Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 2.5-5 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: 3 x 12
Add about 5% to last week’s exposure.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds For Time:
5 Deadlifts 275/185
10 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
Jason M. ziplining in Costa Rica!
News and Notes
- SCHEDULE UPDATE: Pilates with KH is CANCELED on Tuesday, 4/14, and rescheduled for TODAY at 9am.
- Last fall, Samir C. penned an article for The Allrounder called “Confessions of a Mets and Yankees Fan.” With baseball season upon us, we wanted to share it with you once more!
- Per usual, dozens of new items have been collected in our Lost and Found! Check out shoes and gear here, and copious abandoned clothing here. DOES ANYTHING BELONG TO YOU?! If so, pick it up by 4/23 or we’re giving it away.
- SAVE THE DATE: Our annual Memorial Day “Murph” event is closer than you think! Details here, and registration info coming soon.
Two Updates From Threes Brewing
In case you somehow missed the memo, we’re totally crushing on our neighbors over at Threes Brewing—a brewery, bar, and event space—on 333 Douglass Street. They graciously hosted us after Fight Gone Bad 2014, Iron Maidens, and the OUTWOD. They recently wrote to tell you two cool things:
- Their goal is to turn their backyard into an amazing green space and a symbol for responsible manufacturing. There’s a significant investment required to fully realize the vision and they’re enlisting friends and neighbors to help with a crowdsourced campaign on Kickstarter. Check it out here!
- They also plan on unveiling the (unfinished) yard to the public on May 3rd with a Crawfish Boil from 1-7pm, and they’d love for you to join!
The Moral Bucket List The New York Times
Hip Flexor “Tightness” The Movement Fix
How did you enjoy the sunshine this weekend?
6am with Nick & McDowell
Press: Perf work, 115# x 2 x 12, on set 3 I only hit 9.
I got through everything last week at at 110# so I upped it this week by 5# and that proved to be too much to finish the third round. I'll drop to 112.5 next week and see what happens.
WOD: 3:58 Rx
I've never done this one before, but it has two of my favorite exercises in it so I kinda enjoyed it. I hit the first set of burpees too hard and actually dropped the bar on the first DL of the 2nd set because I got a bit of a head rush. My takeaway is that approaching this like a 3-round sprint was incorrect, seeing as it was 5 rounds and all.
Sunshine + this weekend = Yankees game on Sat, margaritas outside at Jolie Cantina with BK on Sun.
6am with NickDowell. I missed last week and haven't done presses in ages, so I was kinda ballparking where to start the cycle. I think 95 was the right call. I ended the last cycle where we did these at 105 and that was a good while back. The 3×5 at 95 felt good – not light, but not super heavy. I'm looking forward to adding strength here this cycle.
I did the WOD at 185 lbs and finished in 5:14. This was fun – and I was happy to do a shorter workout as opposed to the last few I've done that were in the 20 min+ range.
This weekend, I enjoyed the sunshine by riding my bike a bit and hanging out outside with some friends while our kids played with bubbles and sidewalk chalk. It was glorious.
Hit the 3×12 Presses at 85# and made it through all three sets. Legs started shaking a bit towards the end. This was a 10# jump from last week. I should be at 90# for the sets of 8 next week.
WOD in 5:39 at 225# pounds.
First nice weekend in what seemed like years. Saturday was a little league bonanza with a Parade at 9:30am, a practice at 3:00pm and a game at 4:00pm. Pretty much all day walking back and forth to the park. I wore my 30lb weight vest for about 10 hours straight. Loved it.
QOTD: grilling. And grilling. Gas and coal simultaneously. Glorious.
Loved the David Brooks article – I bumped into someone this morning and afterwards, realized I should have mentioned it to them.
Last night @OG – safety bar skwaats – three sets of 5 @ 165. I could go considerably heavier w that thingy, but not with virtuosity so I am gonna stay there. Maybe forever at this rate. Then Sunday's Wod 3 rounds + 550M w a 20kg bell. Clams run faster than I do…
Finally- anyone know a good local licensed electrician? I have a very minor job. Minor, but I would rather hire someone, because electricity. Hit me up via the emails machine at shpetner at gmail dot com – thanks!
sorry, clarification. Barbecuing and grilling. Ribs and steaks respectively; it matters.
