Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Start at about 90% of where you left last cycle.
Performance: 95% x 1, 75% x 10
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 3 Minutes:
Clean and Jerks 135/95
Rest 3 Minutes
AMRAP 3 Minutes:
7 Toes to Bar
7 Push Ups
Rest 3 Minutes
AMRAP 3 Minutes:
Calories Rowed
Barbell should be light-ish. Toes to bar and push ups should be mostly unbroken. Row HARD.
Post load and Rx to comments.
Our two CFSBK teams at CrossFit Solace’s February Fling yesterday. Huge congrats to Alex B. and Coach MeLo on taking third place!!
News and Notes
- Coach David has a new post over on his blog Inside the Affiliate about programming Not For Time work at CFSBK. Check it out to learn more about our programming: “Turn Off the Clock: Why You Should Program Not For Time Work at CrossFit Gyms.”
- Have you signed up yet for the 2015 CrossFit Open? We’re now 17 days away from Open Workout 15.1! There will be Rx’d and scaled versions of each workout, so you can only help CFSBK’s team by signing up. Sign up here, and after you complete your registration, make sure to join CFSBK’s team (you can see everyone who has already signed up here).
- Happy birthday, Rob P.!
Join Us For a FREE CrossFit Kids Teaser Class Monday, February 16th!
You’ve been asking us about CrossFit Kids! While we’re putting together the program, we want to give you a sneak peek of what to expect when we launch.
CrossFit Kids is not just a scaled down version of adult classes! It combines gymnastics, body-weight movements, and weightlifting elements that encourage bone density and vestibular system development. Children have a great opportunity to maximize their physical skills when exposed to this stimulus during years of peak physical development. Classes are designed to be engaging, fast-paced, and most importantly FUN! Kids will learn proper mechanics and gain a lifelong love of health and fitness.
Spaces are limited. Sign up now to guarantee your spot. 3-2-1-GO!
Preschool (3 – 5): Monday, Feb 16th at 8am
Kids (6 – 8): Monday, Feb 16th at 10am
Not Competing In Iron Maidens, But Interested In Helping Out?
We are looking for a few strong women to volunteer during the day! Please email margie [at] TODAY if you’re interested in one of the following jobs, and indicate which shift(s) work for you (all shifts subject to slight change). You won’t want to miss being part of this epic day.
4-6 women who have experience lifting and spotting, and are relatively strong. You MUST be comfortable responding quickly to calls for spot and working with a team to keep the lifters safe. Shifts are roughly 9:30am to 1pm and 2:30pm to 5ish.
1-2 women who can weigh-in competitors and take opening attempts weights. Shifts are 8:30-10am and from 12-1pm.
2-4 scorers who are comfortable using USAPL software to enter competitors scores during the meet. Will train scorers on software. Shifts are 9am-2pm and 1pm to 5pm.
1 or 2 volunteers to fill in where needed, and help sponsors get set up.
Shifts throughout the day
Astounding Workout Art Barstarzzz
Secrets of the Animals That Dive Deep Into the Ocean BBC
Amazing Time-Lapse Film of National Treasure BBC