ups (green band, felt super strong, could've even gone down to blue band. Weird–some days it feels strong and some days I feel destroyed up there. I have 1-2 strict pull
ups but they're inconsistent)
10 OHS + 5 BTH press
10 something press w/blue band (yup can't remember the name)
Power clean/press complex:
Pause at the knee, power clean + push jerk
Worked up to #123–felt like this one got too out in front of me but nailed the press so much so that I was a bit shocked at the top.
Conditioning: 5 rounds
200m row
4 leg less rope climbs (from floor to stand)
12kg KB snatches (I hate these, they're awkward and weird and I never do them right)
Good fun. The Olympic lifts are going up and surpassing my old numbers. Biggest goal is to line up my numbers from the hang and blocks with my cleans from the floor #.
4:30 with Whit and Jeremy
Crossover Symmetry
Perf LBBS: 45×5, 95×4, 125×2, 140x5x3
Perf WOD, scaled the HSPU to 4 each round with an ab-mat, which was what I could do unbroken. Second time doing these in a WOD, lots of room to grow and get more comfortable. But I've never done 20 of these, so I was excited. Finished each round in under 1:30.
Then DB rows 3×12 each arm with a 25#, and 30 push-ups to get back on my push-up program leading up to Murph.
Snatch w/pause at knee, 75%x2, 78%x2, 80%x2, 85%x2, 88%x1
264×2* First time ive hit this for a double w/pause
Clean with pause at knee+Jerk
3 position pause clean pulls, Heavyx2x4
weighted dips w/25lbs 3×10,
weighted pulls ups w/ 25lbs 3×7
4:30pm w/ Whit and Jeremy
Press: 120x5x3
Metcon: 3:44 @ 255#
8:30p with lady fox
3 rounds
15 kb swings
10 push-ups
5 pull-ups
3 strict muscle ups
Deadlift burpee metcon
4:22 as rxd
8:30pm with Noah
HBBS: 150x5x3
ANDDD today I learned I have long femurs! – no wonder stupid knee length lululemon capris always look stupid on me.
Rowing/push press WOD at 63#. This was miserable. Row was cake, push press was hell on earth. I think I was muttering all the swear words in the world under my breath. Most rounds finished at around 2:00-2:15 I think?
I really have to work on shoulder mobility. It's so so evident after the first few reps that I push the bar out in front. Blah