6am with NickDowell
Press: warmup – 45×5, 50×3, 55×2 workset – 60x5x3. I repeated the weight from last week since it was a little grindy, but it felt much more solid today. I'll add some weight next week.
WOD: I was debating whether or not to rx this since I haven't deadlifted in a while, but went ahead with it and was happy that I did. Finished in 5:28, moving at a steady pace throughout.
QOD: I attended my first professional men's ultimate (frisbee) game at the Cyclones stadium in Coney Island!
6am. Perf press: 120x12x3. Last week I only managed 8 reps on the 3rd set at 125. The lighter weight was still rough. Barely made the last rep. Metcon Rx: 5:25. Didn't really push it on this one. Low back was feeling a bit spicy from yesterday's KB swings.
Went to for my daughter's birthday yesterday. Not quite outside, but they do have a garage door reminiscent of CFSBK which they opened. I highly recommend Brooklyn Zoo. The teachers were friendly and quite insane in what they could do on the trampoline and foam pit. About half the 6 year olds at the party jumped off the platform into the pit sending waves of nervous jitters through the on-looking parents.
Loved the sunshine this weekend! I was at the gym for most of the day on Saturday (and not at all warm, as those of you who saw me in my ninja get up know) but went to the park and played some Frisbee and catch (which I am terrible at) for a while yesterday. It looked like everyone in Brooklyn had the same idea.
Came in this morning to do the Comp Programming (or at least last Monday's Outlaw Programming. I'm not sure if this is what the comp class is doing tonight!). Was feeling very tired and hungry, and was a little grumpy this morning!
7×1 Three Position Snatch (high hang, hang, floor): 53, 63, 68, 73, 78, 78, 83. Felt okay today. I got underneath all of them, but my feet were getting wide on the last couple.
Alternating Rounds:
a. 5×3 Pause Front Squat (3 sec), working up to a heavy triple: 113, 123, 133, 143, 153
b. 4×4 3-sec ring dips (3 sec down, at the bottom, up, and at the top)–kept the volume low on this because my shoulder was feeling a little off and I didn't want to burn out for muscle ups.
–feeling very meh during all of this.
Run 800m
30 muscle ups
Run 800m (was running very late so just ran home–which is probably about 1000m after the muscle ups)
I wish I had checked the clock after I came in from my first run. I have never done 30 muscle ups for time before, so I am curious to know exactly how long this took me (I think it was around 7 and a half minutes). Did sets of 3 until I got to 12, sets of 2 until I got to 20, and quick-ish singles from 20 to 30. The only fail I had was on my attempt to do a set of 2 for 29 and 30. Really focused on getting a hip pop in the kip, which made a huge difference when I hit it! I was happy with the way I paced this and broke it up, and for using only one little boost (rather than two boxes) to get onto the rings.
Ack Tom! What'd you do to yourself that you need to use the safety bar? 🙁
Press: 55x12x3. This is the same weight as last week but this time I made all reps. Holy moly, 12 is a long set.
Metcon: 6:30 with 155# DL and 15 American KB swings 24kg instead of burpees. I was vacillating on whether or not to do the deadlifts Rx and I'm glad I didn't — I probably could have managed that had I done burpees, but I'm also still not 100% back to the weights I was at pre-hip injury. That, and deadlifts + KB swings = oh my god, Becky, look at her hands. They are so shot. I did not expect to have to put the KB down as often as I did, and I still have "Fran lung" even though that wasn't Fran!
I'm just glad I can do deadlifts at all. As it turns out I can do switch grip just fine, hook grip not so much.
I promise to do the cash out mobility work at home. I need it (but chose to do wrist exercises instead, since I don't have the equipment to do all of those at home).
Lots of make-up posts from the weekend!
On Saturday, after a nice AR sesh with David, I came in for my intensity squat day at 1pm. Hit 275×5, which is about 80% of my 1rm. Felt okay – a little slow, so I may repeat this weight next week. I hit 205 for my front squats, which was easy. I ended up only doing 3 rounds of the row-bench-chinup NFR work (45-50-60 on the bench), as I was sticking around for OUTWOD.
