Fitness: Snatch 3-3-3-3-3
Work up to a medium-heavy triple. It’s okay to bail and reset for each rep.
Performance: Power Snatch + Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat
Work up to a medium-heavy load on the complex.
Post loads to comments.
20 Minutes, As Many Rounds As Possible:
800m Run
30 Kettlebell Swings
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
We had almost 80 people come out for the OUTWOD yesterday! Check out more photos in our Flickr account.
News and Notes
- SCHEDULE UPDATE: Pilates with KH is CANCELED on Tuesday, 4/14, and rescheduled for TOMORROW, 4/13, at 9am.
- DON’T FORGET TO RSVP TO CLASS: Click on the Class Schedule and RSVP tab in the left-hand column (under General Information) and select the class for which you’d like to RSVP.
- Want to work out today at 9am and bring your kid/s? Now you can! Sign them up at the Front Desk for CFSBK Kids Club, and learn more here.
- Happy birthday, McKensey S.!
Low Back Tweak Fast Fixes MobilityWOD
SI Area Pain: The Basics MobilityWOD
Would love to make today the day when we get a surge in registrations from CFSBK members to "Get Fit or Be Hacking" happening on May 2nd. It's a great cause — CSNYC funds programs that teach computer science in NYC public schools, including and especially schools that serve disadvantaged and under-represented communities.
There are two sections. The first, "Rx", is for those who want to do both the fitness (two WODs) and coding competition. The other section, "Fitness" is for those who just want to do the two WODs, and no coding.
Register at More info at
8am with the Foxes. I worked up to 95# on the snatches. After spending most of yesterday on an airplane, I was expecting all sorts of creakiness this morning, but these actually felt pretty good. Fox's cue to jump up rather than forward on my pull helped a lot here. On the WOD, I finished three rounds plus a run in 21:00 (the clock was at 19:36 as I passed the gate on my way to 4th Ave on my last run, so I just went ahead and finished that 820m). I initially grabbed a 20kg kettlebell, but opted for 24kg after I felt how easy the Russian swings were. As it was, I did the first 2 rounds unbroken and the last 20-10. Feeling all of that in my low back. I'm very happy to be back in the saddle after a week away.
58# on the snatch. I'm pleasantly surprised that I can do them, period! My wrist felt completely fine until the set at 58, then it started to feel uncomfortable so I called it.
3 rounds + 550m run in 21:07 with 20kg bell. I KNEW I should have just run to 4th and back on that last round!
Such a gorgeous Sunday. You guys should all come to pub quiz at 68 Jay St Bar at 5 and celebrate with a drink in hand. The window will be open to let the sunshine in!
Noon class
135 on the snatch complex. Got a few reps in here. Felt a bit off balance.
Slow 3 rounds plus 130m at 53# on the WOD. Felt "good" to be running in the sunshine.
Fitness snatch: 53-58-63-68-73 Finally not pulling too early. Now need to work on dropping under the bar faster.
3 rounds plus a jog to the corner and back. 20kg KB. Run was sloooooow.
Skipped snatches at 9AM class.
Rehab pressing: 60x12x3
Deadlift: 255×5
3 rounds of the WOD plus halfway around the block. Managed to do the three sets of the swings unbroken at 24kg.
Lovely day – good day to be out and about.
Lots of fitness over the past ~60 hours… make up posts:
Friday night comp workout at OG:
Snatches, cleans, and jerks, oh my. Worked up to within 10# of my PR on all three – even though these were from the hang. 175# snatch, 235# clean, 235# rack jerk.
Then, some butterfly chest to bar practice with a 255# 4×3 clean first pull with a 3 second hold at the knee interspersed (less complicated than it sounds). Butterfly chest to bars are getting close to being ready for use in a metcon.
Then, Helen. I was on pace for sub 10 through the first two rounds, but my calves cramped like crazy on the third run. Once the run and KB swings were over and the cramping had subsided, I was afraid to jump to the pullup bar to finish it out. I think it ended up being 11:15 or so. All KB swings unbroken + all pullups butterfly though – so that's something.
Saturday comp class:
Power Oly lifting: Worked to 170# for a power snatch, and 225# for a power clean and push jerk.
Then, 4 rounds of handstand walk practice with some dip squats at 285#. Feeling more comfortable on my hands everyday. Sooner or later it's going to click.
Then, 150 burpees for time. 11:21 of awful.
Dino BBQ cash out – 1/2lb brisket & two sides for time: quick.
Came in to squat instead of snatch (see above). Did Saturday's perf. programming at 315# for HBBS, and 225# for front squat. Both felt quick. Then got through 3 full rounds and the 4th run in 21:09. Glad I had Roy on my heels the whole time to dissuade the idea of sandbagging the run. Anyone who gets through 4 full rounds of that is a beast.
11am class.
Snatch Complex
33 x 1
53 x 1
63 x 2
68 x 2
73 x 2
63 x 1
Going forward and losing my balance a bit. Felt a little rusty today. Mildly hungover too which didn't help matters.
WOD- AMRAP 20mins.
Assault bike 33 cal
30 x Russian KB @20KG
3 rounds, 15 x KB.
I opted for the bike as something happened to my left knee yesterday while running with Maisie. Prob just some IT band stuff but it didn't seem like a good idea to run today.
The Assault bike deserves its name. That was rough.
Comp Class Yesterday:
Power Snatch: Worked up to 93#. Skipped 98 (which I think I could have gotten) to try 103, star-fished, missed.
Power clean+ push jerk: worked up to 128#, but the jerk felt like a sloppy press out, so I stopped there. Stripped it back to 113# to get a cleaner one in to finish it off.
Alternative rounds:
4×5 Dip squats @ 185
Handstand walk practice (gotta get better at these).
The dip squats were super painful on my collarbones, no matter how much I tried to rest the bar on my shoulders. The combo of the pain, holding my breath a bit too much, going upside down a bunch, and lack of food was not a good one. Got REALLY lightheaded on my last set of dip squats, and re-racked it after three. I am actually very surprised I made it back to the rack! I have never felt so dizzy before. :-/
150 Burpees for time: 8:27. Oof.
Followed by pulled pork and Lagunitas. 🙂
Made up yesterday's squats since I was busy running the OUTWOD plus added some of my own stuff.
3 rounds
30 calorie row
10 2" deficit strict HSPU
HBBSQ 225×5
FSQ 185×5
3 rounds
15 cals assault bike
5-6-7 sqt clean and power jerks 135
8am. Worked up to 143# on the perf snatch complex. Pull felt snappy, but wasn't getting down very fast on the hang snatch. Paused at the bottom of the OHS for a few seconds to work my strength in that position. Overall felt good for having not snatched in a few weeks. Metcon @ 24KG: 4 rounds + 130m. Should have gone heavier on the KB swings. 24KG felt light and all rounds were unbroken. Glad to have Aaron pushing me on the run.
4/12/15 cfsbk OG
Front Squat (unbelted)
45×5 95×5 135×5 185×4 225×3 245x3x3
Snatch pull > hang power > high hang snatch
40 50 60 65xM,1 70 75xM,1
Power clean > 2 jerk
50 60 70 80 90
Then Helen head to head with Mike C. Neck and neck till the last round when Mike took off ahead of me on the run. I tried to catch up on the pull-ups but he edged me out. 10:26.