The OUTWOD workout was a scorcher. I partnered with a nice guy named Mark from CFGP for this:
550m run (each partner)
4 rounds each:
6 squat cleans @ 135
28 DUs
4 rounds each:
6 shoulder to overhead @ 135
9 burpees
550m run
I was beat from group class, so this was tough. We finished in about 34:00. Awesome event with a ton of great people. Super cool vibe. Great to see Ryan J again as always.
Came in for OG last night. I've been trying to do a bunch of skill work, so I started off with 5:00 of DU work, then shifted into MU transitions and HSPU work. Got a lot of great pointers and ideas from Ro on the HSPU stuff, but really I think it just boils down to needing a lot more strength. I need to structure my work a little bit better in the future to accomplish this. I snatched for a bit, working on yesterday's performance progression – 95×3, 105×2, 115, 125, and then since the heavier weights were feeling rough, I dropped back down to 95 for another set of 3. Predictably, snatching is tough if you tire out your shoulders a lot. I joined Todd in doing Helen afterwards. I never really had a burning desire to do this one because #fuckrunning, but I figure I need to actively seek out the stuff I don't really want to do and try and get better at it. Rx'd it in 10:21. All swings unbroken, pull-ups went 6-6, 5-5-2, 4-3-2-2-1. Had a chance at getting this under 10, but the pull-ups fell apart in the last round.
Three's is also where we're doing for the after-party of "Get Fit or Be Hacking". If you haven't yet, please register! Register at The "Rx" section is for those who want to do both the coding and WODs. "Fitness" is for folks who just want to do the WODs, no coding.
It's a great cause! CSNYC funds programs that teach computer science in NYC public schools, including and especially schools that serve disadvantaged and under-represented communities.
Sign-up today!
10am class
4:33 Rx'd
Thought I might be scaling this since (which the wife advised) but I warmed up to 325 and felt good so decided to just do it methodically. Not near my best time on this one but I was very happy to be able to do it Rx'd. Went hard on the final 10 burpees.
Post Noon class
Squat (since I'm getting some tattoo work today that will prevent me from squatting)
Felt good. Will still make a 10 lb jump next exposure.
Back to my Russian bench press cycle after a three week break.
Started off on a recovery day.
45 x 5
75 x 4
90 x 3
100 x 2
110 x 2 x 6 (85%)
12PM class with Fox and Arturo.
Press (performance)
33 x 5
43 x 4
55 x 12 x 3
Need to get the breathing right on this.
5 x DL
10 x burpees
5:21 Rx'd 185#
Burpees were really slow, but I'm ok with that. Still a bit scared.
Grilling, chilling, and playing softball. So nice to be outside in the sun.
Press – 100x12x3. Moved well. Maybe should have gone to 105
WOD – 3:27 rxd. Happy with that time. May be a PR but I have to check my records to be sure
Noon class with FoxRo.
Perf press 3*12 @ 105lbs
5 rounds
5 dl @ 275lbs
10 burpees
4:09/4:10 was my time
Once I finished I saw the clock at 4:09 then immediately
Go to 4:10 so I'm not sure which one to call it.
4:30 with Ro.
Crossover Symmetry
Perf Press: 45×5, 55×4, 62x12x3. Oof.
WOD at 155# in 5:19. Fuck man, that legit felt awful. I could feel every bit of how little I've deadlifted the last six weeks or so.
Punished myself on the bike for about 12 minutes, but I pulled it onto the sidewalk in the sun, so it was still pretty great.
Went to Equinlox with a friend today in Marina del Rey. Posh but Olympic lifting situation was less than ideal. No bumpers, no ladies' bar, no bailing…
HBBS – max x5x1
45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 155×3, 165×2
175x5x1 (90%)
Fast, knees stayed out
45×2, 75×1, 95×1
Abandoned due to unacceptable conditions
Press – 85% x 3 x 2 (63#)
45×5, 55×5, 60×3, 65x3x3
70×2, 75×1 fast, 80f (no fractionals)
High Hang Power Snatch (pausing at knee and hang) + OH Squat
45#x2, 55#x2, 65#x2x3
Dreading the red-eye but CANNOT wait to be home
Also missing CrossFit
QOTD: Lifting in the sun, golf, motorcycles.
HBBS 10RM, -5%, -10%x10
Behind Neck Push Press 8RM, -5%x8, -10%x8
Bent Over rows, 8RM, -5%x8
GHD situps: 4×15
Performance press @48#. Failed the last rep of the last set. Burned out.
Got extremely light headed, nauseous and jittery during the press so almost skipped the WOD. I figured I would try the first round and keep going if I felt better. I only slept a few hours last night and ate pancakes today (leftover from brunch at Luluc's) and I'm not used to eating so much sugar so I think I was crashing. Felt fine once I started so I completed all 5 rounds. Wanted to try the WOD @175 or 185, but went with 155# instead. Completed in 4:46. Took my time on the burpees, but didn't take any breaks during the WOD.
Dear Diary,
Went to lift today. Only squats and GHDs. Ro helped with my bum arm. Left my recovery drink in the fridge. CFSBK – please don't throw away?
5:30 w/ Coach Ro
Press: Performance:
I've never attempted Performance before, so this cycle will be interesting.
5:08 205#
I was going to go with 225, but went at 65% of my PR instead. If only all of my decisions were so easy, beneficial and positive…
5:30 with Ro
Glad to see he's healing quickly!
Perf press 105 3×12.
The first 2 rounds went up well the last 3-4 of the 3rd set were a bit rough. Resting at the top like a thruster and then getting some bounce off the chest reeeeeally helps! That and pushing,y head through towards the end got the last one up.
Did the WOD rx'ed in 5:28. If I devivde 275 by 345 (my 1 rm) that gives me 80%. Does that math work out? Either way it felt really good the whole way through. The burpees slowed me down, not sure why but they gassed me!
Fun to make a comp team appearance tonight, since I usually have clients at that time. Flew back from Chicago this afternoon, sat in a cab for close to 90 minutes, did a few quick things at home, and then came out. Nutrition was terrible today and I drank two bourbons and about a thousand beers on Saturday night, so… felt a bit mushy coming in.
Snatch off blocks (just above knee): 7×3
53×3, 63×3, 73×3, 83×3, 88×3 (1st and 3rd were power snatches), 93×3 (1st was power snatch). 93# = 82%
-Def don't want to reinforce that habit of catching higher when it gets heavy. Frank made a good note that I was pulling up in the first moment or two, when really from the hang I should just be shifting through. Made the change and it felt much better.
Pull-Up Skill: 5x 6 pullup (practiced butterfly, 5-1 or 3-3 mostly), 4 C2B (2-2, or 3-1… these are feeling better), 2 bar muscle up (gave a few tries, but it's not there, yet. I don't have the height in my kip. need to practice!)
Back Squat: 4×10 (non-maximal, heavy)
(45×5, 95×5) 135×10, 140×10, 145×10, 150×10
-lightheaded after the last 3 sets
-wasn't really tight enough in first 2 sets, then I got serious about it
-this was hard and spiked my HR, but I think it would've felt better if I hadn't had a travel day today. also good to get more reps under the bar at once for mental reasons
WOD: for time
75 DU
50 burpee (extend and reach up)
25 Hang Power Snatch (I scaled to 65 off 105 rx)
50 burpee
75 DU
Time: 14:53, i think. I am second guessing if it was 13:53
-went lighter on the snatch since it was HPS, my hand was close to tearing, and my shoulders felt smoked already. in hindsight, 75 would've been the better scale, and I need to suck it up and start pushing to heavier weights on these.
Ran 1 mile before working out…trying to prep for this crazy Murph workout! It was SO HARD, probably because I ate horribly over break. Wish I would've had luluc's pancakes though, KLove :*(
Did the white kettlebell for the first time today during warmups. Not bad at all–I'm all grown up! Did Toes to Bar but am pretty confused: should I work strict T2B keeping legs straight, moving slower… or should i work kipping T2B bending my knees and move quickly!? I'm so confused!
As for the WOD, I was really conflicted about what weight to do. I kept debating the low rep vs. fast time. Did 1 set at 115, then felt unable to do unbroken for all 5 sets so I dropped down to 95. Overall pretty disappointed….wanted to have a good workout after a week of shitty eating. Oh well, yolo.